The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded

Chapter 224 Jiang Luoluo's Seduction Plan

Back home, Chu Mingcheng didn't intend to sleep.

After using a life transformation to eliminate today's fatigue, he planned to wait until late at night to catch the scavenger.

This was something he had planned long ago, and he wanted to improve his physical fitness to an exaggerated level before the fishing ban.

It's still a little early now, and it's inevitable that people will see you if you go to pick up the scavenger.

Secondly, Jiang Luoluo may also come here, in order to avoid trouble, it is safest to go late at night.

Therefore, Chu Mingcheng, who stayed at home, looked at the changes in the fishery illustrated book after going to Nansha this time.

The first is ordinary aquatic products. The most caught fish in Nansha is octopus. No matter in terms of quantity or unit price, this fish is not a high-quality fish.

But it may be encountered in various waters in the open sea, and most of them are in large groups after encountering it, which is one of the very important sources of income for fishermen.

At present, the level of the octopus has reached level 16, and it can already produce a certain effect when fishing in Chuming City.

As for the aquatic illustrated book, the upgrade is already very fast.

[Aquatic Products Illustrated Book (Level 2)]

[Current experience: (43/70)]

[Unlock capture tools: hand, fishing tackle, spear gun, shrimp and crab cage]

[Aquatic product level up to 50]

[Unlock aquatic products: 1 shrimp, 2 crucian carp, 3 white stripes]

[Special Ability: Swimming freely, Aquatic Affinity Halo]

There are still 27 kinds of aquatic products that can be upgraded, and the experience value has increased so much. The main reason is that there are many types of grouper in Nansha, as well as various uncommon shellfish and snails.

It will definitely be upgraded this year, but the exact time is hard to say.

After all, he has already collected almost all the common aquatic products in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. After he has a big boat, he can go around and find the aquatic products that have not been caught yet.

Then there is the premium aquatic product illustration book. Nearly 70% of the fish caught in Nansha are high-quality aquatic products. Logically speaking, the level should be upgraded very quickly. Unfortunately, high-quality aquatic products require too much experience.

Nearly 2,000 catties of high-quality fish only raised more than 500 experience points.

This shows from the side that the fish he caught were quite large, with an average weight of about four catties.

At present, it has just been upgraded to level 13, and the data has also improved a little.

【Exquisite Aquatic Products Illustrated Book (Level 13)】

[Current experience: (213/1400)]

[Tools that can be used: hand, fishing tackle (can be torn by hand), speargun (including spear lasso, etc.), longline hook]

[Juyu (Level 13): Aquatic products that meet the requirements of high-quality products within their own range, there will be a 13% chance of actively being attracted]

[Range of influence: 13 meters in radius]

【Deliciousness: +13%】

[Body shape: +13%]

Looking at this data panel, Chu Mingcheng knew that his career as a fisherman had a long way to go.

Fortunately, he is just a trainee who has been practicing for less than a year, and there is still a lot of time before two and a half years.

There is also the tuna data panel left.

【Tuna (Level 2)】

[Current experience: (3/20)]

[Experience acquisition conditions: Hunting tuna over 50 jins, you can get a little experience point; hunting tuna under 50 jins, you will deduct a little experience point. 】

[Scan: You can check the weight of the tuna]

[Usable Tools: Fishing Tackle (Kejiri), Speargun]

[Reproductive growth (level 2): ​​Increase the reproduction speed, growth speed and viability of all slow-growing giant fish within the range bound by the host by 20%. And 2% of migratory fish will stay in the bound sea area and will not go to other sea areas. 】

[Binding range: Huaxia sea area (the sea area of ​​the country to which the host belongs, will be automatically changed according to the change of the host's nationality)]

[Affected fish: the heaviest fish that can grow to more than 200 catties and have economic value]

[Fish Gathering (Level 2): ​​There is a 2% chance to attract nearby tunas to actively gather in the waters where the host is located. 】

[Deliciousness: +2% (fish with more fat content and better meat quality will be attracted first)]

[Body size: +2% (bigger fish of the same kind will be attracted first)]

During this trip to Nansha, we caught a lot of dogtooth tuna, but the tuna illustrated book has a particularly big limitation.

If the tuna caught weighs less than 50 catties, experience points will be deducted.

Therefore, after catching a lot of dogtooth tuna on the two-level tuna attribute panel, the experience value dropped from the original thirteen points to the current three points.

But Chu Mingcheng couldn't do anything about this, mainly because the ship's side was too high, and it was difficult for him to be released.

Secondly, after being released deliberately, he will also become an alternative in the eyes of others. It is just a few experience points, and there is no need for him to be unique.

When your big boat arrives, it will be fine to catch small tuna in the future and then release it.

If Jiang Luoluo was the only one beside him, he believed that the other party would understand him.

Currently giant fish grow 20% faster, although 20% seems like a lot.

But in fact, tuna only grows to 100 catties in ten years, an increase of 20%, which also changes the time to grow to 100 catties into eight years.

With the speed of human fishing, the growth rate of tuna can only be slightly slowed down, so that they can slow down to the protection law.

Fortunately, the big boat can be launched in the second half of the year, and then he can quickly increase the level of the tuna illustration book, so that the reproduction and growth of the tuna will be accelerated.

The time soon came to twelve o'clock in the morning, and Chu Mingcheng used another life transformation to refresh himself, and set off with tools in full condition.

Drive to the road and use the tracking function to find suitable fishing spots.

This time, it was not the original river, but an abandoned pond.

Fortunately, just after winter, most of the weeds around the pond have withered and turned yellow, and have not grown back, making it easier for Chu Mingcheng to move around.

The car was parked outside, and he walked towards the pond with tools in his hand.

The moonlight is very bright today, and the surrounding environment can be seen clearly.

But Chu Mingcheng still wore the headlamp all the way to the pond, and then temporarily turned off the headlamp.

One is that the water surface can be roughly seen clearly by the moonlight, and the other is that the headlights are on too conspicuously, and he doesn't want to be spotted by passing vehicles.

However, just because he didn't turn on the headlights, he saw a very exciting scene next.

Just when Chu Mingcheng was about to activate the fish gathering function of the scavenger, a car suddenly came on the road outside and stopped.

Chu Mingcheng's car was not parked on the side of the road, but on a piece of dry hard mud in front of the pond.

It's relatively hidden there, and you can't really find it if you don't pay attention when passing by the road, so the people who parked here didn't notice that there were people nearby.

He looked at the stopped car curiously, and then his face became a little weird. After the car stopped, he still didn't forget to exercise!

About three or four minutes later, the car door opened suddenly, and then a pair of young men and women got out in disheveled clothes.

The two were very anxious, they didn't observe the surrounding situation after getting out of the car, they just gnawed together, and the movements of their hands hit Huanglong directly.

Chu Mingcheng called him a good guy. You must know that the moonlight is very good tonight, so he can roughly see the situation of the two of them.

Is this to stage a live erotic palace in front of me?

As a righteous person, Chu Mingcheng felt that he had to step forward to stop the other party, let the pair of wild mandarin ducks change places, and not disturb him fishing.

Just when he was about to make a sound to remind him, there was an indistinct sound of huh huh, huh, huh, making him embarrassed for a while.

Is the action so fast and the foreplay so sloppy?

And he is a young man with a vigorous blood!

Seeing this picture, he couldn't help but go home and eat the little goblin at home, but he promised the other party not to touch her before they got married.

It seemed that he had to find a way to cool down, so Chu Mingcheng took out his phone, found a piece of background music for a creepy movie, and clicked to play it.

The sudden strange sound stopped the heavier panting abruptly, and the pair of wild mandarin ducks shuddered immediately.

Woman: "What's that voice, I'm so scared~"

Man: "I don't know either"

The man just shook his head and finished speaking, when he turned his head, he saw a figure not far away from him.

The figure's face was completely unrecognizable, and it was holding a stick in its hand, which looked extremely terrifying.


A terrified call sounded like a drake, and the woman who was frightened immediately also let out a series of screams.

Both of them didn't care about getting dressed, they rushed back to the car without even scrambling, and closed the door with a "snap".

The man started the car tremblingly, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out with a "woo" and disappeared from Chu Mingcheng's sight.

Seeing the car leave, he took the mobile phone open under his chin and smiled triumphantly: "I hope this brother can be hard in the wild in the future."

Then he turned off the music and went back to the pond to use the fish gathering function to start working.

As for whether Chuming City in the wilderness would be afraid, of course he would not be afraid.

This is not the first time, when did Ah Piao meet?

Even if there is, at worst, negotiate the price with her, and then help me catch fish later, and I can relax a little bit, rich people are so stubborn.

They kept busy until after five o'clock in the morning, when the sky was a little brighter, Chu Mingcheng finally buried the last batch of scavengers.

He was actually quite surprised, the pond is not big, only about half an acre.

But I didn't expect that there would be so many scavengers, no less than the two times before.

Chu Mingcheng was very curious, how did there are so many scavengers in a small pond get food?

He didn't quite understand it, and he didn't bother to delve into it.

It was getting late now, so he hurried back to the car, took out a bucket of tap water inside, rinsed the tools, and then drove home.

Although he stayed up all night, after using the remaining life transformation at one time, Chu Mingcheng was full of energy and energy, and felt that he could kill a cow with one punch.

Of course, this is actually an illusion brought about by the sudden and substantial improvement in physical fitness.

His current physical fitness level should have reached the middle and lower levels of NBA athletes. It may take a week or more to reach the level of Obesity.

According to the number of reinforcements, it is about a hundred times.

Chu Mingcheng could feel that the stronger his physical fitness, the weaker the improvement brought about by each strengthening.

It's not that the improvement of life enhancement is less, but that any improvement is always much faster in the early stage.

According to the habit, Jiang Luoluo should be able to make breakfast, so Chu Mingcheng didn't go to buy breakfast, and went home to take a shower.

As soon as I got out of the shower, the electronic lock of my house was opened.

I saw Jiang Luoluo was holding some ingredients in his hands, and seemed to be planning to make breakfast at his side.

She thought Chu Mingcheng hadn't woken up, but when she came in, she saw a whole body of flesh, which made her stare dumbfounded immediately.

She found that her man's figure seemed to be getting better and better, and it made people drool more and more.

Jiang Luoluo closed the door, stepped forward immediately, and touched him with a pair of small hands like a female hooligan.

"It doesn't feel like it's been a long time. Why are your muscles becoming more and more conspicuous?"

"Hey, even if you are my girlfriend, please don't touch me?" Chu Mingcheng immediately grabbed her hand.

I was stimulated last night, and I am getting angry!

Coupled with the fact that the remaining life transformation before being used up at one time, the physical fitness has been significantly improved, and the anger naturally also rises.

Most importantly, it happened to be morning.

Jiang Luoluo's slightly cold little hands touched his body everywhere, no wonder he could bear it.

"What, did you get my permission when you touched me before? Don't let me touch me!"

"You asked for this!"

Seeing her coming to the door by himself, Chu Mingcheng immediately picked her up and pressed her on the sofa.

Jiang Luoluo's eyes were slightly blurred, and his small mouth was slightly opened, exhaling like blue: "What do you want to do?"

"Of course it's something I want to do!" After Chu Mingcheng finished speaking, he lowered his head and began to taste her alluring little mouth.

After a short while, the temperature on the sofa rose rapidly.

But in the end, Chu Mingcheng let the disheveled Jiang Luoluo go and suppressed his impulse.

"I'm going to take a cold shower."

"Hey..." Looking at Chu Mingcheng rushing into the bathroom, Jiang Luoluo didn't even have time to stop him, feeling speechless and depressed.

She didn't seem to refuse it just now, so why was she not impulsive when she wanted to eat her man before?

"Could it be."

Sitting up and tidying up her clothes, Jiang Luoluo suddenly thought of the joke she made when she was at the Qiongzhou Hotel.

It happened to be menstruation at that time, and it was a hotel environment, so she played a little joke on Chu Mingcheng.

In fact, Jiang Luoluo is not so persistent about this matter anymore, mainly because both parents have met and have already started to discuss the matter of engagement.

They also have no worries about money, whether it is a bride price or a dowry, the families of both of them cannot talk about collapse.

In the end, let alone the emotional aspect, it is still as gluey as paint.

If there is no accident, she will get married this year, so if Chu Mingcheng wants, she will not refuse again.

It was natural to refuse before.

She just fell in love, and she didn't even meet her parents, so how could she hand herself over.

But now, Chu Mingcheng seemed to take his joke seriously, but Jiang Luoluo was a little dumbfounded, and felt a little more distressed. A man who holds back for too long will hurt his body.

But let her take the initiative to say: "I'm ready, you come!"

Obviously not possible, Jiang Luoluo's skin is not that thick.

"It seems that we have to think of a way!"

She didn't immediately look for a solution, but went to the kitchen with the ingredients to prepare breakfast.

After having breakfast, she went back to her dance studio to practice dancing, and when she was tired and rested, she went online with her mobile phone.

Input: "How to make your man more impulsive"

Then, Jiang Luoluo got a lot of information that made her blush.

All kinds of seductive clothing links emerged one after another, which simply refreshed her worldview.

Why are these people so shameless? They are all grown-ups, and they still wear crotch pants!

Finally, she found a way that suits her.

In the afternoon, instead of continuing to practice dancing, I drove out secretly and bought some clothes and stockings.

Jiang Luoluo felt that if she took the initiative, Chu Mingcheng would definitely be unable to control her, so these were enough, and she didn't need those exaggerated clothes.

No, it should be said that you will not wear it if you are killed.

Chu Mingcheng was not idle during the day, and went to visit some places to see if there were alligator gars.

When he couldn't find the alligator gar, he shifted his target to the apple snail.

I even tried to catch tilapia, but I couldn't catch it, so I could only toss some apple snails in the end.

After one day, the harvest is not bad, and the number of life transformations has reached eighteen times.

Sixteen of them were obtained by burying the scavenger last night. The speed of picking up the apple snails was relatively slow, and it was not as enjoyable as fishing the scavenger.

So when he went home in the afternoon, he first used eight life transformations, which made him feel that his physical fitness was getting stronger again.

And the remaining ten times will be used after the scavenger is caught at night.

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