The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 85: There will be no sun god

Lu Shui did not leave in a hurry, but watched this scene.


   He was a little surprised that the three elders actually shot directly.


   But soon he understood the meaning.


   Judging from the previous life, the three elders will eventually make a shot. In this life, he chooses the right time to make a shot.


   He not only wanted to kill the people who challenged the Lu family, but also sold him a favor.


   From the surface just now, he is very dangerous.


   But he didn't plan to repay this favor. The favor that Liuhuo owes has nothing to do with him.


  The Lu Shui who understands this, naturally does not rush to leave. Since there is no danger at present, he hangs on someone who has been paying attention to him.


   to see when that person can't help but want to shoot.


   The closed-eyed old man who heard the words of the three elders did not dare to answer for a while, paused, and changed the topic:


   "Lu Buzheng, you need to know who the person who has just died is, that is the son of the sun god, the heir of the god, and his death is directly related to you."


   There was a joking voice from the three elders in the void:


   "So my Lu family has a feud with the Sun Temple?"


   "Lu Buzheng, aren't you afraid of the sun **** coming to your Lu family?" The old man with his eyes closed was extremely angry at Lu Buzheng's attitude.


   There was a moment of silence in the void, and when the old man closed his eyes thought that the other party was timid, he heard an angry voice again:


   "If that day comes, there will be no sun **** here."


   "Arrogant." The old man closed his eyes and said angrily:


   "Lu Buzheng, if you blaspheme the gods, you will surely be punished by the gods."


   Then came the indifferent voice of the three elders in the void:


   "Since this hatred is no longer shared, please stay here."


   At this time, a huge palm appeared in the void. This palm was as thick as the mountains, and the younger generation present could hardly stand.


   Lu Shui didn't feel much, he was still standing there, and he found that the Third Elder hadn't planned to send these people from the beginning.


  He will not only kill the Son of the Sun, but also your two protectors.


  Also, once they have already settled their enemies, there is no need to let them go back.


   Although the old man with closed eyes was angry, he also saw the wishes of the three elders. He did not run away, but opened his eyes.


   "Lu Buzheng, you will pay for your arrogance. I have opened my eyes and I am the apostle of the gods."


   With the voice of the old man with his eyes closed, a force beyond the ordinary erupted from him.


   As if a **** kissed him.


   The people outside the mountain are escaping quickly. They know that if they stay any longer, their lives will be lost.


   No one thought that it was a battle of the younger generation, but it turned into a battle of the super strong.


   They have no qualifications to watch this kind of battle.


   Lu Shui looked at the old man with his eyes closed. Although the other person's momentum was good, it was only good.


   Of course, he seems to be leaving too, otherwise he will be affected.


   It's just that he is not in a hurry, because someone is more anxious than him, and that person is about to do it.


   Soon the palm of the third elder in the sky collided with the eyes of the old man with his eyes closed.


   The terrifying power spread instantly.


When    was about to expand to Lu Shui's side, Lu Shui suddenly turned his head and looked to the side.


  Because that person is here.


   The moment Lu Shui turned his head, he happened to meet a middle-aged man who was right in front of him.


"I saw you."


   This is what Lu Shui said instantly when he turned his head.


   Gao Yuan's pupils shrank, he never thought that this person would turn his head at this moment, and he also said something that shocked him.


   Is the other party aware of his existence?


   But he still didn't pause, but just grabbed Liuhuo and left here.


  In this way, he is the final winner.


   But the hand that should have touched Lu Shui unexpectedly fell into the air.


   Only then did he realize that what this person had left was only an afterimage.




   is simply a scary person.


   Lu Shui escaped, and he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​wanting to go hard with those people.


   Knowing that he can't do it, that's his stupidity.


   Of course, there are some things that he knows he can’t do or he has to do, sometimes he would rather be stupid.


   Such as killing that fierce beast.


   Something harmful to his mother must not be kept.


   Don’t stay if it’s harmful to Mu Xue. He hurt Mu Xue. How could he retire?


   Then Lu Shui returned to the yard.


When    came back, he suddenly wanted to understand one thing, the fierce beast was targeting his mother, it might be a fairy like Huaxian.


   And the Sun Temple is aimed at him, they are not immortals.


   The two things have something in common, that is, they are both aimed at the Lu family.


   Two different big forces actually targeted the Lu Family in a short period of time.


   If there is nothing tricky in it, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.


   But he didn't feel much in his last life.


   This made him puzzled.


   As for the last person, Lu Shui didn't know what he was aiming at.


   But the opponent is a talisman, he can see it.


   Now he needs to care about immortals and Western gods.


   Fuxiu, this person should be for the sake of flow of fire, so I don't care about it for the time being.


   Thinking like this, Lu Shui withdrew from the flame and took off his mask.


   Seeing Lu Shui coming back, and not being seriously injured, Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling breathed a sigh of relief.


   "Master, do you need a rest?" Zhenwu asked on the side.


   Lu Shui nodded:


   "During my break, I will find out what the final result of Tianyun Peak is."


   Zhenwu Zhenling was a little puzzled. They just saw that the light belonging to the sun knight disappeared. Couldn't it be that the young master killed the opponent and became famous in a battle?


  Although they were a little confused, they still nodded and said:


   "Good young master."


   Lushui nodded, and then walked into the room. He really needed a rest.


  Sometimes, although I didn't get hurt much, it still hurts.


   Seeing Lu Shui enter, Zhen Wu just remembered that they had placed a lot of formations here and couldn't get in. When Zhen Wu wanted to speak, he immediately closed his mouth and swallowed even harder when it reached his throat.


   Because he saw that Lu Shui had already stepped out of the formation.


   is almost like nothing.


   Zhen Wu Zhen Ling glanced at each other, and they found that the young master was more powerful than they expected.


   God knows how deep this formation is.


   The patriarch’s wife is not so exaggerated, right?


   Master can hide for so many years.


   They want to know how strong and terrible the young master is.


   Then they started to dismantle the formation. They just finished setting up, and even if it is useless, they are going to dismantle now.


   There is no way, they have their own arrangements, not two together They can't go out by themselves.






   There is a piece of frozen ice in a steaming pool.


   Mu Xue sits on top of the ice.


   She was stayed here by the second elder to regulate her body. The heat here can improve a person's physique, which is of great benefit to cultivation.


  Of course, also beauty and beauty.


   Mu Xue was told by Lu Shuiniang.


When the second elder    is away, you can use it as a hot spring.


   This is a snow-capped mountain. The snow-capped mountain has a powerful formation. You can't see through it, so you don't have to worry about it.


   There is only one person, and he has just come to Lu's house, Mu Xue dare not make any trouble.


   Of course, there is no land water here, so hot springs are not fun.


   Well, it won't work, just in case the two elders come back.


   They will die terribly.


   At this time, Mu Xue who was meditating suddenly opened her eyes. She looked towards the foot of the mountain, frowning, and she found that there was a human aura on the edge of the formation.


   "Strange, don't talk about the edge under normal circumstances, even the periphery shouldn't be people coming in, what's the matter with these people?"


   Yes, there is more than one person on the edge.


   After hesitating, Mu Xue stood up, she planned to go down and take a look.

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