The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 89: There are fish in the North Ming

Hearing what Zhen Wu said, Lu Shui was not very surprised. Since the Third Elder took action, there was no reason to stay alive.


   Then Lu Shui said again:


"anything else?"


   Zhenwu hesitated and said:


   "This battle was originally a famous battle for the young master, but it seems that because of the participation of those strong men, the young master's limelight was overshadowed."


  Lu Shui didn’t care about these:


   "Are there any more?"


   Zhenwu shook his head:




   His news was basically known from Lefeng, and Lefeng took the initiative to find him.


   The other party mainly wants to know the safety of their young master.


   This news is very important to many people.


   Of course, Zhenwu had no intention of concealing it at all.


   Nothing necessary.


   "Have you bought the ticket to Dongfang's house?" Lu Shui asked.


   He has been delayed for two days, and his mother will call him if he gets past.


   After all, the Dongfang family hasn't waited for someone to pick him up, and he would worry about an accident.


   His only young master in the Lu family had an accident. It was not a trivial matter.


   "I bought it, Master wants to set off, and I can go to Dongfang's house in half an hour." Zhenling replied.


   Lu Shui nodded, in that case, let's go.




   "Dongfang Zhazha left for Lu's house? Where did she go?" Lu Shui on the train said to the phone.


   Not long after he left, he received a call from his mother.


   chatted on the other side for a long time before it came to the topic.


   Dongfang Zhazha set off yesterday.


   Paused and got down to Lushui and said unexpectedly:


   "Lost connection?


  Niang, are you sure that she forgot to charge her phone? "


   "Chacha's maid can't get in touch either." Dongfang Liyin said.


   Lu Shui nodded, saying that he was really out of touch.


   However, the Oriental Slag is basically not life-threatening, she was alive and kicking in the previous life.


   Even if Du Jie has a psychological shadow, it still passes smoothly.


   Sometimes he wondered if his luck had been stolen by Dongfang scum.


   Of course, it could also be because Mu Xue was covering her.


   Then Lu Shui heard his mother’s new instructions:


   "You come back now. Your father at Chacha has sent someone to look for it, and I heard that there has been an ancient unknown spirit beast there, which is dangerous."


   Ancient unknown spirit beast? What kind of beast is it? Lu Shui was a little curious, but didn't ask, just nodded:


   "I see, I will get off the car and go back when I get to the station."


   Lu Shui did intend to go back, after all, the Son of the Sun had already been killed, so he knew a little bit.


   The harvest is pretty good.


   As for Dongfang scum, she doesn’t have a big problem.


   It doesn't matter if I go back or not.


After   , Lu Shui hung up the phone.


   just hung up the phone when he found that the train had entered a tunnel.


   Is their train at sea?


After    figured it out, Lu Shui could only sigh:


   "Get ready, we are getting off the car, it may be a bit bumpy."


   Zhenwu Zhenling is puzzled, there is still some distance away from the station.


   Why got out of the car, but they still became vigilant.




   Because every time the young master says something incomprehensible, it means that some accidents will happen.


   But just after being vigilant, they thought, when is there a tunnel at sea?


   then the real spirit was shocked:


   "Master, did the train run into the beast's mouth?"


  As soon as the words of the real spirit fell, they felt the bumps, as if they were falling straight down.


   Now Zhenwu and Zhenling don't need Lu Shui to answer, the train must have ran into the belly of some spirit beast.


   At this time, the entire train rolled over, and the people inside tried their best to stabilize their bodies.


   Lu Shui was sitting steadily.


   Soon they heard the rumbling sound and received a huge impact.


   This is the state of the train landing.


   Zhenwu Zhenling quickly stabilized his figure. When they wanted to see if there was anything wrong with Lu Shui, they found that Lu Shui had stood firmly in front of them.


   "Let's go out and have a look." Lu Shui said.


   He found that he couldn't go back early.


   Fortunately, she hangs up early, otherwise her mother should be worried again.


   He is different from Dongfang Slag, relatively speaking, he is less reliable than Dongfang Slag.


   is also more likely to have an accident.


  Who made him not only waste, but also love to come blind.


   The last lumbar injury was the result of chaos.


   Zhenwu and Zhenling may not be able to protect him when he was young.


   Who is not a second-year old.


   Lu Shui soon came out of the train.


   As soon as they came out, they found that the train had fallen in the woods, and there was a train ahead of them.


   "Master, where is it?" Zhenwu asked subconsciously.


   They don't know what it is here, so they can only watch their surroundings, and then ask Lu Shui.


   Lu Shui looked up at the sky and found that there was no sun, just dim light, but enough to illuminate the earth.


   "Kun, Kun is so big, there is universe in the abdomen, there is no cave in the sky." Lu Shui said.


   Yes, this is the Kun, a Kun that has not been transformed into Peng.


   Zhenwu was a little surprised, he didn't believe it at all, after all, he said it from their young master.


   I must not believe what I said before.


   But it is different now. They have witnessed how extraordinary their young master is.


  Everyone can doubt, but they can't doubt it.


   "The young master is talking about Beiming's Kun?" Zhen Wu asked.


   Lu Shui nodded, this Kun Huapeng is Neng Huapeng, and the stew is definitely not enough.


   "But we are very far away from Beiming, how can Kunpeng appear here?" Zhen Ling asked in a puzzled way.


   Lu Shui did not answer.


   He couldn't answer.


   This is like asking him, obviously he belongs to the Lu family, why did he run into Kun's stomach all right.




   Other people have also come out, but Lu Shui didn't care about the others, but looked towards the center of the forest.


   He felt that something was spreading out there continuously.


  "Let's take a Shui said.


   Lu Shui looked at his phone on the road, but there was no signal, which means that he is also out of touch.


   "It seems that Dongfang Slag should be here, but I don't know where it is." Lu Shui thought in his heart.


   If he can find the Dongfang scum, he will naturally take her away.


   no matter how annoying it is, it is her cousin after all.


   Lu Shui walked in the woods, Zhenwu Zhenling followed him.


   It just didn’t take long before they heard the sound of fighting ahead.


   Soon they heard someone speak:


  "This is a psychic monkey. She has a child pregnant in her womb. This child must be born by her, otherwise she will not survive.


   Her deadline is approaching, and she has already knelt down and begged you to give her time. Why do she still persecute her? "


   is the voice of a man, and this voice is full of anger.


"The monkey is born, and the surrounding spiritual energy is being gathered. The appearance of the vision will only allow more people to hear the news. We are willing to give time, others will not give it, and it is no longer good, and the chance of giving birth is very small. Why don't we take out the monkey directly.


   In case it can survive. "Someone said.


   The other party was silent. After a while, Lu Shui heard a calm voice, and even felt a sharp sword intent:


   "In that case, I want the monkey. I'm not afraid of death, so I will grab it."

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