The eSports King’s Crush

Chapter 312 Feng Yi slaps him in the face

"Mengruo, Yifan, come here."

Someone over there spoke.

Yang Mengruo smiled softly and walked over with Lu Yifan.

It was Xiang Guocai, the company’s boss: “Feng Yi is already here.” (_


Yang Mengruo looked around, but saw no movement.

"The Feng family is in the luxury business, and Feng Yi's connections here are enough for him to use a special channel." Being a boss is still a bit smart, and it was this bit of smartness that made him very decisive that he couldn't do it with Mo Nan. At this time, I directly chose to give up. x

After all, in comparison, he admires people like Lu Yifan more. He understands that just playing games well will not fill his stomach. It must have commercial value.

Of course, Mo Nan didn't understand anything, but since everyone was ostracizing him, there was no need for him to praise such a person.

But recently, he felt vaguely regretful, because Mo Nan's momentum was getting stronger and stronger.

He must find someone to suppress the other party's heat.

The most important thing is to be able to lift Lu Yifan out.

After much deliberation, the best candidate is Feng Yi.

It's just that Xiang Guocai knew very well that it was simply a fantasy to ask Feng Yi to be Lu Yifan's manager.

It should be okay to let this news out and let Feng Yi occasionally give a few words.

This is what Xiang Guocai and Lu Yifan had communicated before.

"Let's go over and say hello to him."

Xiang Guocai took a glass of champagne and led the two people inside.

Yang Mengruo is still looking for who was the gold medal agent back then.

A chuckle came from the other side: "We can make an appointment to go out to sea instead. I can also sail a boat."

Yang Mengruo followed the noise and looked over, basically ruling out this area. Since he was a gold medal agent, he should be very old and as pot-bellied as their boss.

But at this moment.

Xiang Guocai raised his wine glass towards the figure who was still chuckling, "Brother, long time no see. It seems that I have really fulfilled that sentence. You can get along like a fish in water wherever you are."

The man turned around. He was in his thirties, handsome, with a half-curved mouth. His suit was straight and had a business atmosphere: "Mr. Xiang?"

With just two words, calling my brother such an affectionate name brought the relationship back to a normal relationship.

Xiang Guocai was not annoyed. He knew his temper, so he smiled and nudged Lu Yifan: "Okay, I won't beat around the bush anymore. It's not easy to find you. I'll introduce you to a friend who plays e-sports competition. You should be interested.”

Feng Yi set his sights on Lu Yifan, battle uniform? x PC:/

Lu Yifan was modest at this time: "I heard you mention it many times, Mr. Xiang, and this time I finally met the real person. I like Dimeng very much."

Feng Yi played with the wine glass.

Seeing that he was speechless, Xiang Guocai smiled and said, "This kid is indeed your fan. He didn't even sleep much when he heard that he was coming to see you yesterday."

"Mr. Xiang." Feng Yi also smiled, just like the jade-faced young master: "I can feel the enthusiasm of your friend. After all, it is rare to see people wearing battle uniforms in a place like this."

Because of the playfulness in his tone, even Xiang Guocai couldn't tell what he meant for a while.

Yang Mengruo wanted to lighten the atmosphere, her face turned red and she said, "Hello, Senior Feng, I am also a fan of your Di Mei."

Unexpectedly, Feng Yi said nothing and just glanced at her lightly.

Yang Mengruo added: "Now that I can see the person who brought out the Imperial Alliance, I really don't know what to do. I..."

"Mr. Xiang." Feng Yi did not listen to her. He still had a smile on his thin lips. He turned to Xiang Guocai and said, "These two friends of yours are very interesting. Now they are here to prove to me that the Imperial Alliance is not dead yet." , so you are trying your best to pretend to be a fan?" Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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