Finally, Mu Yuan looked at Mu Jian and said:

   "The third child, Mu Xue is your child. You can decide this matter."

   Lu Gu looked at Mu Jian, who he knew naturally.

   Mu Jian looked at Lu Gu, then looked at Mu Xue and said:

   "This is a good thing, and I will not refuse it naturally.

   I just don’t know if the child wants to. "

   Mu Xue immediately said:

   "Mu Xue listens to his father."

   means she has no opinion either.

   Mu Yuan said at this moment:

   "In that case, when does Lu brother plan to return?"

   "The second elder is in a hurry, so I have to rush back today. It is a pity that I can't accompany Brother Mu for a few drinks." Lu Gu said with regret.

   Naturally, Mu Yuan would not blame it.

After   , Mu Yuan asked Mu Xue to go back to clean up and set off.

   Mu Xue naturally has no opinion.


   Mu Xue felt a little surprised when she left the hall. Not only did she not get divorced, she didn't need to make excuses to meet Lu Shui.

   Although I don't know what those elders think, it is a good thing for her.

   Great things.

   "You can see Lu Shui." Mu Xue muttered to herself in a voice that she could only hear.

   Soon she returned to her room.

   She needs to come and pack her things, but her only things are clothes.

   Mu Xue turned to look in the mirror, she looked at her dress and muttered to herself:

   "Should I change into a nice and beautiful dress?"

   "What kind of clothes should I change then?"

   "Would you like to dress shorter and show your legs to Lu Shui?"

   Mu Xue directly shook his head when he thought of this.

   "No, I can’t wear it, I can’t go out."

   "Show Lu Shui the dew-pointed shoulder? He must like it, and keep his eyes on the one."

   Mu Xue imagined the scene, then covered her face and said:

   "Why do I seduce Lu Shui? And I don't have this kind of clothes."

   Her clothes are good-looking, but they are all prepared by the clan and are usually conservative.

  Of course, she also likes these clothes.

   This little piece of cloth, that little piece of cloth, she pretended not to be used to it.

   Unless Lu Shui insists on letting her wear it.

   She can wear whatever Lu Shui likes, but only in the room.

   Finally, Mu Xue decided to wear the current fairy skirt, Lu Shui would not dislike it.

   Then Mu Xue smiled brightly at herself in the mirror.

   Mu Xue always remembered one thing, that is, Lu Shui kept chanting that he did not look at him or smile at him on the day he married him.

   He felt a pity.

   But she hadn't seen Lu Shui much at that time, let alone communicated with him.

   How can she look and smile?

   She stayed in the yard since she was a child and didn't even know how to laugh.

   After she fell in love with Lu Shui, Lu Shui told her and asked her to wear it again, and then smiled at him.

   She refused that night.

  Only the next day, Lu Shui got up early, and then put on a red outfit. The moment Lu Shui woke up, she showed Lu Shui the happiest smile at that time.

   Lu Shui, stunned.

   Then she went to change her clothes. She still remembered what Lu Shui said at the time: No, it's not. I just woke up and didn't see it clearly.

   Mu Xue smiled when he thought of this.

   "I can make up for his regret this time."

   Finally Mu Xue packed up some clothes and walked out of the room.

When    went out, she found Aunt Tang was actually there.

   "Auntie Tang." Mu Xue whispered.

   Aunt Tang looked at Mu Xue with a slightly far-fetched smile:

   "I heard that you are going to Lu's house, Aunt Tang will come and have a look."

   "I went to Lu's house, if you are uncomfortable, you can come back earlier. This time Aunt Tang is not staring at your Tiannvzhen sutra."

   Muxue was a little surprised. She didn't expect Aunt Tang to speak so bluntly. Didn't she tell her directly that she had been staring at the Tiannvzhen sutra before?

   But Mu Xue didn't care about these, but nodded:

"I know."

   "Are you planning to take Ding Liang there?" Aunt Tang asked.

   "Well, that's enough." Mu Xue nodded in response.

   is indeed enough. She married without anyone in the previous life. The loneliness from childhood to adulthood made her feel nothing strange.

   But in this life she plans to take Ding Liang to the Lu family.

   In the last life, Ding Liang had a miserable life in Mu's house, but she finally took Ding Liang over.

   Although it was only placed in Qiuyun Town, it was the happiest for Ding Liang.

After    Mu Xue left the yard, Aunt Tang just walked to the door together.

   After Mu Xue was nowhere to be seen, Aunt Tang turned her head to look at the name already hung next to her.

   is indeed written Mu Xue's name, but the name is twisted and twisted, like a child who cannot read.

   Indeed, it is impossible for Mu Xue to write such ugly words.

   The words above were actually written by Aunt Tang’s youngest daughter, Ya Lin.


A sigh.

   Tang Yi really didn't know what Mu Xue meant.

   She thought that the indifferent in Mu Xue's eyes was a kind of indifference, but she found that she might be wrong.

   Mu Xue really doesn't care about everything in his body.

   Even if it's the Goddess of Heaven, the other party didn't care about it.

   "If I ask for it directly, can she give it to me directly?"

   "If so, how ridiculous what I did before?"

   Mu Xue walked on the trail, she looked up at the sky, and she found that the clouds today have become more beautiful.

   Maybe it's because someone will watch her with her soon.

   She has once again come to the most exciting intersection in her life.

   And there is someone waiting for her at this intersection, and the excitement comes because of this person.

   "Lu Shui, here I am."


   Lu Shui is already sitting on the train, and he will be able to return to Lu's house tomorrow morning.

   It's been so long, but he hasn't received any news from the clan.

   It seems to have to wait until tomorrow, which is a good thing.

   "Master, we just inquired about one thing, something unusual." Zhenwu said to Lu Shui.

   Lu Shui looked at the pattern of heaven and earth, without looking up:

"Tell me."

   "There is a son of the sun in the West who wants to challenge the cultivators, or the younger generation of Tianjiao cultivators," Zhenwu said.

   "What's the point?" Lu Shuidao.

   Zhenwu said that he has no interest. If this is the case, Zhenwu shouldn't be unusual.

   Zhenwu said:

   "The last thing he has to challenge is you, Master."


   Lu Shui got excited, he closed the heaven and earth formations, and looked up at Zhenwu Dao:

   "How specific?"

  "This person is a Western magic knight, he is said to be the son of the sun, known as the sun knight.

   is not very old, he is considered a peer of the young master, but his cultivation has reached the third level.

   The fire of the sun is very eye-catching and absolutely extraordinary.

   Some time ago, he made a bold statement to challenge the geniuses of his peers in the cultivation world. It started in Taoism and ended in the Lu family. Zhenwu gave a detailed explanation.

   "Challenging the Lu family is equivalent to challenging the young master." Zhenling added.

   This Lu Shui understands that the Lu family is just his young master, and he can only be the younger generation, whether it is Tianjiao or waste materials, it is all him.

   Lu Shui was quite curious, everyone knew that he was a waste material from the Lu family, and there was no reason to come to challenge him.

  Naturally, it never happened in the last life, um, or maybe it was blocked in the last life.

   With his performance, it is impossible for the clan to let him fight.

   And he might still be thinking about it in his previous life.

   But this is indeed a bit unusual.

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