Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 430: doubt

When I found out that Gu Xizhen woke up, the big man was busy saying: "Master, can you? I want to die, I can't eat it--"

Gu Xi’s forehead’s blue-and-bumped micro-jumping, the Secretary’s body shape flashed, and he took off the few beasts who were chasing and slamming into the battlefield: “You finally woke up.”

The fierce beasts lost their targets. They didn't know the array. They naturally ran straight inside. As a result, like the leopard, they were rolled out by the wind and ran straight without a shadow.

Gu Xizhen took a look at Zhang Da’s shell, which was almost impossible to close together, and then looked at Si Shen: “Si Shen Gongzi, don’t you explain?”

Secretary Shen raised his eyebrows: "What to explain?"

"The fierce beasts obviously don't come in, why do you want to bring them all to the front door?" If there is not a big cockroach like a door god, here this scene has been attacked by the beast!

"The little pet you received is hungry, I feed it." Si Shen slowly answered.

Daxie: "..." It's awkward!

However, it was just inadvertently saying that it was boring when he was with the company. As a result, Si Shen arranged it at the front door, and then went out to attract a bunch of strange to let it eat...

The big cockroach was holding up, and it was difficult to move to the cherished front: "Master, I want to digest and then go."

Gu Xi's forehead has a blue rib.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" There was a strange noise from the enchantment side, and Gu Shiyi turned his head and watched, and his heart jumped!

There are four or five orange-red beasts on the enchantment side...

The head floating wing has been torn into a broken skeleton. Now it is dominated by a tiger-headed monster. It fights the beasts and can tear off the opponent's piece of meat with one claw...

The **** rain is flying, and people are shocked.

The monster's body color is bright red, and it is redder than the surrounding blood.

Is this the beast of the Seven Peaks? !

Isn’t the beast of every mountain have its own territory? How did the seven peaks of the beasts come to the Six Peaks?

Gu Xizhen was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask him. The company was omniscient: "The beasts of the Liuqifeng are mixed, so it is no longer so clear. Of course, except for the Eight Peaks."

Gu Xizhen raised his eyebrows: "So the fierce beasts on the six peaks are not very disadvantageous?"

Secretary Shen gave her a fruit to let her squat, and by the way, puzzled her: "The orange and red beasts are inseparable in strength, even if the orange beast can tear the red beast..."

That's it!

"What are the beasts on the Eight Peaks? Are they individually banned in the Eight Peaks? The spiritual powers of the other Seven Peaks are brought together to the Eight Peaks. The beasts that have been cultivated on the Eight Peaks should have been against the sky?"

Si Shen smiled and looked at her: "How do you know that the other seven peaks are all gathered in the eighth peak?"

Gu Xi’s heart leaps a little and knows that he has said that he has missed his mouth. Fortunately, he can remedy: “It’s very simple. I have overlooked it from the air. The position of the Eight Peaks of the Dark Forest is like a collection of aura to the center. If there is no accident, the Seven Peaks Spirit should concentrate on the Eight Peaks..."

The Secretary’s palm was pressed in the shoulder of Gu Xi’s shoulder, and smiled and said: “Auntie, I didn’t expect you to study the law.” He looked at Gu Xiwei again: “I can’t think of why you’re such a small girl. many."

Gu Xi glanced at him: "You don't look too big. It's two or three years older than me. You know a lot. Wow, I am very surprised." This boy knows not much more than nothing. I don’t know how much Cang Yuyu knows!

Let Gu Xizhen directly begin to doubt his identity -

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