The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 270: Battle Qiping (Part 1)

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Qi Ping is too powerful, and the level gap with Qin Yi is too big. You know, Qin Yi's current cultivation is only the middle of Xuan Dao 8 Realm, while Qi Ping has already entered the state of Zong Dao.

"It's okay, I have my own balance, and the defeat is equal. It should be no problem."

Qin Yi smiled faintly.

If the defeat is even, shouldn't it be a problem?

Princess Taiping on the side, blinking her eyes vigorously, she couldn't think of it. Qin Yi could still be so calm when facing a strong man like Ping Ping. Where did he come from?

Without delaying time, Qin Yi stepped up, slowly came across Qi Ping and stood still.

In an instant, he gave the illusion that it was not a teenager, but a sword that was out of the sheath.

"Boy, yes, you dare to come out to challenge me, I admire your courage."

Qi Ping was condescending and grinned at Qin Yi with disdain. With his smile, the beast-like wildness in him became stronger and stronger.

"I said, your alternate inner disciple places, I want it, why wouldn't I come?"

Qin Yi's expression was calm and his voice was gentle, but it made people's hearts feel a sense of inexplicable majesty.

"It's a big talk!"

Qi Ping disdain sneered: "Three strokes defeat you!"

Three strokes defeat you!

These four words, like a giant hammer, knocked **** the hearts of everyone present, and the entire performance of the martial arts field was for a short period of silence.

Even Qin Yi himself blinked in consternation. He didn't expect that Qi Ping would only allow him three moves, which made him cry and laugh.

"Haha, very good, Qi Ping, just three strokes, beat this little boy who knows nothing!"

The alternate inner disciples outside the field only felt that the blood was boiling in the body at the moment, while those ordinary outside disciples looked sad to the extreme.

"Three strokes defeat me?"

Shaking his head lightly, Qin Yi said lightly: "I'll take three moves from you, and don't fight back. If you can knock me down on the ground, you will win."

Saying that, Qin Yi secretly urged the earth element seed at Dantian, "Teng", the earth element seed burned at his Dantian, and instantly his physical defense doubled.

"I won't fight back with your three strokes. If you can beat me to the ground with three strokes, even if you win ..."

Qin Yi's words rang in everyone's ears. All of them seemed to be petrified. It was hard to believe their ears.

Qi Ping was also stunned and directly refused to fight back with his three strokes. The kid in front of him was simply insulting him.

"court death!"

Qi Ping's rage, that body like a copper casting, instantly burst into a huge inner strength of the Taoism, and the tall body rushed towards Qin Yi like a beast: "Broken nine styles- The first form! "

He put out his palm and split a blade with a width of a full foot. The blade with a sharp roaring sound came out of the air and came straight to Qin Yi.


The huge blade of energy was very chopped on Qin Yi's body. Qin Yi's lines were still. His clothes were hunting. His black hair was blown back by the wind.

"one move!"

Qin Yi said lightly, at Dantian, the earth element seeds were burning wildly.

He was secretly happy in his heart that he had cultivated the "Vajra Heart Sutra" to the fourth level. "Vajra Heart Sutra" reached the fourth realm, ignoring all the attacks of the Xuan Dao strong.

Now, after refining the "five-grass pollen powder", the physical defense has really reached an appalling level. With the seed of the earth element, it can resist the three-level attack of the flush, should not be a problem.


Everyone present blinked incredulously.

Unbelievably, Qin Yi actually carried Qiping's full strength, with no harm at all.

"Good physical defense!"

Everyone sucked in the air, and even the attack of the strong sect could not harm him.

Xin Tang, who had always been somewhat interested in the challenge, opened his eyes slowly on the chair again, showing a little interest in the young man standing proudly in the field.

"How can it be?"

Qi Ping also showed a strong shocking color, blinking his eyes, it was so surprising, the boy's physical defense in front of him was so violent.

After a little stunned, Qi Ting's tall body shot out towards Qin Yi again, waved his palm and slashed: "Broken Nine Forms-Second Form!"

This type of power is much stronger than the first type, and the space around the huge blade is distorted by the impact.


The huge blade of energy chopped on Qin Yi, and Qin Yimeng withdrew a big step. The body of Xuan Dao was full of energy, and he was madly surging. The huge blade of energy on his body still left no scars.

"Second move."

Qin Yi looked indifferent.

"Get me down!"

Qi Ping roared, this time without any hesitation, the third type followed suddenly, the palm strength of this type was two feet wide, and the internal strength was like a violent wave, rushing towards Qin Yi.

This type of splitting on Qin Yi, Qin Yi just felt like a big mountain, striking towards himself, a burst of qi and blood in his chest.

噔 噔 噔!

He really stepped back a few strides, but he didn't fall down. He was slightly weak and stood upright like a javelin.

Qi Ping's third form of breaking the sky left a flesh wound on his body, not even the bones.

"Three strokes have passed!"

Qin Yi's expression was at ease, and his black hair fluttered slowly. The whole person seemed to be integrated into the natural avenue, and there was a perfect breath throughout his body, without any flaws.

Three tricks!

Qin Yi really resisted Qiping's three-style breaking the sky!

What kind of physical defense is this?

On the whole field, there was a silence, almost needle-dropping.

Qi Ping looked at the young man standing proudly there, and there was a strong sense of frustration in his heart. Before that, he never expected that one day his full strength will be on an outside disciple, Only a little wound outside the skin.

"Qin Yi, your physical defense is pretty good!"

Lord Linghu Tang nodded slowly. In today's challenge, he said for the first time that he was so sure of a challenger.

After a short period of silence, the Yanwuchang shouted loudly. Those ordinary outside disciples, one after another, were full of blood, spirited, and Qin Yi's physical defense, which really opened their eyes.

After witnessing the fiasco of the first three ordinary disciples, they have been completely discouraged. Whoever thought that this last battle, Qin Yi did not take action, he resisted Qiping three moves.

You should know that Qiping ’s external disciples are ranked 13th in the ranking, and you can imagine how powerful they are.

On the other hand, those alternate inner disciples are all stunned there. An ordinary outer disciple, with such a strong physical defense, is unbelievable, and even makes them self-confident.


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