That night.

Black Flame Base.

When Mo Bei walked in, he was still carrying a bunch of vegetables, so he had the photo of Cat, Cat and Panda in the back.

Just because the color of the battle uniform was too dark, Cat, Cat and Bear didn't see the marks on her shoulders. x PC:/

Mo Bei's face was still pale. After putting down the dishes, he took out a bag of noodles and put it into a transparent glass basin.

Cat, Cat and Bear stood there, looking very strange: "Brother, what are you doing at night?"

"Dumplings." Mo Bei only gave him two words and started adding water to the noodles.

Making dumplings at night?

Cat, Cat and Bear forgot about what he wanted to ask his goddess and just drooled: "Really making dumplings?"

Mo Bei said a faint "hmm" in his voice.

The body was half sideways and one hand landed on the water.

Only when it fell did I realize that the strength was a bit dull.

It seems to be a shoulder problem?

Mo Bei frowned slightly, looked sideways behind him, and then waved his right hand.

Cat, Cat and Bear noticed her action: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Mo Bei didn't want to do anything by himself.

Cat, Cat, and Bear looked at his brother talking there, and it seemed that there was really nothing wrong with him.

But, was his brother used to wearing wrist guards before? (_

He hadn't noticed it before.

Cat, Cat and Bear stood there.

Mo Bei noticed where his gaze fell, turned sideways, and let his sleeves hang down, blocking her right wrist.

Cat, Cat and Bear took a bite of the apple: "That's a wristband, right? It looks pretty good. Where did you buy it?"

"Online." Mo Bei lowered his eyes and gave him two words.

But Cat, Mao, and Bear became interested: "I'll buy one from any store. Why don't we each have one and wear them together when we compete in the provincial competition."

"It took me so long to buy it. I forgot which store it was." After Mo Bei kneaded his face, he waved his right hand. x:/

Cat, Cat and Bear raised his eyebrows: "What happened to your hand?"

"Shoulder." Mo Bei said in a very light voice, "I'll spray some medicine on it later."

Cat, Cat and Bear stood up: "Shoulder? Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"It's okay." Mo Bei looked at the side that was a bit hard and added zero water.

Cat, Cat, and Bear then breathed a sigh of relief: "I was scared to death. I thought something was wrong with you. The provincial competition is about to start in three days. If something goes wrong with you, it will be really hard to deal with."

"I know." Mo Bei lowered his eyes and kneaded the dough twice more.

Only then did Cat, Cat and Bear think of something: "By the way, how is my goddess doing now?"

"In the hospital." Mo Bei paused for a moment, and his eyes became a little heavy.

Cat, Cat and Bear opened his eyes wide: "Hospital? What happened to her? Is it because of those comments?"

"No." Mo Bei's fingers were cold and slow: "She has been drugged and is cleaning the drugs in her body."

Cat, Cat and Bear suddenly paused.

Before he could speak, a voice came from behind: "Drug?"

It was Han Xi. He was holding his trouser pocket with one hand, his fingers were a little stiff, and he looked at Mo Bei: "What do you mean?"

"Someone set up a trap. There was a dinner party, but it was just a temporary arrangement. Those people didn't give Yun Shen a chance to refuse." When Mo Bei came here, his handsome face became even clearer and colder: "I When she went in, she was already in a semi-drug-effect state, but now no one will believe that she was not voluntary at all." Remember the website address, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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