The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 61: Someone wants to challenge land and water

   Seeing Lu Shui approaching, Qiao Gan kept leaning against the wall in fright. Although he could not retreat, he still kept trying to retreat.

   He looked at Lu Shui with an anxious look on his face. He knew that he would definitely die if Lu Shui wanted to kill him, but he didn't want to die.

   Finally, Qiao squatted directly on the ground in shock, he held his head in one hand and shouted:

   "I didn't see anything, I didn't know anything, the murderer was a mysterious person, and I had never seen anyone I knew.

   Don't kill me, I don't know anything.

  Really don't kill me. "

   Lu Shui looked at Qiao Gan somewhat helplessly, does he look like a murderous demon?

   then he spoke:

   "A few questions for you."

   "You, you ask, as long as I know, I will say anything." Qiao Gan still held his head and didn't look up.

   "Among the women who came to Tianchi River this time, who do you think are the top four with the highest understanding?" Lu Shui asked.

   He naturally knows the situation of the Lu Family. Originally, he didn't plan to intervene now, but since he can meet it in the dark scene, he doesn't mind doing something to these people.

   "I, I heard some elders in the family say that it should be the fairy Jianluo of Jianyifeng, the fairy of Dongfang Chacha, the fairy of Daozong Yuni, and the fairy of Xiaoyun from the Xiao family.

   These four are roughly the same, all of whom are under the age of twenty and extremely talented. "Qiao Gan said.

   Lu Shui was quite surprised, and Dongfang Slag was on the list, but Dongfang Slag had a good talent.

   However, if the Dongfang Slag is ranked in the Tianchihe ranking, the Lu family's elders will definitely look unsightly.

  Don't say that Dongfang scum is his cousin, as long as the other party's surname is Dongfang, the three elders will get rid of them immediately.

  What should I do if I have a mental retardation in my life?

   In short, the clan will not agree to anyone who has any blood relationship with the Dongfang family.

   They are still very cautious in choosing people.

   "But Dongfang scum can really survive the selection of treasures?" Lu Shui didn't believe it in his heart.

   Then Lu Shui said again:

   "Any photos of them?"

   Qiao Gan immediately shook his head:

   "No, there are actually very few people who know them, but it is said that they are very outstanding. Except for Dongfang Chacha Fairy, almost all three of them can recognize them at a glance.

  The most amazing three people are. "

   Lu Shui nodded, in that case, he could only go in and take a look.

   But there should be other things in the dark scene, he wants to see too.

   I wanted to land in the water and went into the channel, and a new channel had appeared.

   Qiao Gan heard the footsteps, he secretly looked over, and then found that Lu Shui had already left.

   Yao Yusheng and Dong Qi had only one breath left. They saw the passage and also saw that Lu Shui was about to go to the entrance.

   But the entrance is hindered by a powerful force, they don't believe that Lu Shui can enter.

   It was just that they were stunned very quickly. They saw a powerful force obstructing them, slowly separating them, as if they were trembling, as if they had encountered some terrible oppression.

   And this oppression comes from obstructing the person in front of him, Lu Shui.

   The arrival of Lu Shui directly made the power obstructing the passage surrender and bow down.

  This, how is this possible?

   How abnormal is he?

   Soon Yao Yusheng and Dong remembered, Lu Shui never came to pick up their treasures from beginning to end.

   The other party dismissed these treasures at all.

   Only at this moment did they believe what Lu Shui said at that time. They were not qualified to fight with each other, and the other party could not be at the mercy of the dark scene layout.

   Such a arrogant man.

  He Lu Shui is the number one arrogant in the cultivation world.

   In the end, Yao Yusheng and Dong Qi closed their eyes, seeing such a arrogant in this life, fortunately, regretful.

   Qiao Gan saw Dongqi and them dead, and saw Lu Shui disappear in the passage.

   He collapsed to the ground.

   "I want to go back and practice hard, I haven't seen anything today, I don't know anything."

  Although he didn't know anything, the invincible figure of Lu Shui had already been engraved in his heart and could not be erased.

   Finally, Qiao Gan whispered:

   "People from the Qiao family, it's good for you to provoke anyone, please don't provoke Lu Shui."


the other side.

   Oriental tea tea stands on huge leaves.

   She is still in the outermost bubble space.

   She is on the first stairway, and she has a feeling that she can enter the bubble at the forefront as long as she takes a step forward.

   Two of them got in, but she didn't move.

   "Hey, Xiangyu said that the opportunity should not be too deep, the deeper the more dangerous, the dangerous opportunity like me is not suitable." Dongfang Chacha sighed inwardly.

   She really wants to go in.

   But I have to listen to sweet taro.

   Xiangyu was right every time, and Xiangyu was right about pretending to be a flow fire. She would definitely be in danger.

  Although the danger comes from Dongfang brother, Dongfang brother has done too hard, and her face is swollen now.

   She must go back to a duel with Dongfang brother.

   Just thinking like this, Dongfang Chacha suddenly felt that the river water under his feet was strange.

   It's not just her, it's like this at the feet of everyone present.

"what's going on?"

"Did something happen?"

   It's just that their voices disappeared collectively when they remembered.

   Oriental tea tea also disappeared.


  In the strange space, on the pumice stone in the center of the island, the five light-emitting people appeared again and the headed one said:

   "The dark scene has opened. If that person recovers, a blooming flower will appear on the top of the Tianchi River. Who of you has time to go outside and wait?"

  Such a vision is bound to be eye-catching. If there is no problem, it will be fine. If there is danger, they need to take action.

   "Let me go, I am nearby." A man near the first seat said.

The person headed by    nodded and said:

   "Well, it will take close to two days to wait for the candidate to be selected and to recover, enough for you to prepare."

   "Will there be an accident in that person?" someone suddenly asked.

   "It's not that the people inside are still young after all, and the recovery will inevitably carry a trace of celestial power, and no one can shake her." The leader explained.

   The others nodded and stopped talking.

   paused, the leader said again:

  "The gods have already begun to take action. They seem to have recovered some strength. Now on the way to challenge the Lu family, what makes people puzzled is that they are actually going to challenge Lu Shui in the end.

   They customized a list, starting with the Dao Zong Tianjiao to challenge, passing through several sect families, and finally reaching the Lu family to challenge Lu Shui. "

   "What are they doing?" someone asked.

   "I also heard about this. It is said that the power of faith will be accumulated to defeat Lu Shui's Dao Xin in one fell swoop. They think that Lu Shui may also be the person mentioned on the prophecy slab." The last one said.

   "Wait, they are not stupid enough to kill Lu Shui, we should pick up the one first, Tianchi River is about to end." The leader said.

After   , the others stopped talking.

  They just have to wait with peace of mind. By then, one more lieutenant general will increase their strength.

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