The Game of Demon Hunter

Chapter 24 The relationship among peers

Along the map, Xu Yichen watched as the surrounding buildings suddenly changed from wooden to high-rise houses made of stones. Sha, the pedestrians walking around have gradually increased a lot of rangers and mercenaries with weapons on their backs.

"This way! Xu!" Vittoria waved to Xu Yichen from a distance, her extraordinary height and voice were particularly advantageous at this time.

Following Vittoria's guidance, Xu Yichen walked into a large-scale blacksmith's shop, and passed through a metal door with a peculiar shape. There was an ear-splitting sound as the metal collided, and the crimson flame blew in the air. Bring out clusters of sparks. From his point of view, this is almost a metal processing factory that has begun to take shape, and the productivity is much higher than expected.

"Is this the Thunder Hammer Blacksmith shop you mentioned?" Xu Yichen had to raise his voice so that his companions could hear him due to the noise around him.

Vittoria pointed to a metal processing bed in the distance: "This is it! Look, I'm talking about him!"

Looking in the direction of Vittoria's finger, Xu Yichen knew why this place was called the Thunder Hammer Blacksmith's Shop.

A short man with a potato figure, maybe not as tall as Vittoria's legs, with bare arms almost as thick as a normal person's waist, was hitting the shield in his hand with a square hammer with a short handle.

Every time the hammer strikes, there are lightning flashes, hot flames rise in the oven, and the waving hammer is dazzlingly white, pure, dazzling white, like a flashlight, making people unable to look directly at it, even if it is a few meters away Xu Yichen could feel the temperature in it.

The face of the dwarf wearing black goggles was full of passion for shaping artworks, feeling the changes in the work with each hammering, and critically examining every inch of flaws.

Even if it was only the first time they met, Xu Yichen could easily tell that the dwarf blacksmith in front of him was definitely a rare iron master.

"It's him, Ge Luoyin, who is said to be the best craftsman in the Far South! I fished him out from the pirates when I was doing advanced tasks. As long as you don't call him a dwarf to your face, he's easy to get along with! "Vitoria patted Xu Yichen's shoulder under the cover of the sound of iron hammering and said.

"That's enough! Gabriela! You are a barbarian with muscles growing into your brain! No one dares to call me a dwarf except you!" The dwarf heard Vittoria's words unexpectedly, and waved the hammer in his hand frantically He said: "Before you came, they all called me Master Groin! Since you came, everyone called me short behind my back!"

Vittoria pushed Xu Yichen forward indifferently: "Okay, Ge Luoyin, stop complaining, I promise I won't spread your nickname in the tavern anymore! This is my friend, We have a dangerous task to do, can we get him a reliable weapon as well?"

Before Xu Yichen could speak, the growling dwarf pushed up the obsidian goggles and exaggeratedly said: "Do you know when my order is in line? If I didn't want to build your shield, I would have gone to the castle to earn a lot of money." Gold coins!"

Wait, when the dwarf mentioned the castle, Xu Yichen had no choice but to interject: "Master Groyin, please interrupt, is your new order to provide weapons for the lords here?"

When it comes to business-related topics, the dwarf Groin is obviously full of vigilance: "Why are you asking this?"

Glo Yin glanced at Vittoria. Obviously, although this dwarf had a strong mouth, he trusted the tall female warrior in front of him. Xu Yichen once again felt the influence of Her Majesty the Queen in Anthony's Grand Port.

"Vittoria, can we communicate? I think this news is related to our mission." Under the eyes of the dwarf, Xu Yichen secretly sent a message to Vittoria at the convenience of the player.

Vittoria, who had already shared the task, nodded, bent her tall body, and looked into the dwarf's eyes: "Gloin, my friend is a reliable person, he is an apprentice of a witcher, and his teacher is a The real demon hunter, do you know? It’s the demon hunter you’ve been talking about before, if you want to experience the real demon-slayer steel, don’t let this man in front of you go!”

Hearing the words "Demon Slayer Steel", a trace of obsession flashed in Groin's eyes: "Well, for Gabriela's sake, if you are really the apprentice of that white-haired demon hunter, I can tell you the details of the order, but as a condition, you must let your teacher give me his sword to study for one night! No, three days!"

"Dealed!" I complained again that my teacher's appearance is not suitable for the job of a demon hunter. I remembered what I saw in the description of [White Wolf's Claw] before. The so-called demon-slaying steel should refer to Valyrian steel. , Xu Yichen stretched out his hand and said: "But you still have to make me a handy weapon! Money is not a problem!"

The dwarf clapped Xu Yichen's hands vigorously: "It's a deal!"

Just when Xu Yichen and the dwarf master Ge Luoyin reached a deal that was beneficial to both parties, an untimely voice came in, and even the sound of iron hammering in the Thunder Hammer blacksmith's shop could not weaken the viciousness of this voice.

"Look, Vittoria Gabriela, former captain of the Heavenly Army, after you rejected my call-up, you walked with this new Chinese imperialist!? You should be ashamed of your actions! You let The glory of the sacred EU has been desecrated!" A tall man with short brown hair came over.

"Don't pay attention to him, Xu." The female warrior stood between Xu Yichen and the newcomer: "Lieutenant Konrad Wasilewski! Please pay attention to your tone, standing in front of you is Captain of the Orbital Airborne Corps Commander! Twice War Merit Medal Winner!"

"Former captain! Woman! You have been expelled from the military a long time ago, and our local army will not follow your example." Apparently, the former captain's warning had no deterrent effect on Lieutenant Konrad Wasilewski: "I I gave you a chance to return to glory, but you don't cherish it, if you graduated from Napolla School, I will shoot you with my own hands! Get out!"

Xu Yichen has lived in this world for so many years and has heard about the situation in the EU. The Napora School is similar to the Zhongsiyuan in New China, but the brainwashing is more serious. The official name is: National Institute of Political Education. In order to fight against the ideological invasion of the Soviet Union, the EU is also desperate.

"I don't know if anyone taught you when you were in school. The full name of your EU is Empire Union. You call me an imperialist. Have you ever considered the feelings of your master?" Fighting spirit is high: "Do you know that I was born in Zhongsiyuan, and my major in university is political commissar. Does this term make you feel familiar? Come, let me see what you have learned in school!"

Obviously, regardless of background or profession, Xu Yichen made the opposite Konrad Wasilewski feel extremely stimulated: "Bastard! I want you to regret coming to this world!"

The Eastern EU barbarians on the opposite side charged with a big axe.

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