Lushui and the others went directly to the station. Although the Mo Family hasn't reacted yet, it should be almost done. The formation has dissipated, and the train should be able to recover quickly.

   Zhenwu asked on the road:

  "How did the young master just do it?

   Is it a magic weapon? "

   Lu Shui glanced at Zhenwu, then calmly said:

   "Then treat it as a magic weapon."

   Zhenwu: "……"

   Zhenling felt that Zhenwu was too euphemistic, so he asked directly:

   "Did the young master pretend to be? Actually, the young master is very strong?"

   Lu Shui glanced at Zhen Ling, then shook his head, not wanting to say anything.

   True Spirit: "……"

   So what is going on?

   The two of them don't know at all.

   After a while, Lu Shui suddenly said:

   "By the way, I don't need to talk about it when I go back."

   just said it, Lu Shui suddenly felt that it didn't matter, because under normal circumstances, he was going to say it when he went back.

   As long as the marriage is successfully retired.

After   , Lu Shui didn't care.

   Zhenwu and Zhenling are in a dilemma.

   In the end, no one knew what they thought.

   But Zhenwu thought of something and felt that he must remind:

   "Master, you are too messy with the name of Hidden Heavenly Sect.

  The Hidden Heaven Sect is a very organized sect. They have a secret book of Hidden Heaven. Once they leave a name on it, they will be chased to the ends of the world.

   Basically no one can live to leave a name in the Hidden Secret Mirror. "

   Lu Shui began to read the Heaven and Earth Array at this time, and his power of Heaven and Earth was basically used up.

   was very bad, and got some useless things and a strange book.

   "Hidden Sky Secret Mirror?" Lu Shui said without looking up: "Write the name of the third elder, do you think the third elder will die?"

   Zhenwu: "……"

   True Spirit: "……"

   They couldn't answer at once.

   Zhenwu thought about it and said:

   "With the strength of the three elders, it should be fine, but it is difficult to say whether someone will harass."

  Lushui didn’t take over. Since the weakest of the three giants can take over, what does he care about?

   As long as he is in the Lujia area, there is no danger.

   Anyway, when I go back this time, I basically won’t come out.

   Zhenwu and Zhenling understood at once, and then they couldn't speak for a while.

   Sure enough, this is the unreliable Young Master Lu.

   Isn't this a mess.

   paused, Zhen Ling asked:

   "What is the flowing fire that the young master said?"

  Should I use the name Lu Shui? This name does not have the slightest deterrent effect. Instead, the price drops. Then Lu Shui Dao:

   "A title, or code name, that you put up casually, has no meaning."

   Zhenwu and Zhenling didn't ask more questions, they couldn't understand.

   But it’s okay if you don’t use your real name. Besides, those people are afraid to lift their heads when they are frightened. There should be no risk of exposure.

   Even if it is true, they will not find out anything, and they will not go to Hidden Sky.

   As far as I didn't find out, what does his Liuhuo have to do with their young master Lu Shui?

   "It seems that the young master is not so reckless." Zhenling and Zhenwu thought to themselves.

   Although I don’t know Lu Shui’s true strength, but his temperament can’t be disguised so similarly, right?

   At that time, they were really frightened by Lu Shui's aura.

   But now Lu Shui looks exceptionally ordinary, and it always makes people feel like it was a dream before.

   Sitting on Lu Shui in the station waiting hall, decided to read that strange book.

   But when he took the book, he threw everything he had collected to Zhenwu:

   "Help me put it away first."

   The mess, he didn't want to put it in the storage bag, it was useless at all.

   Even the snow lotus in Tianshui is useless to him.

   Although this medicine is indeed scarce, they are not short of Lu Family.

   Zhenwu didn't say anything, but put the things away. If Lu Shui didn't want to go back, he would directly deliver it to Lu's warehouse.

   Lu Shui didn't care about the others, and started to look at the strange book.

  What is written on the strange book is a kind of peculiar writing, not ancient writing, but writing more remote than ancient writing.

   Or the characters belonging to the undead, if you have to say a name, it is probably undead.

   Lu Shui took a closer look and understood what book it was.

   To be precise, this is the original exercise.

   A exercise called Nine Turns Immortal Scripture.

  Landshui roughly turned over, and then I understood the specific situation.

   Every turn of this practice, the individual's recovery ability will be stronger. When it reaches the ninth turn, it can almost be reborn with a drop of blood.

   Of course, if you evaporate this drop of blood, you really die.

   But this method is special here.

After    Nine turns, the Dacheng technique will have one more life.

   Yes, no matter how you die, when you die completely, you will be reborn.

   After rebirth, the Nine Turns Immortal Scriptures are cleared.

   When you reach the ninth turn, you will have one more life.

   looks very interesting.

   But it's tasteless, it's useless.

   "Master can read this book?" Zhenling asked from behind.

   She didn't really want to read it, but it was easy to see the content of the book, but she was sure that she couldn't understand any word in the book.

   When she saw Lu Shui flipping through it, her first feeling was that the young master was pretending again.

   But when she thought of Lu Shui's previous performance, she doubted that Lu Shui could really understand it, so she couldn't help but ask.

   Zhenwu was also curious, and Zhenling asked without asking him.

   Lu Shui closed the book, watching Zhen Wu and Zhen Ling calmly said:

   "Do you want me to translate it to you?"

   Zhenwu Zhenling immediately lowered his whispered:

   "We are the one who overstepped."

   Lu Shui: "……"

   He really wants to translate it to you two people. It's not a big deal. He can point out the main points by the way.

   It’s hard to say if it’s not suitable for cultivation.

   Lu Shui didn't look at them again, but threw the book to Zhenwu. Since these two people didn't listen, he didn't bother to translate.

   "Let's put it away first," Lu Shui said.

   Zhenwu immediately put away the strange book.

   Lu Shui's move made them certain that the young master really couldn't read this book.

   They almost embarrassed the young master just now. With the young master's character, they really let him translate, and he will translate indiscriminately, fighting for himself.

  Although it would be even more embarrassing to be pierced, but their Master Lu felt that there was a certain chance that others would not be able to pierce them.

   Lu Shui has no idea what these people are thinking. If he knows, he might translate it to them on the spot.

  When I was young, I used to do this.

After   , Lu Shui began to read the Heaven and Earth Array. At this time, he was still holding the Shui Yunzhu in his hand. There is a high probability that he can advance to 2.4 tomorrow.

   I waited for a long time for the people from the Mo family to come. It should be the finishing touch.

   As for why the people sitting here didn't react in the first time, then I have to ask No Fabian.

   Lu Shui doesn’t know anyway.

   "The young master Mo family came, and the order here is also restored. Although the train has been delayed, the impact is not significant. We can still reach the Mu family area tomorrow morning." Zhen Wu said on the side.

   Lu Shui nodded without speaking.

   After so long, it's still coming.

   Mu Xue, what is your mood now?

   Did you cry?

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