The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 274: Profound Dao 8 Realm

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Suddenly, a soft medicine, from the Xuelian Dan, slowly spread out, and then absorbed by Qin Yi's body.

What surprised Qin Yi was that Xuelian Dan's medicine was actually cool, which made people feel very comfortable. The whole person was in the cool wind like a hot day.

After an hour.

Qin Yi's body has absorbed Xuelian Dan cleanly.

He took a closer look at his physique, and found that his physique was strong again, and he couldn't help being secretly happy.

Of course, if the effect of a snow lotus is great, it is impossible.

"Xin Tang!"

After taking Xuelian Dan, Qin Yi thought of Xin Tang, the second-ranked disciple of outside schools.

"Challenging Qi Ping, who is ranked 13th, I have to urge all the seeds of the two elements of earth and fire, and then perform the first form of" The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon "to be able to overcome it. In the middle of the half-step, the strength will be unimaginably strong. With my current combat strength, I am afraid that I cannot win. "

Qin Yi carefully analyzed the gap between himself and Xin Tang, and felt that he could not overcome Xin Tang with his current strength.

What's more, before the third form of "Seven Demon Forms" has not been obtained, he doesn't want to easily display the second form of "Seven Demon Forms", which is his final hole card.

Ever since he met the grey robes of the second "Tongrenguan" and the last big "Tongrenguan" in the entry test, he always felt faintly. This magic trail is not as simple as what he saw on the surface. There are many deeds that are not known to the world, and it is very necessary to keep a strong hole card for yourself in case of a critical moment.

"To defeat Xin Tang without performing the second form of" The Seven Forms of Heavenly Demon ", I'm only afraid to achieve the cultivation of the Xuan Dao 9 realm."

Qin Yi made such an inference.

He exhaled lightly, without saying a word, when even taking Shiqi Yang from Hegong, the 10,000-year-old Ganoderma lucidum that came from the pit, and then served it.

"Bee ..."

Qin Yi gasped.

The 10,000 year old Ganoderma lucidum is too medicinal.

Qin Yi only felt that there was a big fire burning in his body. The pain caused him to burst into a cold sweat. The meridians in the body came to the edge of burst in an instant.

The Ganoderma lucidum of 10,000 years is not taken by people of his level at all, it is a sect medicine.

Fortunately, the familiar ancient aura in Qin Yi's left hand rushed out to suppress and reconcile the 10,000-year-old ganoderma.

Soon, the medicinal power of 10,000 years of Ganoderma lucidum became soft, and it seemed to be a warm current.

The medicinal power of Ganoderma lucidum in 10,000 years is vigorously rushing out, and the major meridians in Qin Yi's body are how the devil absorbs the continuously flowing medicine power to Dantian, and then transforms through Dantian Profound qi, which is transported back to the major meridians.

With the continuous flow of profound energy, Qin Yi's meridians and bones are constantly expanding and rising to a higher level.

"really not bad."

Can clearly feel that his body is constantly climbing, Qin Yi's heart, joy.

The effect of Ganoderma lucidum of 10,000 years is different. He estimates that if it is given to people at the early stage of Xuandao 7 Realm, only one plant will be needed to break through to the middle of Xuandao 7 Realm.

Of course, it is unrealistic for practitioners of Xuan Dao 7 Realm to take 10,000 years of Ganoderma lucidum.

Even if he has reached the cultivation level of the middle of Xuan Dao 8 Realm now, if he has a mysterious left hand, he is already dead in this stone house at the moment.

After three hours, Qin Yi's body finally absorbed all the 10,000-year-old ganoderma lucidum's power.

At the moment when the last trace of power was absorbed.

"Pappa ..."

In Qin Yi's body, there was a sound of bone breakthrough.

With his breakthrough, a great breath came suddenly from his body, making his black hair full of fluttering.

At the same moment, a dark ancient demon qi, in his eyes, slowly glanced over, making people frightened, and his body was followed by a trace of devil qi.

At this moment, he really seemed to be a distant immortal era, breaking through endless time and space, and coming to this world.

He is constantly demonizing, and every time he makes a breakthrough, the signs of demonization will regain a little bit. Although the changes are extremely weak, if you observe carefully, you can still observe them.

Qin Yi knew nothing about the scene that was being demonized infinitely.

The scene of Qin Yi's demonization disappeared completely in an instant, and Qin Yi's whole person returned to normal.


With a sigh of relief, Qin Yi smiled slightly: "The late Xuan Tao 8 realm!"

Going further, it is the Xuan Dao 9 realm, which is also the pinnacle of Xuan Dao. In the words of Tian Xinghou, it is the final stage of the "foundation".

After breaking through this stage, it can be regarded as a real step into cultivation-"the mean"!

Only when you reach the mean, the door to the truly vast and mysterious world of cultivation will you open to yourself. Qin Yi knows that the present self, in the real world of cultivation, is just a drop in the ocean.

Qin Yi felt quite satisfied after taking a closer look at the changes in his body.

"However, with my current strength, it is still not realistic to defeat Xin Tang without using the second form of" Seven Demon Forms. "

Qin Yi secretly said.

Next, he temporarily stopped practicing, but took out the strange book in the non-alchemy field of "The Medicinal Materials of the Thousand Detailed Spectra", from his brain, analyzed it, and mastered the characteristics, attributes and applications of the medicinal materials recorded above.

Because of the existence of the mysterious left hand, he mastered this knowledge at a very fast rate. Most of the time passed, and he already had a preliminary grasp of "The Thousand Species of Medicinal Materials".

Such a speed, I do not know how many times faster than those super alchemists. You know, those super alchemists must do this for decades.

After having a preliminary grasp of the "Detailed Spectrum of Medicinal Materials", Qin Yi then transferred the contents of the three books "Introduction to Alchemy", "First Explanation of Danhuo" and "Baicao Qianshi" in his mind.

With the foundation of "The Great Spectrum of Medicinal Materials", Qin Yi found that the contents of these three books were so simple to parse. Even though the "Baicao Shallow Knowledge" that felt a little tricky before was clear at the moment.

One day passed.

Qin Yi returned to the pharmacy, and through Qin Yi's alchemy master, he obtained some books on alchemy knowledge and copied the contents into his mind one by one, and then analyzed them.

This book comes from reading


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