Remember in one second【】

Lu Family Hall.

Sitting in the top position, the third elder narrowed his eyes:

"So arrogant."

Just looking at the past moment, the other party actually noticed him.

This is not what a normal third-order can do.

He naturally also asked for a copy of Flowing Fire. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find out the source of Flowing Fire.

This flow fire appeared out of thin air.

"He can detect my gaze, which means he can also detect other people's gazes, so he dared to fight the Son of the Sun, saying that he didn't rely on me to believe it.

Which unicorn is he from? "

The three elders would never think that the other party was a person. You must know the moment his gaze passed, but he used a secret method.

However, he still couldn't see through this person's true appearance and breath.

There are definitely strong ones who have left protection for the other side.


The three elders still watched.

He didn't compare him with Lu Shui, no matter how Tianjiao was, he was also someone else's child.

How can the children of other people's families compare to their own children?

Of course, don't expect him to have a good expression on Lu Shui.

It's useless, and it doesn't seek to make progress, it's a shame to the Lu family.

Can't think, the more I think, the more angry.


The figure of the land and the sun knight on the top of the cloud disappeared and reappeared, a storm of power hit the mountain peak, and the ground began to crack.

As if unable to withstand the devastation of their power storm.

Soon their figures appeared in mid-air, and this time they were still facing each other with their palms.

boom! !

The two separated directly and then fell to the ground.

The sun knight wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said:

"You are very strong, so strong makes me suspect that you are also the heir of God."

Lu Shui looked at the sun knights without speaking. He wanted to know what realm the **** they were talking about, or what power they possessed.

He doesn't know much about Western history.

He had referred to Western beliefs in order to get Mu Xue to get pregnant, but it was no different from Oriental incense, and it was not suitable for his research, so he gave up directly.

Otherwise, he would study part of Western history.

At this time, Lu Shui heard a voice from the Sun Rider again:

"If you only have these strengths, then you are defeated."

After saying this, the Sun Knight stretched out his hand, and a spear appeared in his hand.

This gun carried a hot aura, and then the sun knight also began to emit a hot aura, like the flames of fire burning crazily.

"The only one who can force me out of this state is Jian Yifeng's sword attack, but he lost to me, and the same goes for you."

At this moment, the sun knight's momentum and strength are constantly rising.

Although this power is within the third tier, it surpasses the third tier.

That is a strange bonus.

It's like the bonus of Huaxian's celestial energy.

Lu Shui frowned. He could see that this power did not belong to the Sun Knight, but it was like a bloodline inheritance.

But inheritance is always just inheritance, not as good as Huaxian's faint air.

Lu Shui took out a giant sword, and since the opponent used a weapon, he naturally wanted to move it too.

But what he got was a hand bought casually on the road.

The main reason is that the recognition of the Seven Scales Dragon Yin Sword is a bit high.

Then Lu Shui also walked towards the Sun Rider.

"Do you know who I am? You dare to play with fire in front of me." The Sun Rider looked at the landing water and waved his spear, then grabbed one hand into the sky and said:

"Let you see what fire is.

The fire started a prairie fire. "

The sun knight waved his hand to the sky, and the next moment an endless flame fell from the sky.

The wide range and the mighty power shocked the people around.

Is this still the third order?

is that a lie.

Lu Shui looked at the opponent’s sky fire, did not care, but walked out step by step, but as he walked, a huge formation appeared under his feet, which directly covered the entire peak of the mountain, and then came. Lu Shui's low voice:

"Di Yan, Burning Heaven."

At this moment, the endless fire light appeared from Tianyun Peak, and their feet were like a sea of ​​fire.

The Sun Rider speeded up, and Lu Shui also speeded up.

In an instant the two people fought together again.

The sky fire fell, and the earth flame also surged, and the two of them were directly surrounded by the fire light.

As the countless flames of their confrontation sputtered out, many people had to retreat.

This is too strong, and many strong people suspect that these two people are not the pride of the younger generation at all.

It's horrible.

Le Feng looked at the peak of Tianyun Mountain, he was a little excited, their Young Sect Master was really too strong.

But he was a little worried that the sun knight hadn't used that halo from beginning to end.

Lefeng has seen it, and many people have seen it too. Although they are evenly matched, Liuhuo has a faint lack of stamina.

However, many people didn't say anything. If Liu Huo loses again, the entire cultivation world of Tianjiao of the same generation is equivalent to not being an opponent of the Sun Knight.

Do you count on land and water?

This is impossible, you can only count on flowing fire.


^0^Remember in one second【】

The Yang knight sensed a powerful mind, and he knew that as long as he wins the flow of fire, his light will shine into the Lu family.

Land and water will lose without fighting.

But he didn't dare to be distracted. The opponent was very strong and he needed to take it seriously.

But that's it.

After a while, the sun knight noticed that Flowing Fire was beginning to weaken, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time he stepped up his efforts.

With a bang, a huge power blow appeared on the peak of Tianyun Mountain.

Under the shock of this terrible force, the sky fire dissipated and the earth flame went out.

But Liuhuo was directly repelled to the ground.

Everyone who saw this step was stunned, and then felt a little lost, defeated, and defeated.

The Sun Knight also looked at the Flowing Fire, and he said in a condescending manner:

"You lost."

Lu Shui stood up hard, holding the huge sword, and rushing towards the sun knight again.

It's just that the pace of rushing past is no longer steady, and the hand holding the sword is no longer strong.

Everyone could see that Liu Huo was doing his best and he was defeated.

Really lost.

When Lu Shui approached, the Sun Knight directly knocked him back.

"I admit that you are very strong, but you eventually lost." The Sun Knight said.

Lu Shui stood there, taking a deep breath:

"is it?"

He said that he rushed over again, this time the pace was a bit more stable than before.

But after all, there are some looming This is the result of bravery.

The Sun Rider could clearly perceive the chaos of the land and water, the frivolity of the steps, and the intermittent power connection, which is already the end of the force.

But this time he didn't plan to keep his hands. The strength of the opponent shocked him, and such an enemy could not stay.

Soon Lu Shui approached the Sun Rider again, this time when Lu Shui approached the Sun Rider, a light flashed in his eyes.

"Disappeared, no, it should be said that I no longer pay attention to it. Are you finally willing to look away?

I have been waiting for a long time. "

At this time, the sun knight waved his spear again, he was more serious than ever, he wanted to take advantage of the fact that the people behind the opponent did not react, and he would kill with one blow.

Yes, he thinks that the young master of the sect must also have someone who protects the Tao.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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