The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded

Chapter 221 Bravely Fighting the Great White Shark

A Chinese white dolphin that was guarding its own group seemed to smell a familiar smell. It was a little uneasy, and immediately notified its group to leave here.

A group of dolphins stopped hunting and immediately swam towards Chuming City.

He has already hunted the last bigeye tuna, but it's a bit difficult to be alone, pulling the fishing line in the water, consuming the tuna's energy.

It only takes five or six minutes for the injured tuna to slow down and lower its resistance. Only then will he have a chance to pick up another speargun and swim to make up for it with an arrow.

But at this moment, a group of dolphins rushed over.

Chu Mingcheng was frightened and thought they were going to snatch his fish, but the group of dolphins roared past him, which made him baffled.

The dolphins with babies who followed closely behind the group spotted him, stopped in front of him for a while, and stepped forward to hug him with their mouths.

After a few arches, it knew it would be too late if it didn't leave, so it had no choice but to abandon Chuming City, continue to take its children to keep up with the group, and escape from here.

Chu Mingcheng didn't know what it was going to do, but he instinctively sensed something was wrong.

This time he had no intention of continuing to walk the fish, but picked up another spear gun, ready to find a chance to fill the tuna with an arrow, and then left.

The moment he took action, Chu Mingcheng's body froze in vain, and the pupils in his eyes shrank violently.

In an instant, he took out his diving knife and cut the fishing line, picked up his speargun and swam towards the sky at his fastest speed.

Instead of surfacing to swim back, he dived directly to the deep water area to swim to Sky.

But Chu Mingcheng swam backwards, so he understood why the dolphins would run away.

I saw a great white shark at least five meters long rushing towards the seriously injured bigeye tuna and biting the fish.

After the torpedo-like body of the tuna was bitten by it, a large piece of fish was torn off instantly.

"Made, my fish!" Chu Mingcheng cursed inwardly, but he had no choice but to speed up and leave.

No wonder the group of dolphins ran in such a hurry, it turned out that great white sharks appeared.

Facing this ferocious ocean overlord, dolphins are just one of their recipes.

Just listen to the words that dolphins are not afraid of sharks, but can kill them.

In fact, dolphins cannot beat these giant sharks, but will become their hunting targets.

It's just that most of the dolphins gather together in groups, so sharks of average size don't dare to provoke them, and maybe they will be attacked by groups of dolphins.

In the animal kingdom, the bigger the body, the more oppressive it is. If there are many dolphins of the same size, they are naturally not afraid of sharks.

But this time it was a great white shark over five meters tall. There were only seven dolphins in the group, and they had cubs, so of course they chose to escape immediately.

Because even if they managed to fight, they probably would have lost several companions.

Chu Mingcheng was lucky at this meeting, there happened to be a tuna used as bait to attract the attention of the great white shark, otherwise he would probably have a movie scene of bravely fighting the great white shark.

As for whether he will be buried in the belly of the fish in the end, he feels that there is a high probability that he will not.

The great white shark swims fast, but at that time it swims in a straight line.

His sensitivity in a small area is higher, and he still has a speargun diving stick and a diving knife in his hand, even if it is a five-meter great white shark, he can't even think about it.

But in the face of this kind of thing, a person would not be foolish to do it head-on, in case of negligence, his life would be gone.

Fortunately, the tuna is big enough. Although the great white shark is five meters long, its food intake is only 2% of its own body weight, so it cannot finish the tuna.

It's a pity that it's a bit far away from the Sky, and the boatman is still helping Chen Yang and hasn't come here for a while, making it impossible for him to get out of danger in a short time.

After Chu Mingcheng moved about a thousand meters away, he first floated to the surface of the water to observe the situation of Zhang Wei and Han Baola.

I wanted to see if there was a chance to get on their boat, but it turned out that he was farther away than the Sky, and he couldn't hear it even if he shouted out his throat, so he had to give up.

After taking a breath, Chu Mingcheng continued to dive back into the water and swim towards the Sky.

Because he didn't know whether the great white shark had left here or continued to wander around.

It is easy to become its target on the water, even if it is full, but who knows if it will attack itself inexplicably.

Only in the water can he keep an eye on what's around him.

After swimming for another ten minutes, the distance to the sky was getting closer and closer. Just when Chu Mingcheng thought that he was probably safe, a huge monster suddenly appeared in his sight.

The sea water was so clear that he could barely see movement at a distance of more than 30 meters.

But the huge size of the great white shark, even if it was just a vague shadow, still made him recognize it immediately.

"Plop plop~"

Originally, only the sound of running water could be heard, but after the great white shark appeared, Chu Mingcheng's heartbeat accelerated in vain, making him tense up.

He immediately raised his speargun and aimed at the great white shark swimming towards him.

His swimming speed is not slow. It stands to reason that a well-fed great white shark would not swim at such a high speed. Why did this great white shark come to chase him instead?

But when the great white shark approached, Chu Mingcheng suddenly realized.

This is not the great white shark that I discovered first, it is a little smaller, estimated to be more than three meters to four meters in size.

If there are two great white sharks around here or more, then one tuna is obviously not enough.

It is difficult to meet great white sharks over five meters in other sea areas. Because of the lack of food, they basically move alone.

However, given the environment in Nansha, where food is abundant, it is still easy to feed a few great white sharks.

Chu Mingcheng was MMP in his heart now, this great white shark was coming straight at him, obviously he took himself as the target.

The great white shark was getting closer and closer, but after getting close to him, the speed slowed down instead.

Chu Mingcheng's heart was beating fast, and the stimulation of adrenaline made him feel a little hot all over.

Facing the huge and sharp-toothed great white shark, he is not afraid that it is impossible, but he also has the courage to face this fierce ocean overlord.

Aim the speargun with the right hand and pick up the diving stick with the left hand.

Humans are not in the great white shark's diet, so this great white shark is very vigilant.

It started to swim around Chuming City, and it was obviously afraid of him.

He followed the great white shark and kept adjusting his position, facing the shark without exposing his back.

After swimming for two laps, the great white shark seemed to have lost his patience. He opened his mouth and tentatively stepped forward to bite the spear gun in Chu Mingcheng's hand.

Chu Mingcheng exerted force on his feet, and immediately pulled away to avoid the probing attack, and hit it hard with the diving stick held in his left hand.

The blow from the diving stick was almost negligible to the great white shark, but the electric current on it startled it, and while suffering the pain, it immediately accelerated away from Chuming City.

This made the Great White Shark even more afraid of him. Originally swimming at a distance of two meters from him, it would directly move away to five meters.

It's just that the great white shark still doesn't seem ready to give up, it hurts a lot from being shocked, but it doesn't scare it.

Seeing this, Chu Mingcheng also had a headache. He hoped that the great white shark would get out of trouble.

This is also the reason why he has not shot the fish arrow, because the spear gun is currently his most powerful weapon, but he is not sure about killing the great white shark.

The wooden gun that was floating in the water was temporarily unusable because the fishing line was cut.

Chen Yang's speargun is a carbon speargun, which is not powerful enough. Unless it hits the shark's eyes and destroys the shark's brain, it will not be able to kill the great white shark.

Without great confidence in killing the great white shark, he would naturally not provoke the other party.

Moreover, the great white shark is a second-class national protected animal. Even if it is killed, it cannot be traded. Of course, Chu Mingcheng will not take this risk.

It's a pity that the great white shark didn't seem to be ready to let him go. After being frightened by the diving stick just now, he circled twice and seemed to forget the pain, and rushed up again.

Chu Mingcheng had already kicked off his fins, which were inconvenient to move, and was ready for battle.

The Great White Shark couldn't get up to speed within a short distance, and was nimbly dodged by him again.

Without flippers, Chu Mingcheng was more nimble. He used a speargun to attract the great white shark to bite, dodged it when it was about to bite, and then hit it again with the diving stick with his left hand.

It's just that the great white shark was tougher than he had imagined, and he beat it three times with his diving stick, but he still didn't leave. This made Chu Mingcheng gradually lose his patience.

Several times of tentative attacks let him know that the great white shark has no way to attack him.

Swimming freely makes him as agile in the water as on land, and the all-round improvement of his physical fitness makes his reflexes more sharp and his reaction is very fast.

He has been staying in place, and the great white shark will not increase its speed to the maximum like it usually does when chasing prey, so he has been teased by him many times, but there is nothing he can do about it.

After turning a corner, the iron-headed great white shark attacked again.

Chu Mingcheng was not used to it this time, so he aimed his speargun at its eyes and pressed the trigger.

When the fish arrow hit the great white shark, he immediately released the line, and quickly swung his legs to distance himself.

The fish arrow did not penetrate the great white shark's eye, but stuck near the eye.

Because of the obstruction of the shark's skin, the piercing was not deep. The great white shark was in pain, and subconsciously shook its head, and the fish arrow fell off after only a few strokes.

Then the great white shark swung its tail quickly and swam directly into the distance, it seemed that it was really scared.

Chu Mingcheng looked at the great white shark going away, and heaved a sigh of relief, the trouble was finally gone.

But he did not let down his vigilance, but just stayed where he was, retracted the fish arrow and loaded the spear gun.

"Convex(艹盘哉)" Chu Mingcheng cursed inwardly, he thought the great white shark had run away, but the iron great white shark rushed over again at an extremely fast speed.

Unlike before, it gradually stopped, this time it opened its mouth and bit straight at him, as if it wanted to tear him apart.

The ability of the great white shark to run after animals such as sea lions shows that its linear speed is not slow at all.

When Chu Mingcheng found out that it had come back again, he kicked his feet and immediately raised his body by four or five meters, and the great white shark also roared past his feet at this moment.

Since Great White Shark didn't intend to let him go, he didn't need to show mercy.

Chu Mingcheng's blood was aroused, and he quickly swung his legs and chased after him with his spear gun in hand.

Naturally, he couldn't catch up with the great white shark at his straight-line speed, but he could keep up.

And the great white shark missed a single hit, and it was about to turn around and come back.

Chu Mingcheng took this opportunity to come to the high speed of four or five meters above it, pointed the spear gun at its head and pressed the trigger immediately, the fish arrow was shot out with a bang, and immediately pierced the top of its head, but the piercing was not deep .

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