The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2206: Battle of the Silver Lord

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"It's fast!"

Looking at the Lord Yinxue who suddenly appeared in the distance, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang were slightly surprised, staring at each other.

They used to know the strength of Lord Yinxue in Gudifeng in the past. They have seen it now. They have a feeling face to face. The strength of Lord Yinxue is afraid of being seen far from Gudifeng. It's a lot stronger.

Qin Yi ’s spiritual consciousness covered the radius of 200,000 square feet. In the sense of Qin Yi ’s spiritual consciousness, Lord Shura and the dozens of pinnacle masters of Sun and Moon gods are still more than 100,000 , And the Lord Yinxue has already come to them.

From this speed alone, it can be judged how powerful this head of the four holy lords of the Sun and the Moon Church is.

"The strength of the Lord Yinxue, compared to the previous Qian Qiushui, I'm afraid it's not inferior."

Qin Yi made this judgment when looking at the Silver Snow Lord standing there quietly.

Yan Meiniang on the side also agreed to nod.

"I want to see, how powerful are the people who are chased by the Sun and Moon gods?"

Lord Yinxue had slowly turned around, slowly raised the silver sword in his hand, and pointed away at Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang.

Her voice was soft, but there was an extreme indifference.

This kind of indifference is not pretended, but a person standing at the top, his mood changes, ignores everything, and reveals a sense of indifference in his bones.

"Very well, we also want to experience the true strength of the heads of the four holy lords of Sun and Moon Religion."

Qin Yi smiled faintly, flipped his palm, and took out the smoke cloud spear.

Although the power of the skeleton weapon is much larger than that of the smoke cloud spear, Qin Yi is still more accustomed to fighting with a spear.

The Yan Meiniang beside him said nothing, and the Blue War Sword had been caught in her hand unconsciously.

"Okay, let you see the true strength of the heads of the four holy Lords of Sun and Moon Religion."

Lord Yinxue raised the sword. The brilliance on the silver sword in her hand was quickly fading away, and soon it became simple and unpretentious, but the murderous intention revealed through the sword body became stronger and stronger.


Amidst the tenderness, the main body of Yinxue Sheng flickered and disappeared directly in place.

At the next moment, she appeared in front of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, raised her sword toward Qin Yi's chest, and stabbed hard, reaching the limit of speed.

But the silver sword had not yet pierced Qin Yi, and a sudden pain came from his chest, as if it had been pierced by the silver sword.

Now Qin Yi's physique has reached a height that ordinary Emperor Daoists can't reach for life, coupled with the armor of the Heavenly Soldiers, their strength is imaginable. With such an effect, how powerful she is can be imagined.

Yinxue Lord's attack was too fast. Qin Yi wanted to avoid it. It was too late. He could only use the smoke cloud in his hand to hit the silver sword that the Yinxue Lord stabs fiercely.

However, with his attack, a strong ancient demon qi also blew out with it.

"This ... you turned out to be a big devil!"

Looking at Qin Yi's body, a burst of black and magical energy suddenly burst into the air, and Lord Shengxue could not help but be stunned.

In her slightly stunned spirit, Qin Yi's smoke cloud spear had already hit her silver sword fiercely.


A sharp, piercing loud noise almost punctured the human eardrum.

Lord Yinxue's arm holding the sword was numb, and the tiger's mouth suddenly cracked, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

When the guns and swords collided, was that turbulent air wave more like the ocean and the sea, and the three people who were present rushed out fiercely.


But it was the graceful and charming body of Yan Meiniang, who suddenly jumped into the sky again after flying upside down. After drawing a beautiful arc in the air, the blue war sword in his hand kept going toward the Silver Snow Lord in front. The stab away, the battle sword in his hand, the blue awn loudly, like a blue sun, dazzling, killing intentions.

Almost at the same time as the sword, the blue-mantled Dasheng's war sword pierced the eyes of Lord Yinxue.

The strength of Yinxue Saint Lord is naturally not covered. Even if he does not look at it, the whole person becomes a silver awn, just like a dragon out of the sea, going up against the sky.


Yan Meiniang's blue war sword, with a monstrous killing intent, passed underneath the feet of Lord Yinxue.

She had just evaded Yan Meiniang's sword, a green mane, and was rushing from the distance very fast. It was Qin Yi holding the smoke cloud spear that had soared to tens of feet long, and stabbed fiercely. come.

"Get out of here!"

The Lord Yinxue drank with a sigh, and the silver sword in her hand was suddenly instilled by her profound energy, and it soared to tens of feet in an instant. With a sharp cut, a huge silver awn was like a silver moon sprinkled at night. Run towards Qin Yi.

The spear in Qin Yi's hand agitated suddenly, and the huge silver awn was smashed into a shattered one, and he still stabbed away toward the Lord Snowy Snow in front.

The three of them, furiously fighting together, as the head of Yinxue, the head of the four priests of Sun and Moon Religion, has strong strength and is staggering. Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang joined forces, although soon She had the upper hand, but for a while, she was unable to take her down.

These three top powerhouses fought together, and the scene was conceivable, a wave of air was coming out, and all the flowers and trees within a thousand feet were smashed into pieces.

The ground beneath them had already been shattered by the majestic air waves. Like spider webs, cracks came with huge criss-crossings, which continued to extend forward.

At a certain moment.

Qin Yi suddenly shouted: "Meiniang, the Lord Shura in front of them, and the Jiulong son in the back, they have all been killed!"

In the fierce battle with Lord Yinxue, his spiritual consciousness still enveloped an area of ​​about 200,000 square feet, and in the scope of his spiritual consciousness, whether it was Lord Shura in front, or The sons of Jiulong in the rear have all arrived.

With a loud shout, Shennong Ding suddenly appeared on Qin Yi's chest, and suddenly rose to a square.


Shennong Ding, with monstrous coercion, quickly printed towards the Lord Yinxue.

"What the hell?"

Feeling the coercion of the Shennong Ding, Lord Yinxue frowned, his eyes radiating from his eyes suddenly became sharp as if the two stems had substance.

next moment.

She actually couldn't avoid it. She held a silver sword in her hand and spurred toward the quickly-printed Shennong Ding. It was terribly shocking.


The silver sword of Lord Yinxue stabbed on the Shennong tripod, puncturing a dazzling spark.

It's just that Shennong Ding is one of the ten ancient artifacts of ancient times, but in fact, the rising star of the Holy Snow Lord can shake it? The Shennong Ding, who had seen each other, was only slightly stagnate, and was quickly printing towards the Lord Xuexue.


Looking at the very fast-printed Shennong Ding, the exquisitely carved face of Lord Yinxue was finally rare with a look of horror.


In her stunned god, Shennong Ding has been stamped on her graceful and graceful body. The Lord Yinxue only feels that the internal organs must be smashed. She was uncomfortable, and her whole person was printed and flew out suddenly.

"Kill the Silver Snow Lord, at this moment!"

Qin Yi screamed, and suddenly a thick murderous intention appeared in his eyes, and Yan Meiniang carried their respective weapons, killing the Silver Snow Lord who was flying down.

With this attack, he also once again surging a thick dark magic energy, as if it were a peerless demon head that existed in the ancient times, broken and endless time and space, came here.


At this moment--

In front of Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang, a sea of ​​blood suddenly appeared, rushing towards them.

To be precise, it was a **** hair, which was thousands of feet long, sweeping the gusts of roaring wind, and swept towards them head-on.

"This is ... Lord Shura is here!"

Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang were caught flat-footed and both were stunned. They hadn't waited for them to recover. The blood that covered the sky and the sun bound them all at once.

As they were bound by the blood, the two of them immediately felt that there was unparalleled power in the blood, which made it extremely difficult for them to breathe in an instant.

"The two Maotou boys, who want to make waves in front of my gods, are really ridiculous!"

With a powerful cold sound, Lord Shura has appeared.

At this moment, his body had soared to several feet, and he was rushing towards this place. The red and naked upper body was surging with a wave of blood. That scene, with Qin Yi in the past, they encountered in the Devil Mausoleum The blood ghost is exactly the same.

The only difference is that blood ghosts are immortal!

In the blink of an eye, Lord Shura had rushed to within a few hundred feet, standing proudly there, giving a sense of uprightness.

He controlled the blood, bound Qin Yi and Yan Meiniang in the air, raised his huge head, and looked at them with disdain: "I'm still these two boys, what three heads and six arms, provoke the whole **** Teach, all come out to chase them down. "

"Master Shura, our four great masters, just count you and Lord Fenglei, the most stupid and reckless."

Lord Yinxue has come to the side of Lord Shura. He ca n’t even bother to look at Lord Shura. He just looks up at the sky, Qin Yi and Yan Mei Niang bound by the blood of Lord Shura. .

"Master Yinxue, I don't like to hear your words. You know, now I saved your life. If it wasn't for me to arrive in time, should you be a corpse now?" "

Lord Shura's face was unpleasant.

In his body, there seems to be endless blood, which keeps rising and instilling into the blood hair to deliver energy for the blood hair.

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