The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 253: Five strokes defeat you!

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"Are human's ultimate enemies ... beasts?"

Qin Yi thought such a thought, but he quickly denied.

Impossible, no matter how powerful a beast is, it cannot be a human opponent, and it is impossible to directly destroy humans.

"So, what is it that destroys mankind? Even the existence of King Kyushu, Emperor Sakura, Great Emperor of Time and Space, and even King Ren can't defeat it?"

Qin Yi frowned.

But there is no doubt that he cannot think about any result, because now he has not yet been qualified in this field.

After a whole night of cultivation, Qin Yi did not feel exhausted at all, and he was extremely full of energy. This is the advantage of training "Fate of Life" to its peak.


Early the next morning, Qin Yi opened the door.

"Boy, clean my dirty clothes!"

Qin Yigang opened the door and heard an arrogant voice.

He frowned, and saw the visitor, who was the Shizhou who intentionally ran into his new gang of disciples yesterday. Shizhou's tone is commanding, and it cannot be resisted.

After he finished speaking, he threw a piece of dirty clothes directly in front of Qin Yi, turned around and walked away without even looking at Qin Yi.

Undoubtedly, Shizhou was bluffed by Qin Yi and the three of them yesterday, but immediately, he deliberately inquired about the potential of Qin Yi and the three of them. When he heard the result, Shizhou was furious and felt himself Qin Yi three people played.

So early this morning, he deliberately got a dirty dress and threw it in front of Qin Yi.

Qin Yi was too lazy to glance at the dirty clothes on the ground, flicking it at once, a huge internal energy, directly tearing the dirty clothes to pieces.

Qin Yi's move made the new introductory disciples who heard the door open suddenly stunned, and immediately, a joyful look appeared on everyone's face.

I'm just afraid of watching a good show.

Sure enough, Shizhou, who had not yet walked far, heard the movement and looked back. The clothes that had been torn to pieces on the ground were furious after blinking in disbelief.

"Boy, you are dead!"

In a blink of an eye, Shizhou rushed back.

All around, he was soon surrounded by newly-entered outside disciples, including Feng Yu and Princess Taiping.

Seeing this scene, everyone burst into blood.

Qin Yi even shred Shizhou's dirty clothes directly, causing Shizhou's anger. Now, Qin Yi wants to shoot, I'm afraid he can't help him anymore.

"Something, you just come here."

Looking at the furious Shizhou, Qin Yi always understates.

Everyone around, with bright eyes and a lot of excitement, even rubbed their hands there. This time, Qin Yi really wanted to take action to stand up for their new gang of disciples!

Qin Yi's combat power can defeat the 9th largest copper man, but how can he fear a Shizhou?

"Huh, everyone, come and see, the five-bellied body, dare to scream at this magic trail!"

The extremely angry Shizhou actually shouted suddenly.

His name immediately attracted many foreign disciples.

Looking at the young man standing proudly like a javelin, many foreign disciple disciples showed disdainful expressions on their faces, some of them behaved indifferently, and did not take Qin Yi in their hearts.

"Qin Yi ..."

Feeling that many of these foreign disciple disciples had a terrible breath, Yang Shiqi couldn't help but worry.

A silver-haired dragon is also subconsciously leaning against Qin Yi, leaning against it. The silver hair with his head drifts slowly, and in his eyes, there is a hint of crazy fighting intention.

"It's okay."

Qin Yi smiled faintly.

He did not believe that these foreigner disciples dare to rush up together? You know, here is the magic trail, a detached super sect, it is impossible to allow such a thing to happen.

If they come up to challenge one by one, Qin Yi has no fear at all, he has absolute confidence, and he will do it one by one.

"Have you guys seen it? With this kid, the first level of the entry exam has only the potential of five rings, haha!"

Shizhou laughed.

"Poof ..."

Some foreign disciples, after hearing the "Five Rings", couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The potential of the Five Rings is extremely reluctant to enter the Magic Trail, and among the geniuses of the Magic Trail, it will definitely be the bottom of existence.

What's ridiculous is that the young man with the lowest potential is facing a group of foreign disciples alone.

"Now, this kid tears my clothes into pieces. I have to teach him a lesson, suppress and suppress the arrogance of this group of new beginners, and let them behave in the future. Everyone is optimistic, within ten moves, I will take him Can't get up on the ground. "

Shizhou looked mad.

He suddenly became a little excited. With so many foreign disciples present, he just happened to be able to play awesome,

The sudden changes in the situation made the newly-introduced disciples become bitter.

Qin Yi's combat strength is strong, but now, so many foreign disciples come at once.

"Ten strokes? Too many, five strokes defeat you!"

Qin Yi shook his head lightly and said lightly that he stood there, forming a momentum of his own, and the whole person seemed to be integrated into the natural avenue, impeccably.


Five strokes, defeated Shizhou!

All the people present thought they had misheard and blinked in disbelief.


You know, Shizhou, that is the pinnacle of Xuan Dao 9 realm, Qin Yi only allowed him five moves!

It's so **** boiling!

All the new disciples who entered the outside world, the previous bitterness, disappeared in an instant, and replaced it with strong expectations.

"Five tricks to defeat Shizhou, I have touched the field of Zongdao, I have no confidence in the defeat of Shizhou within five moves, this kid is so rant, is his brain caught by the door?

Some foreigner disciples, with disdain on their faces, felt that Qin Yi's brain was broken.

"It's a big talk!"

The corner of Shizhou's mouth twitched fiercely. In front of so many foreign disciples, Qin Yi actually said that he had defeated himself by five strokes.

In an instant, Shizhou's body burst into a strong breath.

"Boy, get me down!"

Suddenly, he moved, and the whole person was like a leopard, rushing hard at Qin Yi, and the space around him instantly twisted slightly.

So powerful!

With this shot from Shizhou, there was an exclamation around him. Basically, the newly-entered outside disciples here were the first time that the strong man who saw the peak of Xuan Dao 9 Realm shot.

Shizhou's fist is almost perfect. All the new lay disciples present felt the power of this fist and could not help but fight a cold war.

"Jumping beam clown!"

Qin Yi was disdainful and sneered, and he suddenly disappeared in place.


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