Cat, Mao, and Bear were still shaking their heads: "Mo Nan is a little too happy. You know, my goddess always puts work first." x


Han Xi reached out and took away the key from his hand.

Cat, Cat and Bear's eyes widened: "Hey, what's going on? Use some strength. I have a mage hand worth millions."

"A hand worth millions doesn't even have a girlfriend." Han Xi dropped these words and returned to the room.

The computer screen is still on the game page, and the color of a certain avatar is gray.

Han Xi lit a cigarette with his side face, and when he blew out the smoke ring, he leaned back, completely absent-minded.

Second floor, bedroom.

Feng Nai looked at the empty bed on one side, bent down and lifted up the T-shirt as usual, and threw it aside casually, but his eyes did not leave the empty space on the left.

Habits can really easily affect sleep quality.

After coming out of the bathroom, Feng Nai only wiped his head a few times and then lay on the bed.

This time is usually used by him to catch up on sleep.

I just don’t know why, but it’s extra hot today.

The air conditioner was turned down several levels, but I still couldn't close my eyes and fall asleep.

On the contrary, my stomach hurts very much, as if something is burning inside.

Only then did Feng Nai remember that he hadn't had dinner yet. He raised his eyes and glanced at the time on the clock. It was almost ten o'clock, which was not too late for e-sports players.

But he was too lazy to get up and order takeout again. Feng Nai discovered that even appetite is easy to control, so he should eat less of that person's cooking in the future to avoid forming a habit.

Thinking about it this way, when I picked up my phone, I habitually browsed to the other person's circle of friends. x:/

Turning the page again and again, I found this brother who couldn't even post in Moments. x PC:/

Feng Nai moved his fingers boredly. When he realized what he had done, he frowned, threw the phone aside, and turned off the wall lamp...

The night outside seems to be much darker than usual.

In the apartment, with Yunshen Zhaogu and Mo Bei, it was much better than before, but anyone with a cold body knew that even if the pain was gone, it would still be more uncomfortable than normal when he was there.

It's just that Mo Bei is more tolerant of pain, and although Yun Shen can't cook, when it comes to taking care of Mo Bei, it seems that she has done everything she should do even if she is not good at it.

In the end, she lay down on the sofa tiredly.

This was what Mo Bei saw when he walked out of the bedroom.

That person was still wearing a costume, looking like a witch, but anyone who knew her well knew that when this guy was nice to people, he didn't care about anything.

There was also a message from Yunshen's agent on Mo Bei's mobile phone.

She replied with two words sideways, just to reassure the other party.

Soon, a message came back from the other side: "She will fly to the set tomorrow. I must wake her up. Please."

"Okay." Mo Bei said little, even while typing.

"One more thing, because of things on the Internet, there are always people following her recently, and some people don't like her very much, and they always use some extreme methods. Can you please send her downstairs, as long as she comes to the commercial vehicle? Come to school”

"Excessive means?" Mo Bei's eyes darkened: "What method is it?"

"After all, we work in entertainment, so it's normal to encounter this kind of thing. You should know that Yun Shen always doesn't like to talk about her family, but she looks so coquettish. Now the circle likes pure people, so many people don't like it. People will think of good things. Some people felt that she was not worthy of acting, so they sent a lot of acupuncture dolls..." Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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