The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 268: Challenge alternate inner disciples (middle)

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"The expected result, ordinary disciples, how can there be strength to compete with alternate disciples, challenge? Look for abuse!"

Some of the alternate inner disciples, however, had an obvious arrogance on their faces. They were quite disdainful to the ordinary disciples in front of them.

Faced with the disdain and scorn of those disciples who made up the inner disciples, many disciples of the outer disciples were dissatisfied, but they did not dare to speak out at will, because "complementing the disciples of the inner disciples" was indeed a height they could hardly reach.

Qin Yi was not surprised by Zhang Qiujian ’s defeat. From the beginning to the end, he urged his left hand to enter an ethereal state. As soon as the battle began, he felt that the two ’s patriarchal strengths were comparable, but in terms of institutional defense Zhang Qiujian is slightly worse than Peng Hua, and if the battle continues, Zhang Qiujian will inevitably be defeated.

"In the first game, Zhang Qiujian failed to challenge Peng Hua. The quota of Peng Hua's alternate inner disciples remained unchanged."

Lord Linghu announced.

For such a result, many ordinary disciples who failed to enter the ethereal state like Qin Yi and had insight into Qiuhao felt sorry for Zhang Qiujian.

"The second challenge, ordinary disciples often right, challenge alternate disciple Liang Ji. Start!"

With the fall of Linghu Tangzhu, both Changyou and Liangji came to the field. Changyou's stature was extremely tall, making a bright machete very powerful.

Liang Ji, on the other hand, appears to be sloppy and the weapon he uses is a folding fan, which sets him off like a weak scholar.

People who use folding fans as weapons are extremely rare. Prior to this, Qin Yi had only seen Xuan Yangge and used folding fans as weapons.

Because of the shape, the use of folding fans as weapons is extremely demanding in terms of agility.

Of course, the folding fan used by Liang Ji is obviously higher than that of Xuanyangge's stainless steel folding fan. Liang Ji's folding fan is made of ancient jade.

Qin Yi once saw this kind of folding fan in the weapon shop, the name is "Sun and Moon Qiankun", which is a middle-class ordinary weapon and has great power.

And the knife in Chang's right hand should be a "wind-wing knife", which is also a medium-quality product.

"This time, Chang Zuo should be able to challenge success."

Seeing Chang Zuo's extremely tall figure, the ordinary outside disciples present were all looking forward to it, hoping that he would be able to fight for the group of ordinary outside disciples.

Liang Ji, who he challenged, was too ordinary, and his breath was not right.

"Every ordinary disciple who wants to shake the ranking list? Ten moves to win you."

However, the faint words spit out in Liang Ji's mouth made the ordinary outside disciples present to the audience, all of them stunned, and immediately, they were irritated.

Ten tricks to win you!

It's too much to take ordinary outside doors into consideration.

"Chang Zuo, beat him to the ground!"

All the ordinary outside disciples were immediately angry and filled with indignation.

Those alternate inner disciples are quite disdainful. In their view, the challenge of ordinary outside disciples is a joke.


In the center of Yanwuchang, often holding the wind winged sword with his right hand, the unusually tall body exploded towards Liang Ji, and the end was the mighty to the extreme. Will defeat.


Liang Ji did not panic, holding the sun and the moon, and greeted Liang Ji, and the two immediately fought together.

With his unusually tall body, Chang You danced the wind-wing knife across the squares. On his body like an iron tower, the majestic sect was surging, and the blade of the wind-wing knife split like a row of mountains and sea. .

His style of play seems reckless, but in fact he is quite shrewd. He knows that he is better than Liang Ji in cultivation, so he wants to overwhelm Liang Ji with his body.

However, Liang Ji's body was directly transformed into a residual image of Dao and Dao, as if ghosts and charms, it was unpredictable, and his body was extremely mysterious, which was in sharp contrast with Chang You's fierce punching.

"Tongtian Seven Styles!"

Chang You roared and exhibited his unique skills. The seven types of Tongtian are extremely powerful swordsmanship. One style is stronger than the other. When he hits the seventh style, he is almost fused with the sword. The realm of unity of man and knife.

Qin Yi in the crowd frowned slightly, and he remembered that the former disciple of Xian Shizong, the leader of the genius summit in Phoenix, once played the trick of uniting the sword, but he did not expect to see similar moves here. .

"Smoke waves around the moon!"

Liang Ji's mind was calm, and he also played his own unique learning. His figure instantly became like a wave of smoke, constantly winding Changyou, just restraining Changyou's toughness.

Take Rou Gang!

For a while, the two were tied, and no one had the upper hand.

One challenge and one challenge, such a challenge, is so wonderful. Everyone watching the battle around has their eyes wide open, for fear of missing a detail, it will cause regrets for life.

Even those high-level seniors who are immortal, could not help staring at this challenge, and then commented on it: "Both are good, often right on" Gang "and" Momentum ", to the extreme, Liang Ji is in the "soft" and "charm" almost reached the point of reaching the peak. "

A tough and soft showup aroused the passion of everyone present. Even Xin Tang, who had been scornful of such challenges for a long time, gazed slightly and showed a trace of interest.

Over time, those alternate inner disciple disciples were quelled by the extreme "Gang Yang" of Chang You, and they began to doubt Liang Ji's combat power.

And those ordinary outside disciples are getting more and more excited. The two of them are going to take ten tricks, but Changyou still has no sign of falling.

Then at a certain moment.

"Ten tricks!"

Liang Ji slammed suddenly.

As the sound fell, Chang You, who had no trace of defeat, suddenly flew out and fell to the ground with a bang.


How is this going?

Everyone was stunned by this sudden scene, blinking in disbelief.

Ten tricks, Chang You said that if you lose, you will lose!

In such a scene, even Qin Yi saw it inexplicably. He kept entering the ethereal state, observing the battle between the two, and one second before Changyou's defeat, the two were still equally matched.

Qin Yi turned his mind slightly, and he wanted to understand the reason. It was Liang Ji who had been suppressing his true strength. It didn't burst out until the tenth move.

It can be said that this is just humiliating Changyou!

But this is also enough to show that the strength of the alternate inner disciples is indeed very strong.

"Huh! I have said that, you gang of ordinary outside disciples, also want to shake the quota of our alternate inner disciples, wishful thinking!"

Liang Ji stood proudly in the center of the performance martial arts field, and said coldly, at this moment, his seemingly gentle body showed a breath of breath, which made all the ordinary disciples present were impenetrable feel.


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