The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 238: See you again Makita

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The first genius of the entry assessment!

All the people present suddenly looked at each other, and their eyes were full of disobedience. Naturally, these people also included Xi Xuan'er, Princess Taiping and others.

However, Qin Yi and the three of them were indifferent in their faces, and they had already explained to them beforehand. They must lower their posture and not be too eye-catching.

Facing everyone's dissatisfied gaze, Feng Yu smiled: "You really don't want to disagree, and you will know when the entrance examination is completed."

The entry assessment of the magical fairy trails adopts a point system.

For some of the details, on the way to come, Tianxing Hou has clearly stated to Qin Yi and the three of them that the entry assessment is divided into three stages, and each stage is divided equally by the person in charge.

After all three stages have been evaluated, they will be ranked according to the total scores obtained in the three stages.

Undoubtedly, the younger the higher the ranking, the greater the advantage. After entering the Magic Trail, the more likely it is that a senior sect will be regarded as a disciple of the family.

At this moment, Feng Yu's goal, pointing directly to the first place, naturally caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

However, no one dares to challenge Feng Yu easily.

Because his cultivation practice in the middle of the Xuan Dao 9 Realm is indeed the first among all teenagers, which means that his strength may also rank first among all teenagers.

If you go up to the challenge bravely, I am afraid that you will be brutalized!

"Cultivation is high, strength is strong, then what? Potential is the key."

"Indeed, if it has its own potential, cultivation is no matter how high and its strength is strong, it is temporary, and sooner or later it will be surpassed."


Some talented teenagers were angry and muttered, but they never dared to go up and challenge easily.

Although the entry assessment of the Magic Trails is based on the Zonghe results, the potential still occupies the most important part.

Regarding the slapstick of the younger generations, the older generations who accompanied them just smiled and did not care.

As the rising sun rises, those mists of morning mist gradually disperse, and some of the mountains around them become visible.

"Hey, look at it quickly, is that the magic trail?"

Someone exclaimed.

There was a rage in the hearts of everyone, and they hurriedly looked away.

In the distance, a huge fairy mountain stood there, surrounded by a gorgeous ray of light, and it was impossible to see clearly the scene above that fairy mountain.

There is no doubt that that is the core of the alliance of nations: the magic trail!

Suddenly, all the people's faces, the look of longing and excitement appeared.

The magic trails, second only to the power of the Kyushu Holy See, is the ultimate dream of almost all practitioners. It is huge, solemn, and mysterious. Even a king like a star star, who was in the magic trails in the past, is just A small role.

Looking at the distance, the dreamlike magic trails, the tall body of the star star, trembling slightly, the magic trails, for many people, it is an unreachable paradise, but for him , But it was a nightmare.

The magic trails are immortal and the glow is shrouded, and the world cannot see its true appearance.

Suddenly, the gorgeous glow slowly separated to both sides. Suddenly, the true appearance of the magic trail is revealed in the eyes of everyone.

It was a paradise-like world, with small bridges and flowing water, clear stone steps, and even a few fertile fields.

The palace is built in the middle of that fairy mountain, layer by layer, magnificent and magnificent, luxurious style.

"The Xiaguang screen is the mountain gate of the magic trail. Now that the mountain gate has been opened, the entrance examination will begin soon."

Tian Xinghou reminded everyone to say.


That Xiaguang screen turned out to be the mountain gate of the magic trail!

Everyone exclaimed, the magic trails were really extraordinary, and even the mountain gates were all a glow screen!

Such a mysterious mountain gate, most of the people present were unheard of before.

Qin Yi's heart was also a little shocked. He urged his left hand to enter the ethereal state. Immediately, he discovered a phenomenon that ordinary people could not find, and only saw those wonderful lines faintly flowing in those glows.

"This is a magic circle!"

Qin Yi immediately made such a judgment.

He was a little difficult to calm down, and the magic trail was actually in a circle.

In this way, it is not surprising that the magic trails are like a paradise.

Uh, uh, uh!

Several figures, from the separated rays of light, burst out, the feet occasionally tapped the branches, a few breaks, and came to the square.

The person headed by is a middle-aged man with a fat figure, his eyes are like electric awns, and he swept slightly over the crowd, and everyone suddenly felt a strong spiritual coercion.

"Have seen Lord Linghu!"

Tian Xinghou and others hurried forward to give a gift, with a very respectful attitude.

Lord Linghu, also known as the Foreign Affairs Lord of the Immortal Trail, was the boss above Tianxinghou in the past.

The talented young people who took part in the entrance examination did not dare to make it and hurriedly followed Shi Li.

Feeling the extraordinary spirit of the host of the Spirit Fox Hall, Qin Yi secretly urged his left hand to enter the ethereal state and spy on his cultivation behavior, but when he saw his body, his blood was vigorous, very strong, and an extremely powerful inner strength, from him Silently distributed.

That ’s not mysterious!

This Linghu Tangzhu is a strong man in the field of Zongdao. He exudes the inner strength of the Zongdao, and the inner strength of the Xuandao, which is higher than that of the Xuan Dao.

"Really powerful!"

Qin Yi was terrified that this person's cultivation behavior was several times stronger than that of Tian Xinghou. If he wanted to kill Tianxinghou, he was afraid that only one face photo would be enough.

Since leaving the Xiangu epoch in the past, he has met such a powerful person for the first time in addition to the half-faced King Serow.


Qin Yi felt cold all over his body, as if stared at by a poisonous snake.

This kind of feeling is very familiar. Qin Yi's heart was awkward. Looking at that feeling, he saw a familiar figure standing there, looking at himself lightly, with a lazy smile on his face.

Black robe youth congratulations!

That's right, this person is the young man in black robe who took away Makita from Tianxing Mansion that day!

But beside He Gong, Makita, who had not seen for many days, was actually Huo Ran standing there.

Qin Yi did not expect that when he first came to this magic trail to participate in the Rumen assessment, he would encounter Makita.

But when I thought about it, Qin Yi was relieved. Makita's temperament was extremely competitive and he would appear here. Presumably he came to watch his entry assessment.

Seeing Qin Yi in the crowd, Makita's mouth twitched obviously, but that Mu Na's face was slightly proud.

Today, he is already a true disciple of the "worshiping immortals", and Qin Yi, even if he can pass the entry test, is unknown.

"Qin Yi, I hope you can pass the entry exam."

Unexpectedly, Makita came over in diameter and said to Qin Yi very seriously, the words were quite clear. Between him and Qin Yi, there is a world war.


Tian Xinghou's voice, with a little coldness.

Shocked by Makita, he dared not make another attempt and bowed his head to the side. After all, Tian Xinghou was his former master, and the awe in his heart still existed.

"Uncle Zhan Yan, we meet again, don't come unharmed!"

He Gongwang looked to Tian Xinghou, a handsome face, always with a lazy smile, looking a bit evil.


Tian Xing Hou Qingming snorted, did not answer.

Everyone else in the room saw the mustard between He Gong and Tian Xinghou and looked over curiously.

Especially for Xi Xuan'er, a pair of water spirits blinked a few times, and looked at Qin Yi, but they were somewhat gloating.

In response, Qin Yi just smiled lightly and didn't care.


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