Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 124: Should be born with

Gu cherished a glimpse, she was in the General's House for Gu Xizheng mainly because of doubting the identity of the other party, want to explore whether she has spiritual power, so she pulled an excuse for her to see the cause, in fact, she did not seriously check, Just looking at each other's erythema looks like a birthmark, so I rushed to this conclusion.

Now, listening to Gu Xizhen’s suggestion, she jumped in her heart and couldn’t help but lick her cheeky face, which is the birthmark!

She raised her head: "Nature is there. You are originally born in the womb!"

Gu Xixiao chuckled: "So, do you know when I grew up?"

Ancient cherished a glimpse, she knows very little about Gu Xiyu. In her identity, she naturally does not bother to understand a woman of a general, let alone the other is a waste material?

Her understanding of Gu Xiyu is limited to the ugly and waste materials, and the others do not know.

She can only infer by convention: "It should be born with it."

She replied in response to this, and she saw someone shaking her head, and there were not a few people shaking their heads...

She jumped in her heart and added: "The birthmark is usually born, but it is also generated from the day after tomorrow, but some of the first time is extremely light, almost invisible, and then slowly increased." She explained this very slippery, to herself Leave a way out.

"Which kind of do I belong to this?" Gu Xi asked.

"Should... it should be the latter." Gu cherished the answer.

Gu Xixiao smiled: "The latter kind? The ancient saint means that my birthmark is brought from the womb, but it has been extremely weak, and later it gradually appeared because of the aggravation?"

"Not bad!"

"The ancient saint knows when this birthmark is visible at a glance?"

I am sorry to make a fist in my sleeve. Where does she know? !

I couldn't help but look at Rong Chu and wanted him to wake up.

After all, Rong Chu is a grasshopper on the front line, and she reminded her that he quietly compared three fingers.

He originally wanted to remind the ancient cherished method of using secrets and secrets. As a result, the right-winger’s ritual month set a ban on any technique here, and no effort related to spiritual power could be made.

"It is three months!" Gu cherished the answer. As far as she knows, the general recessive birthmarks began to appear within a few months of birth.

Rong Chu: "..."

Insiders in the crowd: "..."

Rong Chu couldn't help himself, and coughed a sigh: "When does this appear to be related to the condition? Anyway, you are here, what is the difference between the three-year-old appearance and the three-month appearance?"

He was obviously a layman, and he was cherished with a slight change in his face. He knew that he had made a mistake. The erythema that suddenly grew out at the age of three would not be a birthmark...

Gu Xizheng chuckled and ignored the two men and turned to a doctor: "Xing Daren, the erythema on the face is three years old and there is no difference between the three months?"

That Xing Daren is also straightforward: "There is a difference in nature. Most of the people who are older than three years old are caused by acquired factors. Most of them appear three months ago are birthmarks. They cannot be generalized. However, Gu is now 13 years old, and any doctor has only one If you can't see the growth period, you need to ask the patient to make a specific judgment."

"Yes, the ancient saints can't see the specific age and it's not an accident? How can we say that she is medically slag?" Rong Chu quickly socketed.

Gu Xixiao smiled, smile can not tell the ridicule: "A good doctor to see the disease is the basic common sense, the ancient saint is not even asked a question! Just directly judged, is not the slag?"

Everyone: "..."

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