The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 48: Take action on Cthulhu

   Oriental tea tea They are already close to the high ground.

   "There is a huge pit above, and there is a small lake in the pit. For the safety of Miss Dongfang, please don't get close to that piece of lake." An Yu said in front.

   Dongfang Chacha felt a pity, she was planning to watch it, but after all, she came in with others.

   So I can only nodded aggrievedly:

   "Okay, I'll look from a distance."

  An Yu nodded.

  Miss Dongfang is still obedient. In fact, she still feels that there is nothing in it. After all, she went down in person not long ago without any problems.

   But the Lefeng said that here may be a Cthulhu sealed, which made her have to go again.

   At the beginning, she didn't think about the seal, nor did she adopt corresponding investigation methods.

   This time I came here to try it specially.

   There are still a few people behind them. After all, accidents will inevitably occur. One person is obviously not the right way to investigate.

   Xiangyu quietly followed Dongfang Chacha, her duty is to protect Miss Chacha.

   Just when she was vigilant around her, she suddenly felt that the surrounding environment changed instantly.

   But again, she felt that there was no change. When she noticed the abnormality, she immediately turned her head and looked at Dongfang Chacha.

   Fortunately, Miss Chacha is here.

   An Yu also looked at them, her brows were slightly frowned, her eyes were a little bit of horror, and finally she spoke:

   "We should be trapped in a certain formation. People are scattered. It seems that the people inside are not very welcoming to us."

   Dongfang Chacha was taken aback, scattered? No, the taro is also there.

   Suspiciously, she looked back, and then she found that the people following were gone.

   There were only three left in the team of seven.

   Xiangyu also found out, a trace of luck flashed in her heart, but fortunately, she did not go away.

   "I want to try to get in, you better try to get out." An Yu kindly reminded.

   Dongfang Chacha hesitated, and finally nodded:


   In fact, I want to help the other person, but it may be a hindrance, so I don't bother others.

  Anyu was quite surprised, Miss Dongfang was a little bit surprised.

   At last they moved separately, Dongfang Chacha and the yam walked back, An Yu went inside.

   "Fragrant taro, do you want us to keep up secretly?" Dongfang Chacha said.

   Fragrant taro sighed, and could only say:

   "Miss, it's too dangerous here."

   "Okay." Although a little lost, I am weak.

   Sure enough, she should be stronger, and then she can do whatever she wants.

   No one can stop her.

   She admired Lu Shui's cousin very much. I heard that he was doing whatever he wanted recently, so she had to ask him for advice.

   Abandoning the unpleasantness, Dongfang Chacha began to leave here.

   just walked, they found a person walking towards them.

   Both parties were stunned at this moment.

  The person here is from Anyu.

  安语: "……"

   Fragrant taro: "……"

   Dongfang Chacha showed a small smile. This time it was not her wayward mess, it was her fate.


   Lu Shui took the sixth-rank spirit stone handed over by Zhen Wu, and put it into the already drawn formation. After the spirit stone was integrated into the formation, Lu Shui continued to move forward.

   Zhenwu and Zhenling just followed, they couldn't understand, really couldn't understand.

   They saw that Lu Shui would draw a formation every time he walked some distance, and the formation would inevitably place a sixth-grade spirit stone.

   has been released all afternoon, and it is getting dark.

   late at night.

   "Master, don't you want to rest? It's late." Zhen Wu asked Lingshi.

   Lu Shui shook his head:

   "If you don't sleep, time waits for no one."

   Lu Shui didn't know when the fierce beast would wake up, or when the other party would leave.

   The only thing I can do now is to perfect the formation and then solve the opponent.

   He can't wait one more night.

   This guy will harm his mother.

   He used to be ignorant, but now he may still be ignorant, but the difference is that he is not afraid of things.

   After seeing the spirit stone being absorbed, Lu Shui continued to walk forward.

   Each of his positions is not randomly selected, but carefully calculated.

   Zhenwu and Zhenling don't understand at all, they don't even know whether the young master is pretending to be true or not.

   Is it really necessary if it is pretending?

   But if it is true, where is the enemy?

   Who on earth is the young master going to kill?

   They asked, but Master never answered this question.

   at noon the next day.

   Lu Shui returned to the place where the octagonal formation was arranged.

   He stood in the initial position and looked at the fierce beast in the huge pit. At this time, the fierce beast was still sleeping with his eyes closed.

   "I'm ready, you don't seem to be ready, but don't worry, I will attack you openly and will not give you a chance to prepare." Lu Shui muttered to himself.

  Lushui stood for a moment, he was adjusting his state, since he wanted to kill, he had to be ready. Although he was anxious, he couldn't mess around.

   Zhen Wu Zhen Ling glanced at each other, they didn't understand.

   But they were shocked the next moment.

   They saw Lu Shui raise a hand, and then two beams of light began to appear next to them.

   Before they recovered, beams of light began to appear in the distance, but just a few breaths, a beam of light was erected outside the huge pit.

   Then they heard Lu Shui’s voice:

   "Eight sides kill the formation, condense."

   As the sound of land and water fell, Zhenwu Zhenling saw countless beams of light above the sky begin to shine, and these rays of light were intertwined in the sky above the huge pit.

   In just a moment, a huge formation appeared in the air.

   At this time, Lu Shui's voice sounded again:

   "Eight directions are trapped, open."

   "Eight methods array, now."

   In the next moment, iron chains appeared in a part of the beam of light, and these iron chains were all over the huge pit.

   In the space between the beams of light, countless arrays also appeared.

   At this moment, the momentum that belonged to the formation method began to appear, and that feeling made Zhen Wu Zhen Ling completely unable to draw the sword.

   The powerful breath made them forget to think for a while.

   I forgot why land water is like this, how can land water be so strong.

The appearance of    aura would naturally startle the beast. Lu Shui did not hesitate at all, and at the moment when the opponent was about to wake up, he waved down:


  In an instant, a huge beam of light appeared in the killing This beam of light rushed to the center of the huge crater with lightning speed.

   There was a loud bang, and the powerful aftermath spread directly, and Zhenwu Zhenling woke up. They looked at Lu Shui a little shocked, a little unbelievable.

   At this time, the maze outside was also affected, and a powerful aftermath swept across.

   Lefeng heard the explosion. At this time, he was on the edge of the high ground. He resisted the aftermath. At the same time, he saw:

   "Is it him? Dongfang Haoyue?

  What is he doing? "

   Before Le Feng could think about it, a loud anger came from the center of the giant pit:


   Who would dare to offend me? "

   The moment its voice came out, the terrible breath also radiated.

   Zhenwu Zhenling was directly pressed on one knee and couldn't get up. The same was true of Lefeng. He didn't have the ability to resist at all.

   He was a little horrified, who is the owner of this voice?

   But soon he thought of it, Cthulhu.

   There really is an evil god, Dongfang Haoyue is crazy?

   Then he looked up at Lu Shui, and the moment he looked over, he was stunned.

   He saw that Dongfang Haoyue actually stood there upright, as if all coercion had no effect on him.

   The music style was unbelievable, his fourth-order cultivation base was suppressed and unable to stand, but how could that second-order Dongfang Haoyue stand?

   Zhenwu Zhenling also saw it, and they had countless questions in their hearts.

  How can master stand up without kneeling?

   Soon they thought of another thing. What the young master wants to kill is that terrible existence?

   The existence that can make them lose their combat power before they appear?

   Is the young master crazy?

   How can he kill the opponent?

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