The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 51 The Purpose of the Territory

Ignoring the female warrior, the dwarf couldn't wait to take the [White Wolf's Claw] from Xu Yichen's hands. Fortunately, the dwarf was judged as a humanoid, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to pick it up.

Carefully observing the sharp blade in his hand, the rough fingers left by years of blacksmithing stroked along the direction of the blade inch by inch, as if what he was holding was not a weapon, but the most charming half-elf dancer in the city. The dwarf in the middle of the night did not have the usual laughing and joking appearance, his eyes were as steady as a stubborn stone, focused and serious.

The witcher's weapon forging process is complicated and cumbersome, using more than one material and craftsmanship that are not familiar to outsiders. Every craftsman who has heard of the reputation of this weapon is extremely curious about this legendary weapon, just like Same as dwarves now.

Although the witcher organization monopolized the production of Valyrian steel mines many years ago, this metal is extremely rare in the outside world. However, as a distribution center connecting the old and new continents, the dwarves have also handled it several times. Although the quantity is not too much each time, it is enough as an additive, and the effect is amazing! The metal part of the flail used by the female warrior is repaired by using this special metal as an alloy as an additive.

To the outside world, the biggest secret of the witcher's weapon is how to integrate the characteristics of biological tissues into the weapon! The secret of using dragon blood to make equipment is circulated among the top craftsmen, but that is mainly because dragons are high-ranking creatures, their blood is naturally highly active, and it is relatively easy to fuse with various substances.

Only the magic hunter's craftsmanship, using the biological components of chaotic creatures, can create an anti-chaos effect that is completely contrary to the effect! This is the secret that the masters of metal have been trying to crack for a long time.

Now the carrier of this secret is in the hands of the dwarves. The dwarves greedily examine the long sword in their hands, touching the sword from the head to the tail, and seeing the breech from the blade, observing inch by inch, taking it one by one. Touching, trying to find out the secret hidden in the long sword.

I don't know how long it took, the dwarf sighed, and handed the [White Wolf's Claw] to Xu Yichen in a dispirited manner, as if he lost interest in continuing to explore.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yichen couldn't help asking curiously.

The dwarf replied bitterly: "I can't tell anything except that it is a good sword. There is nothing special about it. There are no extra magic runes and seals. There is no magic potion added. There is no mosaic magic stone used. Nothing. .I used the most practical hundred exercises, and without conducting destructive research, I couldn't see anything. Although it's a pity, it was within my expectations."

The dwarf looked puzzled, and walked back to his room talking to himself, as if he completely forgot that there were two customers in his shop.

"Don't worry about him, he also looked like this when I got my flail last time, I'll be fine after a while." Vittoria pulled a chair from the corner with a look of no surprise Sit down: "Xu, where is your land deed, take it out and have a look."

Xu Yichen took out the territory certificate Antoine gave him from his interspatial bag and handed it to the female warrior: "You told me about the battle group before? You must have this thing to establish a war group?"

Vittoria looked at the proof in her hand: "Tsk tsk, Antoine is so generous, a total of five hectares, plus a castle! It is located in the Black Forest 30 kilometers east of Port Antoine. You are also a The lord is now, but you need to cultivate it yourself, because no one has lived in this place for almost ten years since the last lord died of dysentery."

The female warrior gloated and returned the proof of the territory to Xu Yichen: "I saw the lieutenant of the local army before, looking for ways to get a territory all over the city, because the establishment of a battle group must have its own territory, do you want me to help you stabilize him? Are you willing to pay for this thing?"

Xu Yichen didn't care about the female warrior's jokes. This territory was not necessary to him at first, not to mention that he later robbed Antoine's treasure house with the shadow assassin Colin, and he was already satisfied. As for the establishment of a battle group, Xu Yichen thought about the players he had met since he entered the game. He really didn't know when he would be able to meet the minimum requirement of 10 people.

I heard from Vittoria before that about seven or eight players gathered together led by Conrad Wasilewski, and nearly half of them were from the local army in the EU, and they were playing the game with Lieutenant Conrad. We have known each other before. Seeing how many of them there are, there are also two maintenance engineers from the EU who are also mixed with them, and there is still a scattered Southeast Asian player who is also acting with them for the time being.

The colonial fleet that Xu Yichen was in was an unplanned fleet. At the beginning, in order to take care of the international situation, and also to prevent some small countries from jumping over the wall in a hurry, and to add a direction of exploration, the five permanent members formed an additional colonial fleet, mainly composed of non-permanent members from other countries.

Among them, the relevant technical personnel, security personnel and fleet guards are still under the control of the Wuchang, including the fleet itself is also jointly built by the Wuchang, and the relevant countries only contribute as the funder. This fleet itself is also an attempt to openly cooperate among the five permanent members to verify each other's technologies and learn from each other's strengths.

Therefore, although there are as many as 30,000 colonists in the entire fleet, there are actually less than 2,000 crew members in control of the fleet. The others are just dormant as passengers and do not participate in the actual management of the fleet. Among the nearly 2,000 people, 300 people from the five permanent members respectively occupy the quota, leaving less than 500 internship places for the rest of the countries.

In the game, what Xu Yichen didn't know was that most of the players were the descendants of the early colonists in the Far South, and they descended directly into major cities or gathering places. Only some players with a single attribute of more than 15 points were randomly scattered in the wild, and their advanced tasks were arranged to better integrate into the world.

As elites selected from nearly 2 billion people, the volunteers in the Huangtu District are among the top group of people even among the special missions of the five permanent member countries in terms of personal quality. Therefore, most of Xu Yichen's fellow villagers are still struggling to survive in the perilous wilderness of the Far South Colony, completing their advanced tasks.

A small number of lucky ones who have completed advanced tasks like Xu Yichen entered other cities and started their own game journey. Of course, there are still some unlucky players who fell in the first mission even though they had one-in-a-million aptitude. They need to wait 8 hours in reality before restarting the game in a nearby city. In addition to deducting 3 points of stamina In addition, the opportunity to change background occupations was also lost.

According to incomplete statistics, most of the engineers and scientific researchers with high intelligence attributes in the colonial fleet failed to complete their tasks, which basically conformed to the advancement curve of the aboriginal spellcaster profession.

PS: It's a good idea to test the waters. . . The editor gave it a cover, what do you think?

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