The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded

Chapter 277 Possibility of introducing rare aquatic products

The second big fish at the bottom, as expected, is also a bigeye tuna.

It was nearly twelve o'clock at night when Chu Mingcheng caught the fish.

Even he was exhausted after catching this tuna.

No wonder some fishing boats that specialize in tuna fishing, even if they go out to sea for a week, only catch a dozen or so of this large tuna at most.

Even with the help of an electric reel, it takes more than an hour or even two hours to catch a fish.

If you use drums like him, it will take three or four hours for two or three people to take turns.

Chu Mingcheng bled the second big-eyed tuna, gutted it, and lifted it up with a crane to check its weight.

This one weighs 337 catties, which is more than 30 catties lighter than the last one.

No wonder Chu Mingcheng found that the belly of this tuna was obviously thinner after catching it, but the length was about the same.

At present, he does not know how to look at the fat content of fish, nor does he know how to identify the quality of fish meat, so it is difficult to estimate the value of two bigeye tuna.

He guessed that it should exceed 50,000 yuan, but he didn't know how much it would exceed.

As for the price of yellowfin tuna, it can be estimated because the average purchase price of this kind of fish is between 30 and 50 per catty, and rarely more than 50, so the gap will not be too big.

The bigeye tuna may sell for fifty or over a hundred per catty, depending on the quality of the meat and the freshness of the preservation, so it is not easy to calculate.

Of course, this is the approximate selling price for tuna delivered to the Modu tuna market, and the actual market unit price will be much higher.

"Haha~" Jiang Luoluo, who helped operate the crane and hoisted the tuna to the refrigerated compartment, yawned involuntarily when he saw that the night's work was over.

Today is also quite tiring for her. She is fishing and practicing dance. A two-hour rest in the afternoon will not restore her strength at all.

This is the result of her physical fitness has improved a lot. Two months ago, she was tortured by Chu Mingcheng at noon, and she probably had to sleep all afternoon.

"Lolo, go take a shower and rest first, I'll clean up this place."

Seeing that she was tired, Chu Mingcheng let her go back first.

"Hmm~" Jiang Luoluo didn't force herself, nodded and went to take a bath first.

Chu Mingcheng took the water hose to flush the bloody water from the lower deck first, and then put away the fishing rod.

The sea lions also ran out at this time.

Fearing that they would be hindered while fishing, Jiang Luoluo locked them in the living room before.

Now that Jiang Luoluo went in, the door was always open, and the sea lions came over, mainly because they could smell the food.

In fact, Chu Mingcheng didn't care, he could order the sea lions, and the sea lions would be obedient.

After Chu Mingcheng put all the fishing rods away, he caught some pomfrets and fed them.

Then he walked into the cabin, and soon, all the lights on the Poseidon were extinguished, leaving only the warning lights flashing on the dark sea.

A new day came, and it was also the third day Chu Mingcheng went to sea.

He still got up at six o'clock in the morning, making breakfast with bread in his mouth.

The consumption of fishing last night was a bit large, and I woke up hungry in the morning. So he couldn't even wait for breakfast, so he ate a piece of western bread first.

Half an hour later, Chu Mingcheng, who was full, started to collect the crab pots, but did not wake up Jiang Luoluo who was still sleeping.

She didn't come here for fishing, she was mainly afraid that Chu Mingcheng would be alone at sea, so she came here to accompany him.

He caught the spiny armor yesterday morning, so the first thing he received today was the shrimp pot.

Drive the boat to the middle of the shrimp pot and the crab pot, Chu Mingcheng came to the deck, first opened the small door at the stern, let the sea lions go out to look for food, then pulled the shrimp pot back, tied the rope to the rope of the crane and pulled it up.

"Air Force?"

Chu Mingcheng is a little depressed, it seems that today's luck is not good.

If crabs and shrimps in the deep sea are so difficult to catch, he will have to change the water layer tonight to catch some swimming crabs and prawns.

Afterwards, he also hoisted up the crab cage that did not report hope.

But he didn't expect that yesterday and today were both dark in the east and bright in the west, and there were three crabs in the crab cage that he was very familiar with.

This made Chu Mingcheng overjoyed, and what he caught was a giant spider crab.

When he was collecting species in Australia, he encountered this kind of crab while diving.

At that time, hundreds of thousands of big spiders were so densely packed that his mouth was drooling.

This kind of density is almost the same as that of king crabs, and this big spider crab is not small. The width of the crab shell can reach up to 16 centimeters, which is hardly smaller than ordinary king crabs.

Its legs can reach seventy centimeters in length, and its pincers are very long.

Ordinary crabs usually have only one joint after the pliers are broken off, but giant spider crabs have a full three, and the meat yield is also very high.

Chu Mingcheng tasted one at the beginning, the meat tasted very sweet, very good.

If he wasn't ready to come back, maybe he would specialize in this kind of crab.

Now I didn't expect this thing to be found in the waters near Baodao, and I don't know if it's a coincidence.

Chu Mingcheng immediately accelerated the speed of collecting the crab pots, wanting to know if there were many giant spider crabs in this sea area.

Not surprisingly, the shrimp cages were all empty, but the ten crab cages caught a total of thirteen large spider crabs with a carapace over 12 centimeters.

This number is completely incomparable with the number seen in Australia at that time.

Australia is flooded, and almost every spider crab group has at least a hundred of them.

It is estimated that dozens of crabs can be caught in one crab cage, which makes him feel a little pity.

Chu Mingcheng looked at the second ability in the Aquatic Illustrated Book, and suspected that the presence of giant spider crabs had something to do with this ability.

Normally, the domestic waters should not allow giant spider crabs to survive, or it should be difficult to survive.

However, this ability has increased the survivability by 20%, coupled with the reproduction speed, in the case of artificial release, maybe it can really survive, but it is difficult to flood for the time being.

However, judging from the domestic situation, it is really not afraid of the flood of giant spider crabs.

If this is the case, is it possible to introduce king crabs, king crabs and other rare seafood from abroad?

At least Chu Mingcheng wanted to eat fresh Red Devil Shrimp. All domestic ones were frozen. If you want to eat fresh ones, you have to go to the Bullfighting Country.

After his thoughts drifted away for a while, he shook his head to regain his senses. There is no need to care about these for the time being.

When the plug-in level is higher and he himself is relatively free in the future, he can try to introduce these aquatic products.

Tie up the pliers of the thirteen big spiders, take a photo first, then tie them up and put them in the original position of the rich shrimp.

Afterwards, he found several dead spiny armored shrimps.

I didn't expect that some people would not be able to survive the first day, and when they returned to the shore, they didn't know how much they could survive.

Chu Mingcheng fished out these thorn armored shrimps, and originally wanted to throw them away, but found that they were actually still alive, but their vitality was already very low.

This made his eyes brighten, and he quickly took it into the kitchen, peeled off the meat of the sashimi shrimp, put it in ice water for a while, and tasted the sashimi.

Taking a bite, his eyebrows raised, and he found that if the seafood in the deep sea was edible, most of them tasted very good.

The sashimi of the thorn armored shrimp is even more delicious than that of the spotted prawn. It is very fresh and sweet, and the unique shrimp flavor makes it very attractive.

Eat them all in one go, leaving nothing behind.

As for Jiang Luoluo's share, it's time to catch some work at noon.

Cat food was prepared for the cats, and after they were full, Chu Mingcheng came to the deck to check the situation.

The sea lions are still looking for tuna or schools of fish, so he can only wait for the time being.

So he sat on the chair at the stern and sent the big spider crab that he had just photographed to Brother Haiwang. He should be interested in this crab.

"Brother Haiwang, how are these crabs?"

"Hey, this spider crab looks familiar!" Brother Haiwang should be relatively free at this meeting, so he replied quickly.

Just as Chu Mingcheng wanted to tell him what kind of crab it was, he called him directly.

"Brother, you are a big spider crab, right? This thing seems to be made in Australia. Are you in Australia?"

Neptune guessed Australia, mainly because the background of the picture is the deck of the ship, which can be seen at a glance.

If it is in an aquatic product store, the background of the shooting should be the ground or a water tank.

Chu Mingcheng: "No, I changed a big boat and went fishing for tuna in the far sea. I set out a few crab pots last night, but I didn't expect to catch this kind of spider crab. Thinking that you are more interested in these exotic seafood, I will I sent a photo to ask you."

Brother Haiwang: "I'll go, there are giant spider crabs in China? I didn't expect that. I thought they were only found in Australia. I must have this thing. Brother, you must leave the biggest one for me."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly reacted: "No, what did you say just now, you changed a big boat to go fishing for tuna?"

Chu Mingcheng: "That's right, I caught five fish yesterday, and I think I'll be back in two days. Then I'll go to Shanghai to sell them, so I'll pass by your side."

Brother Haiwang was overjoyed when he heard that, if it was the same as before, he would still have to spend hundreds of dollars in shipping fees.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that Chu Mingcheng's boat will pass by his side, so that he can board the boat to see how much the other party has gained, and maybe he can buy a few more ingredients.

"It's amazing, brother, it was still a small boat last year, but this year it's a cannon instead of a shotgun! If you pass by my door in a few days, you must call me."

"Well, I will definitely call you when the time comes."

After talking for a few words and hanging up the phone, Chu Mingcheng thought of A Mine in Shoes City again, so he also called.

When Uncle Mine heard that the boat would pass by, he became interested and immediately agreed to come down.

After the two buyers got it done, he didn't contact anyone else.

Customers in the group don't need to contact in advance, just ask people to come to the pier when they are about to arrive in Wenzhou.

As for the few customers in the mainland, some seafood cannot be delivered.

Whether it's spider crabs or thorn armored shrimps, they are probably dead after they are packed alive, so it's better not to sell them.

There is no way to sell a few frozen fish at most.

After more than two hours, Xiao Huang returned to the boat first, and yelled a few times after seeing Chu Mingcheng.

"Find the fish? Then go to the front of the boat and lead the way."

Chu Mingcheng acted immediately, came to the cab, started the preheating of the Poseidon, and then pressed the horn to call the other two sea lions to come back first.

He himself went to the freezer and brought out a new case of mackerel baits.

Thinking that the sea lions should not be full, he moved out another box and put it on the deck to defrost.

It is not known what fish it is, but mackerel can be used as bait.

After a while, after Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai came back, he set off in the Sea God.

Xiao Huang has been waiting in front of the Poseidon, and when he sensed that the ship was moving, he immediately began to lead the way.

This time the journey was a bit far, and it took more than an hour for Xiao Huang to stop.

Chu Mingcheng also stopped, and then he looked at the fish finder, but there was no thick red line on it.

But he didn't care, neither the school of fish nor the tuna could stay where they were.

He used his fish finder to look for it first, and if he couldn't find it, let the sea lions continue to look for it.

So he asked Xiao Huang to come back and continue sailing.

After ten minutes, in a water area with a water depth of only more than 150 meters, he found a thick red line on the fish finder.

This amount is a bit small!

Chu Mingcheng disliked it, but he still stopped, put down the anchor and quickly took out the fishing rod to prepare.

The fishing rod was installed in the fishing hole at the stern, and a live pomfret was fished out and hung up. Chu Mingcheng took a knife and began to chop the mackerel, preparing to make a nest.

The mackerel has been thawed for more than an hour. Although it is still very cold, most of it is already soft and it is very convenient to chop.

As for another box of softened mackerel, he opened the lid and put it aside, letting the sea lions eat by themselves.

They don't think these are frozen fish, and they eat them quickly one by one.

Chu Mingcheng would chop up a few mackerel and throw them into the water first. It was a bit troublesome but there was no way around it.

Fortunately, the next moment Jiang Luoluo came to the deck, she had already got up at eight o'clock.

It's just that after waking up today, seeing that Chu Mingcheng was not fishing, he ate breakfast and went to the dance studio to practice dancing.

This will notice that the ship has stopped, so she will come to the deck to check the situation and see if there is anything she needs to help.

Seeing her coming, Chu Mingcheng quickly asked her to throw the fish pieces she had cut into the water to make nests.

Sometimes, having one more person would be a lot more convenient, even if it was just throwing a few pieces of fish, at least he didn't have to squat down and stand up and repeat.

At the bottom of the water, what Chu Mingcheng discovered was indeed a tuna, and it was a precious bluefin tuna.

It is trying to find something to eat at the bottom of the water. Compared with sensitive fish, it prefers to find some relatively slow-moving octopuses and crabs.

The main reason is that it is too fat and has a round belly, which affects its turning sensitivity.

If it encounters a school of fish, it can fill its stomach, but how can it be so easy to meet a school of fish?

So most of the time, it looks for crabs directly at the bottom of the water to fill its stomach.

Don't look at it with its mouth open all the time as if it is useless, in fact its bite force is not small, and it can easily crush crabs.

At this moment, it suddenly found that something seemed to fall in the distance.

The biological instinctive reaction made it very curious, so it gave up looking for food and swam to see what it was.

But before it swam close, it smelled the food, which made it very excited, so it swung its tail quickly and immediately speeded up.

Don't look at it fat, in fact, the speed of rampage is not slow at all.

Usually when I encounter some sharks that are not very big, I turn around and run away when I see it.

If the speed is a little slower, maybe it will become food in its mouth.

Don't look at their miserable tuna family, which is served on the table every day, but in fact they are also one of the overlords of the ocean.

The current bluefin tuna has the power and influence of the ocean overlord.

When all kinds of fish attracted by the fish block noticed it approaching, they immediately flicked their tails and fled in all directions.

The bluefin tuna couldn't care less about them. When it found the food piled up on the sand bed, it took a bite.

At this moment, it is a happy fat fish.

One bite or two.

In just a short while, the fish pieces scattered on the sand bed were almost eaten, but there were still fish pieces falling slowly.

Unable to wait, the bluefin tuna immediately swam up to catch the falling pieces.

Just two meters upstream, it suddenly found a small fish wagging its tail.

This is not the point, the point is that this little fish didn't run away after finding it?

Pomfret: Brother, I want to run too!

The limited brain capacity of bluefin tuna doesn't understand what's going on, but compared to the fish pieces that taste bad in the mouth, this pomfret is undoubtedly a delicacy in its eyes.

The bluefin tuna spit out a mouthful of saliva, and spit out the fish block it had just swallowed.

The next moment, it rushed forward and swallowed the pomfret in one gulp.

On the boat, Jiang Luoluo, who was standing next to the fishing rod and throwing bait, noticed the big movement of the fishing rod and immediately grabbed the fishing rod and lifted it up. The fishing rod instantly bent to 90 degrees.


This texture, this amount, if it is not a shark but a tuna, it will definitely win the big prize!

"Is it big?" Chu Mingcheng rushed over with his hands clean.

"It's so big!" Jiang Luoluo tried hard to control the handle, and replied with difficulty.

After just a short while, her little face flushed red.

Even with an electric reel, it would be difficult for her to catch a two-hundred-pound tuna, let alone one that was at least twice as large.

"I'll come, I'll come!" Chu Mingcheng knew that she couldn't carry it, so he immediately took the fishing rod.

When he grabbed the handle and felt the strong pulling force of the underwater fish, his face immediately showed joy.

This feeling of heaviness is stronger than the bigeye tuna caught last night.

Chu Mingcheng stabilized his body and took the fishing rod out of the fishing hole.

As soon as the fishing rod was taken off, his body was pulled forward and leaned against the side of the boat.

Even if the pulling force of the fishing line is sufficient for this fish, he can't handle it with brute force, he must exhaust the fish's physical strength.

So Chu Mingcheng just leaned on the side of the boat and started to walk the fish with his own skills.

Jiang Luoluo looked at his watch and found that it was almost ten o'clock in the morning.

And this fish, Chu Mingcheng, was fishing so hard, obviously he couldn't catch it in a short time, so he said: "Ah Cheng, I'll go get some food, I'll feed it to you later."

Chu Mingcheng nodded: "Alright, this fish is not easy to catch, at least three hours or more."

Jiang Luoluo went to the kitchen to prepare lunch, and he walked the fish slowly at the stern.

And the three sea lions next to them were still swallowing mackerel, obviously wanting to be full in one meal.

Soon, the last fish in the box was swallowed by Xiao Hei.

A box of fish weighed one hundred catties, and the three sea lions ate everything. Fortunately, their stomachs were full, and they lay comfortably on the deck to rest.

They are cool, but Chu Mingcheng is not very comfortable.

At present, the fish has run nearly 500 meters away. This fish has surprisingly good stamina and great strength.

Chu Mingcheng tried his best to control the fishing line just like yesterday, but he was still half pulled out.

If the first round of fish eruption is not over in the next half hour, then the fishing line in his drum may not be enough.

At that time, he will either use brute force to forcibly pull the fish, or drive the boat to chase the fish, but neither of these is the best choice.

If there is really no other way, Chu Mingcheng will give Jiang Luoluo a boat to chase after him first, but only when the fishing line is pulled out 800 meters.

And just when he was troubled, a snoring sound entered his ears.

Chu Mingcheng took a quick look back and found three sea lions sleeping close together.

His eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly woke up the sea lion: "Go into the water to find that tuna, just stop in front of it, don't get close."

Don't let them get close, because they are afraid that they will be bitten by tuna or hurt by fishing lines.

As long as the three sea lions interfere with the tuna, it will not continue to charge far away.

Although the three sea lions were woken up, they were still very obedient. After getting the order, they immediately jumped into the water and went to interfere with the tuna.

After a while, the tip of the fishing rod began to swing, then to the left for a while, and then to the right for a while.

Chu Mingcheng knew that the sea lions had played a role, at least this time the fishing line did not continue to be pulled out, but he took the opportunity to take back a lot.

Time passed slowly, Jiang Luoluo brought lunch and fed him.

However, Chu Mingcheng stopped after eating a little, and he was fishing now, and it was too easy to be distracted while being fed.

Time passed slowly, almost an hour and a half passed, and the tuna was only two hundred meters away from him, thanks to the help of the sea lions.

But they did enough, Chu Mingcheng asked Jiang Luoluo to honk the horn to call the sea lions back.

When the trumpet sounded, the next moment, the fishing rod in his hand was bent down again, and the heavy force struck again.

As he expected, although the fish was pulled closer and closer to him because of the harassment of the sea lions, the actual physical exhaustion was not as fast as when he confronted him.

After a short while, the sea lions came back one after another. Before Jiang Luoluo came out, he gave the sea lions an order to rest nearby, and the rest was up to him.

Sweat flowed down Chu Mingcheng's forehead, and the T-shirt he was wearing was completely wet with sweat, mainly because of the heat.

Jiang Luoluo kept wiping his sweat and feeding him water. Fortunately, after more than an hour, this particularly difficult fish was finally pulled to the side of the boat.

"Haha, the first shot has been fired this time, and we are going to fire it!" Chu Mingcheng laughed when he saw this bluefin tuna that was at least 2.5 meters tall.

Jiang Luoluo also smiled like a flower, and joked: "If you catch a few more, you might be willing to buy a house in Siming District."

Chu Mingcheng immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "No, even if I have money, I won't buy it. If I have 10 to 20 million, I'd rather go to Shanghai to buy a house. Anyway, we have to go there to sell tuna, and we just need a place to stay. place."

"Unless you have money and no place to spend it in the future, it's okay to buy a house in Simin District."

"Okay, I agree with buying a house in Shanghai, but let's talk about this fish first." Jiang Luoluo said, picked up the spear gun, and prepared to stab the fish.

"Yeah!" Chu Mingcheng nodded, and tried his best to pull up the fishing rod, trying to make the tuna float out of the water.

Actually, the bluefin tuna didn't have much strength, so it was pulled by him, and it immediately surfaced on its side.

Seeing this, Jiang Luoluo didn't hesitate, and immediately thrust out the speargun.

Her strength was not as strong as Chu Mingcheng's, but she was lucky, and successfully pierced the tuna's head.

She pulled the rope at the end of the speargun in her hand, and cooperated with Chu Mingcheng to pull the fish to the side of the boat, so that it would be convenient for the crane to lift it later.

The two came to the side, but the fish was still struggling.

Chu Mingcheng installed the fishing rod into the fishing hole, took the speargun rope in her hand, and pulled the tuna.

Jiang Luoluo quickly took out the noose of the crane, then leaned against the side of the boat, trying to wrap around the fish's tail.

Tried three times, successfully circled, then tightened.

At this moment, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, then started the crane and hoisted the tuna up.

"Hiss, six hundred and seventeen catties, no wonder you fished so hard." Jiang Luoluo immediately looked at the weight displayed on the crane.

Although this weight has not been bled to remove the internal organs, it is still surprising.

"More than 600 catties. After bloodletting and removing the internal organs, it will be at least 580 catties. This fish is so fat, the unit price may be higher than that of the Masu tuna before. Maybe it can sell for more than 600,000 yuan!"

It is really exciting that a fish is worth the down payment of a flat in an ordinary city.

Both people on the boat took a photo with the fish, and then bled the fish.

And on the sea about three nautical miles away from them, there is a gourmet conference in progress.

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