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"Broken Nine Forms-Ninth Form!"

Qi Ping's face was fierce, and he was the last and the strongest of the nine types of breaking the sky. He shot hard towards Qin Yi.

However, the indifferent voice came suddenly: "The Seventh Form of the Devil-the First Form!"

All of a sudden, Qin Yi's demeanor changed drastically, as if he had suddenly come here to an immortal ancient demon king, his body even suddenly lingered with a faint ancient evil spirit.

At the same moment.


The fire element seed at Qin Yidantian suddenly burned.

In the sound of a "papapa" bone transformation, Qin Yi's left hand became wide, which is a veritable magic hand.

Zhang Kuan ’s left demon, with a desperate breath of death, with a piercing sound of breaking the sky, ushered in Qiping ’s strongest move, the ninth type of breaking sky, and shot away.


The ninth and ninth types of the broken sky are directly broken.


Zhang Kuan's Tianmo left hand, as he moved forward, the wind screamed and slapped on Qiping's body.

Qi Ping's body, which looked like a copper casting, flew out more than ten feet away, and "boomed" down to the ground, the dust flying, and the whole earth flickered faintly.

Qiping defeated!

Everyone here, including Na Xin Tang, opened his mouth in amazement, and the whole person was completely petrified.

A Maotou kid who was only in the middle of Xuan Dao 8 realm, even Qiping, who ranked third on the outside disciple list, was defeated!

This is simply incredible!

At the beginning, Xin Tang and some high-level wizards thought that Qin Yi had devoted all his energy to the practice of physical defense, and would not do much.

However, Qin Yi's next performance was like two big mouths, "snap" and "snap", pumping **** their faces, making their faces hot for a while.

"Ha ha……"

Outside the court, Yang Shiqi's allure was full of charming smile.

At this moment, she was in a very happy mood, really fast.

Long Yan, who was beside him, also exhaled a long breath. In fact, when he saw Qin Yi shot, he knew that Qin Yi would win, and he still knew quite well about Qin Yi's combat power.

"Illusion, this must be an illusion!"

Princess Taiping, her eyes blinked incredulously, whispering in her mouth, she could not imagine that Qin Yi even defeated Qi Ping, who ranked 13th.

Those ordinary outside disciples were also overjoyed. Qin Yi defeated the alternate inner disciples in one fell swoop. They really raised their faces for this group of ordinary outside disciples. They could finally raise their eyebrows.

Those alternate inner disciples shut up completely. In their minds, too, the giant muttering of Princess Taiping emerged: "Illusion, this must be an illusion!"

"Today's last challenge, ordinary disciple Qin Yi, challenged alternate inner disciple Qi Ping's success, the number of alternate internal disciple disciples and the ranking on the leaderboard will be cancelled and replaced by Qin Yi.

After a while, Master Linghutang froze for a while, then came back to announce the result, and then gave Qin Yi a meaningful look. This young man, shocked him, was deeply shocked, and even gave him a feeling that the dragon would not see the end!

Hearing this result, Qin Yi exhaled secretly and finally succeeded in becoming an alternate inner disciple. He already had a foot and stepped into the threshold of inner disciple.

On that day, the Master explained two or two points: First, he became a disciple of the inner door. Second, find a backer.

Now, he can be regarded as a half disciple of the inner disciples. Next, Yang Shiqi and Long Yan are two. How to make them disciples of the inner disciples needs this opportunity.


A strong spiritual coercion, silent and gentle pressure came, so that Qin Yi and the four of them, in a moment, were faintly breathless.

The hearts of the four people were surprised, and they looked forward, only to see that in front of them, a silver-robed man came towards them, and there was an impeccable charm between them.


The four could not help frowning. What was he going to do?

Everyone else around looked at Xin Tang in surprise.

Xin Tang came to Qin Yi slowly, stood still, and looked at Qin Yi with a predominant attitude. The eyes of the vulture made Qin Yi's skin cold and extremely uncomfortable.

However, Qin Yi looked at him without evasion.

"Boy, you're not bad. I'm Xin Tang, the second-ranked disciple of the outside disciples. I have a chance. I want to learn from you?"

Xin Tang smiled faintly.

On the whole field, there was an uproar. Xin Tang, the second-ranked disciple on the outside disciple ranking, was now fighting against Qin Yi! What to discuss is just to express the "challenge" more euphemistically.

"Xin Tang didn't always think highly of him. Among all his disciples, didn't he always think that only Xue Bichen, who was ranked first, would be qualified to fight him? Now, he has taken the initiative to fight against Qin Yi."

Many people are confused about Xin Tang's behavior.

"Xin Tang just decided that Qin Yi's combat power was not good. As a result, Qin Yi showed an extraordinary offensive power. This is equal to the slap in the fan Xin Tang. With Xin Tang's temperament, how could he not find this place? Qin Yi challenged him, he just wanted to prove to everyone that Qin Yi's attack power is very garbage. Now that Qin Yi is miserable, he will definitely be mistreated. "

Some outside disciples cast their gazes on Qin Yi's misfortune. Among all outside disciples, Xue Bichen was the only one who could contend with Xin Tang. At this moment, Xin Tang was writing a war to Qin Yi, didn't he make it clear that he wanted to abuse him?

"You are strong, but I will not flinch. If you want to fight, I will fight!"

Qin Yi smiled lightly, neither humble nor overbearing, and showed no hint of retreat to Xin Tang's challenge.

If a Xintang can't be settled, how can he complete it, the order of the ancient **** Kyushu?

The cycle of reincarnation has already begun, and the second era of mass destruction is coming. He needs to become the strongest in the shortest time, and he cannot be afraid of any challenge.


Qin Yi actually agreed to Xin Tang's challenge!

Everyone was stunned, the phrase "You want to fight, I will fight" echoed in the ear, clanging powerfully, so that their bodies were boiling blood.

Xin Tang was also shocked. He did not expect that Qin Yi had no fear of himself.

Yin Yin smiled, Xin Tang nodded slowly: "Very good, your courage, indeed commendable!"

After finishing his speech, Xin Tang no longer delayed and turned away.

What happened?

Princess Taiping on the side shook her head towards Qin Yi sympathetically.

Yang Shiqi and Long Yan also sighed helplessly and defeated Qi Ping. Who knows, at once, they jumped out of a more powerful Xintang.


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