The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded

Chapter 290 Wei Jiaguo: Make it decent

The same is true for Chu Mingcheng himself. He looked at the situation of the aquatic plants, and then drove the boat to the upstream of the aquatic plants.

Three people stood on the boat in three directions and hit a few poles.

Chu Mingcheng was pulling in the line at a constant speed, when there was a "crash", the place where the bearded man's bait was located suddenly turned into waves.

"It's a hit!" The two fishing guys next to him immediately came over.

Chu Mingcheng raised his hand to stab the fish, "嗖~" the fishing rod instantly bent, and the tip of the rod trembled slightly.

He is used to catching big fish, and his strength has increased. He only feels that his hands are light and light, but fishing is to enjoy the process of walking the fish and the final harvest.

So instead of using brute force, he tugged on the fishing rod and slowly took in the line.

But just as Chu Mingcheng shook the handle twice, a calm smile appeared on his face, but his hand suddenly froze, as if something heavy was caught.

After the fish fluttered twice, there was no movement, the river surface became quiet again, and the fish ran away!


The two fishermen looked at each other, coughed twice, then returned to their original positions silently, and continued fishing.

Chu Mingcheng is very painful, the horse has stumbled!

But this kind of accident has nothing to do with his skills, who knows what will be entangled after the fish is caught.

Chu Mingcheng tried to take up the thread, but found that the thing entangled was very heavy, and he couldn't pull it up for a while.

It's not that he is not strong enough, but that the fishing rod is relatively thin and he can't pull hard.

He simply grabbed the fishing line directly and tried to pull up the things from the bottom of the water.

Unexpectedly, the things at the bottom of the water were much heavier than he had imagined, and the fishing line was bouncing straight, as if it would break in the next moment.

Chu Mingcheng was considering whether to simply break the thread, but the thing under the water moved a little, obviously being pulled by him.

Since it can be pulled, there is a high probability that the fishing line does not need to be broken.

But even if it is pulled, the things on the bottom of the water are too heavy, and it feels like it weighs at least a hundred catties.

As Chu Mingcheng slowly retracted the fishing line, a broken red line first emerged from the water, followed by a large magnet and a large bundle of thin rusted steel bars that it attracted.

"Damn it, have you hooked up the steel bars?" Fisherman A has been paying attention to his situation, and was surprised to see such a large bundle of thin steel bars being pulled up.

Judging from his surprised scan of Chu Mingcheng's body, it seems that he was more surprised by his strength, after all, not everyone can pull such a large bundle of steel bars.

"Brother, do you want to help?" Seeing this, Fisherman B hastily put down his fishing rod, wanting to come and help.

"It's okay, I can lift it." After Chu Mingcheng refused, he directly reached out to grab the steel bar, and then lifted it easily.

The two fishermen opened their mouths slightly, and then gave their thumbs up together: "Brother, your strength is good!"

"It's not bad. I often go to the far sea to catch big fish, and my physical fitness will become better after fishing and hunting for a long time."

Chu Mingcheng held the steel bar with one hand, and smiled with the other hand.

The two anglers looked at each other, did they look so easy to deceive? They also read a lot back then!

But the two sides are not very familiar with each other, so it is natural not to ask more questions about some things.

And Chu Mingcheng waited for the steel bar to flow in the river, and shook the water again before putting it on the boat.

The two people's eyelids twitched when they watched this continuous behavior. It's not just as simple as good strength, right?

They are all adults, and they have basic common sense. Such a bundle of steel bars must weigh almost a hundred catties.

Lifting it easily with one hand, and even shaking it, it shows that Chu Mingcheng's strength is far more than that, which is really surprising.

As for Chu Mingcheng, he was quite satisfied with this bundle of steel bars.

The price of recycling waste steel bars is basically about one yuan per catty. The recycling price will vary from place to place, but the gap is not big.

This bundle of steel bars can be sold for hundreds of dollars when sold as scrap iron, which is another income.

The two anglers also calculated in their minds, and suddenly found that it is good to catch something else while fishing, why can't they meet them?

Then they continued fishing in silence, hoping that a certain fish would wear a gold bracelet.

Chu Mingcheng will cut the fishing line now, and the fishing line is just tied to the broken rope on the magnet, and a knot is tied.

He didn't even know how the fishing line got tangled up, maybe it was just tangled up because the fish was scurrying around?

He didn't know the reason, and he didn't bother to delve into it, but he was quite interested in this magnet.

The palm is so big, but it can firmly absorb a hundred kilograms of steel bars, the suction is quite strong!

This is a good thing to take back. In some places there is a custom of "throwing coins across the bridge". When you run out of money, you can bring a magnet to fish for it ヾ(°°)

Continue fishing, and after a while, Angler A of the Air Force couldn't take it anymore. He paid a boat fee of 100, and he didn't want to waste an afternoon like this.

"Brother, I know there is a place in this river where there are a lot of fish, why don't we go fishing there?"

Chu Mingcheng nodded, and put away his fishing rod. There really aren't many fish here, so it's better to go to another place.

Now that the money is collected, the service must be in place.

So they drove in the direction pointed by Fisherman A, and after about five or six minutes, they came to a wider river.

There are several abandoned bridge piers in the middle of the river here, and you can tell there are fish at a glance.

But under normal circumstances, people without boats really have no way to come and fish.

No, not long after they came here, the two fishermen each harvested a cocked beak, and they were both fifty or sixty centimeters long, more than three catties if not four catties.

The water quality of this river looks good, and it is not very polluted. This kind of wild cockroach can sell for six to seventy-one catties under normal conditions.

However, when ordinary fishermen sell fish, others will bargain the price, but they can sell at least fifty-one catties, and one fish costs more than one hundred and fifty.

This made them all laugh from ear to ear, and their enthusiasm rose all of a sudden.

Chuming City was not bad either. He caught a freshwater perch weighing two catties and successfully added a little experience to the aquatic product illustration book.

Under the pier is the fish gathering place, which is indeed a very good place, and he also noted down this location.

Going out to sea to fish and hunt is to make money, but to go fishing in the river is pure entertainment.

Just like now, Chu Mingcheng was twitching the bait again and again, and the two anglers next to him caught two more, but he was not in a hurry at all.

Not even a fish gathering function is turned on, only a slight improvement of the ordinary illustrated book.

He is Lure today. If he were to fish for crucian carp, the improvement brought by the illustration book would probably be able to catch a bucket in one afternoon.

However, this indifferent state of mind is sometimes prone to accidents.

No, on the way the bearded man retracted again, he was followed by a two-pound pout.

It slammed forward and bit it, but it didn't know that the oriole was behind. Suddenly, a huge figure appeared in the water, opened its huge mouth, and immediately swallowed the struggling beak.

"Damn it!" Chu Mingcheng, who was pulling the fishing line slowly, was almost pulled into the water by the sudden force.

Although he is strong enough now, he will still fall into the water if he is unprepared.

Fortunately, he used Lure today, and the spinning wheel was used as a buffer to stabilize his figure.

But the fishing rod suddenly bent into a big bow, almost reaching its limit.

At this time, the surface of the water was rolling, and a big black fish appeared struggling on the surface of the water.


This huge movement immediately attracted the attention of the two fishing guys, and they trembled with excitement, with only a simple exclamation in their mouths.

As a fisherman, who doesn't like to catch big fish?

What's more, it's a big herring over one meter in length. Only anglers know how rare this thing is.

Fisherman A saw the situation of the fishing rod in Chuming City, and hurriedly stepped forward excitedly: "Release the line quickly, the fishing rod is about to explode!"

As soon as the words fell, the herring in the water shook its head violently, and the fishing rod finally couldn't bear the force, and suddenly "clicked" and broke into three sections.

Seeing this, the two fishermen couldn't help showing regretful expressions, and the fish ran away.

But Chu Mingcheng reacted extremely quickly. He threw the fishing rod, quickly took out the mobile phone in his pocket and threw it on the boat, and then jumped into the water.

Such a big fish even fried the fishing rod. This meeting still wants to run, can he bear it?


"Dangerous, come back!"

The two anglers were nervous, and there were many anglers who jumped into the water to catch fish when they disagreed, but it all depended on the fish.

Under normal circumstances, it is still possible to catch a fish weighing about 20 kilograms, but this is already very difficult.

A fish weighing a few kilograms cannot be grasped steadily when it struggles, and a fish weighing twenty kilograms has to be held even more, and it may be injured when the fish struggles.

If you dare to have sex with this kind of fish that is more than one meter long, if it hits the head or flicks its tail, it can easily knock people out if it hits the head.

And even if you encounter it, people can't control it!

But they could only stare nervously at the water, pulling out their mobile phones, ready to call the police and an ambulance.

After Chu Mingcheng jumped into the water, he quickly found the big herring that was about to leave.

It's rare to meet such a big one, even if you don't catch it to the shore, it will be fun, which is much rarer than tuna.

Chu Mingcheng caught up quickly, the swimming speed of this kind of big fish is not fast, but his swimming speed is not what it used to be, and he came to it easily.

Herring found a black figure that was bigger than him beside him, flicked his tail in fright, and wanted to run immediately, but it was too late!

Chu Mingcheng stepped forward, reaching out to grab its gill cover and the fish's breathing mouth.

Because I wear cut-resistant gloves, I am not afraid that my hands will be cut.

However, as soon as Chu Mingcheng got hold of it, Herring shook his head and escaped from its clutches.

Seeing this, he simply clenched his fist and bangbanged the fish's head twice. He was strong enough, and there was not much resistance in the water because of the plug-in.

These two punches were solidly hammered on its head, and the fish was stunned at once.

It's like Tyson in his prime came over and gave this fish two hammers.

Chu Mingcheng's strength is stronger than Tyson's, but he is not a boxer, so he can't exert his full strength. In addition, his position in the water is not right, so it is somewhat affected, so it is not surprising that the strength of his fist is not surpassed.

It sounds long, but he only spent a minute and a half in the water.

The two fishing guys on the boat had already picked up their mobile phones and wanted to call an ambulance, that is, the river was turbulent, so they forcibly endured it.

Immediately afterwards, under their watchful eyes, Chu Mingcheng in the water showed his head, holding a herring that was lying on its side, temporarily dizzy, with both hands.

Fisherman A: "Damn!"

Fisherman B: "Niubi!"

Fisherman A: "Damn!"

Fisherman B: "Niubi!"

The two said a few words in succession, and suddenly they looked at each other, with a hint of sympathy in their eyes, and then...

Fisherman B: "Damn!"

Fisherman A: "Niubi!"

With such a tacit cooperation, the two looked at each other and smiled again.

Chu Mingcheng, who was swimming back with the fish in his arms at the bottom of the water, suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and his whole body shivered.

There is something wrong with these two fishermen, the boat fee is paid so happily, it is not because of the fish, but because of him?

Fortunately, Yu regained consciousness at this time and struggled again to divert his attention. Otherwise, the two anglers would not only pay the money, but also be guessed whether they knew how to fencing.

After waking up, Chu Mingcheng couldn't hold the powerful force of the fish, mainly because the fish was too big.

In addition, he didn't have a diving dagger on his body, so he couldn't give the herring a fatal blow.

Therefore, he firmly grasped the upper jaw of the fish with his left hand, and with his right hand, in the eyes of the two anglers, he gave another two bang bang punches.

"It's brutal!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Poor fish!"

"Yeah yeah!"

After two punches, Yu fainted again. That is to say, its skull is hard enough, otherwise it would probably have been hammered to pieces by Chu Mingcheng.

This time he successfully dragged the fish back to the boat, and the two fishing guys quickly reached out to help, trying to drag the fish to the boat.

Chu Mingcheng heaved a sigh of relief, and returned to the lure boat with their help.


"It's okay, it's okay!" Fisherman A waved his hand quickly, and then looked at the huge herring with bright eyes, "Brother, can I take a photo with this herring?"

"Of course it is possible. We all met by fate. Take a photo and post it on Moments, and then release the fish back into nature and go home empty-handed. As a caring fisherman, aren't these routine operations?"

Chu Mingcheng raised his eyebrows at them and said with a smile.

The two fishermen understood in seconds, and immediately became excited.

They helped each other, took a group photo of each other and the fish, and sent it to Moments with an ambiguous sentence.

It makes people think that they caught the fish themselves, but in fact they didn't admit it.

They are all fishermen, so it is not surprising that there are a group of fishermen friends in a certain letter.

Seeing all kinds of exclamation comments under the circle of friends, the two fishermen only felt that the pores of their bodies were stretched.

When they were posting to Moments, Chu Mingcheng was not idle either. He first found a ruler from the lure boat and measured the length of the fish.

It is 1.36 meters, and the weight cannot be weighed for the time being.

Then he took two pictures of fish and sent them to Wei Jiaguo.

"Grandpa, do you or your friends want a hundred-jin level herring? If not, I will release it."

The next moment, Wei Jiaguo replied with a message.

"The one-hundred-jin herring is already very old. We want to give it a face. How can you let it live and let it die on its own?"

Chu Mingcheng has a strange face, Grandpa, you are naughty, where is the character design?

However, he also understood what the other party meant, so he quickly dried off the water on his body, then explained the situation to the two fishermen, and immediately sailed back after refunding the money.

If you go back before the stipulated time, you should get your money back.

Moreover, Chuming City did not lack these two hundred. At that time, asking for money was purely for fun, but who would have thought that the two fishermen would really give it.

But since the other party wanted to give it, he naturally accepted it unceremoniously.

And this will refund the money, the two fishermen said a few words politely, but they were not polite at all.

Everyone each other each other!

After a while, Chu Mingcheng passed the Diaoyutai and returned to the shore.

A huge herring over one meter walked by under my nose, and the fisherman on the Diaoyutai was stunned.

Then he got up quickly and shouted: "Hey, brother, can you sell this big herring?"

"Not for sale, someone wants it!" Chu Mingcheng refused without thinking.

Since Wei Jiaguo wanted it, he would definitely give it to him.

The other party just gave him such a good-looking four-eyed iron-covered gold, he will catch a big fish now, of course he has to return the gift.

Although his fish are much more valuable, friendship sometimes doesn't mean that.

However, that fisherman seemed to be very rich, and he was not willing to let such a big fish slip away from his nose.

So he gritted his teeth and said again: "Brother, is the fish still alive? If it is alive, I will pay you 50,000!"

"I won't sell it for 100,000 yuan, I told you someone wants it!" Chu Mingcheng refused again without hesitation.

This made the two fishing guys beside him click their tongues. Fifty thousand yuan is almost a year's salary for ordinary office workers!

But a bird of prey and a lure boat also let them know that Chuming City is not short of money at all.

Therefore, the fisherman on the Diaoyutai could only sit down regretfully. For rich people, fish is naturally more important than money, especially this rare huge herring.

Today the weather is fine and the sun is very fierce. Several people in Chu Mingcheng watered the herring in batches to make it live as long as possible.

Chu Mingcheng also opened the gill cover of the fish, allowing its gills to come into contact with the air and absorb more oxygen.

This is similar to the principle of bowfish, they all want the fish to live longer.

Fortunately, Wei Jiaguo's speed was very fast, and they didn't have to wait long before a small pickup drove over.

There is a huge water tank behind the pickup truck, and there are two small oxygen machines beside it. It seems that Wei Jiaguo is trying to keep the fish alive.

The vitality of the herring is quite tenacious. If it is a sea fish, it will probably be cold.

After Wei Jiaguo came over, he quickly got off the car and came to the lure boat.

He first looked at the dried clothes on Chu Mingcheng in surprise: "Did you dive into the water?"

"It's not that the fishing rod exploded. In order to prevent the fish from running away, I had to dive into the water to catch it." Chu Mingcheng laughed.

Wei Jiaguo frowned when he heard the words: "You are not too young, and there is also Luo Luo, try not to take such risks in the future."

As a junior, Chu Mingcheng certainly agreed with the old man's concern.

As for next time, how dare he

Wei Jiaguo thought he had listened, so he stopped talking.

He looked at the fish and nodded with satisfaction: "This fish is good, Ah Cheng, please help me to carry the fish into the tank."

"Okay!" Chu Mingcheng and two fishermen helped him carry the fish to the car and put it into the water tank.

The moment the fish fell, the water in the water tank exploded, splashing the trunk of the pickup truck and soaking it all.

Fortunately, although the fish have been ashore for a while, they will soon regain some vitality after entering the water.

Wei Jiaguo asked him to help send the lure back, and then hurried away in the pickup truck.

Chu Mingcheng, who was drenched all over, naturally had no interest in continuing to fish. After saying goodbye to the two fishermen, he dragged the lure ashore again, and then drove the lure to clean.

On the way to clean, Chu Mingcheng had already sold the steel bars as scrap iron.

One hundred dollars, just enough to cover the cleaning fee.

As for the fish he caught, there were only a few, and he gave them to two fishermen.

After the lure boat was cleaned, he came to Wei's country.

"Grandpa, the lure has been cleaned for you, so I'll go back first."

Wei Jiaguo nodded, but didn't hold back, he still made an appointment with friends, so he had to drink the long-lost wine this year.

But he didn't forget the money for this fish, he took out his mobile phone and transferred 50,000 yuan to him.

When Chu Mingcheng saw the money in a certain letter, he immediately returned it.

"Grandpa, forget about the money, let's treat it as a gift from the puppy!"

Wei Jiaguo opened his mouth, and finally nodded after thinking about it, and accepted the fish.

His behavior also shows that the friendship between the two parties has taken a step closer.

Chu Mingcheng didn't think much about it, his clothes were soaked, he just wanted to go back to take a bath, so he bid farewell and left.

When he got home, he immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After washing, I put the changed clothes in the washing machine and dried them before driving to Jiang Luoluo's filming location.

When I came to the shooting location, I saw that she was taking a rest, holding Xiao Heiye in one hand, and taking a few selfies with her mobile phone in the other.

After taking the photo, I put down Xiao Heiye, and picked up the relatively quiet hardware. I also took a few pictures, so that the rain and dew were evenly covered.

Chu Mingcheng walked over, said hello to a few people he knew, and then came to Jiang Luoluo's side: "Dance filmed?"

He has come to pick up people these days, so it is not surprising to see Jiang Luoluo who came over from him.

"It's almost ready, there is still a short period, just wait."

After finishing speaking, she seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but look at her boyfriend, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Acheng, my dance teacher designed a dance, and I need a backup dancer, who is a male character."

"Originally we planned to let the dance teacher wear men's clothing to accompany the dancer, but it's almost boring to dress up as a man. Do you want to come?"

If it was someone else, Chu Mingcheng would have already waved his hand and refused.

But looking at Jiang Luoluo's expectant big eyes, he hesitated: "But I can't dance!"

"It's okay, it's a backup dancer, but it's actually just a few shots. There are not many dance moves, only two. Maybe you can shoot after practicing at night, it's very simple."

Seeing that Chu Mingcheng didn't refuse, Jiang Luoluo's enthusiasm rose immediately.

Shooting dance videos with him has always been her idea.

It's just that the previous dance was difficult, and there were not many pas de deux, and Chu Mingcheng didn't have any dancing skills, so she didn't mention it either.

But this time her studio chose a song based on the current popularity. The dance moves are very simple and easy to catch people's attention.

That's why when Chu Mingcheng came over, she suddenly remembered this matter.

Chu Mingcheng pondered for a while, and said, "Is there any sample, let me see."

"Yes, but only for one person." Jiang Luoluo hurriedly went to the car to take out the laptop, and then showed him the demo.

In the video, the dance teacher in a white ancient gauze dress began to dance to the music.

The video is short, less than two minutes.

The first half looks okay, but not amazing.

When the song reached its climax, Chu Mingcheng raised his eyebrows when he saw the dance moves.

There are only three sets of dance moves in the climax part, two of which are really very simple.

Jiang Luoluo pointed to the two sets of simple dance moves and said: "You only need to know these two moves. Practice more at night to make your body movements softer before you can shoot. How about it? Do you want to try it?"

Chu Mingcheng touched his chin and nodded: "Yes, the movements are simple and not difficult to practice, and they are not embarrassing movements."

"However, I have a few ideas about shooting, and I can add them to enrich the content of the video."

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