Nailin thought, haven't you already made porridge for your brother? What's more, haven't you just come to take care of your brother? Are you leaving like this?

But looking at Yun Shen sitting next to his brother, he has basically given up on the idea of ​​letting his brother compete for favor.

Because the sister in front of him was still smiling when she looked at him, but when she looked at his brother, she didn't even cover up the worry in her eyes.

If you don't really like it, you definitely won't be like this.

And my brother seems to dote on this sister.

When two people sit together, they feel like a perfect match.

Nailin knew it was time to return his brother to his girlfriend.

So even though he didn't want to leave anymore, after hearing his brother's words, he waved politely to his brother.

Mo Bei didn't retain anyone this time because he was really not suitable.

Feng Nai still looked careless, holding his trouser pocket with one hand, and threw the medicine bag to Yun Shen: "There is light above."

Five words, no more, no less.

Nailin was still saying goodbye to his brother. When he saw his brother turning to leave, he reached out and grabbed Feng Nai's trouser leg.

I left the apartment just like that when I was a freshman.

When I pressed the elevator button, my expression was basically the same, without any thoughts.

However, Nailin's head was a little lowered, and his voice was milky: "I thought I could stay with my brother for a little longer, but my brother's girlfriend should be able to take good care of him."

Feng Nai didn't say anything. He just looked at the elevator floors, obviously a little absent-minded. After waiting, he walked up and down.

Nailin's mood was a little low, so he didn't notice that his brother was behaving differently from usual.

Especially the action of pulling on the collar, as if there is something on his mind. x PC:/

Inside the apartment.

It’s not easy to be without others.

Mo Bei stretched out his hand to hold his abdomen, the pain was written on his face, and his eyes fell on Yun Shen: "Why are you here?"

"You can't get through on the phone,

I worry about you. Yun Shen put his hand on her abdomen, his eyebrows tightening: "Why is it so cold?" "

Mo Bei sat there, leaning back on the bed, with his broken hair down and his lips pale: "Yeah."

"I'll make you a cup of brown sugar water." Yun Shen quickly ran out.

Like Feng Dashen, this one is also a master who never touches Yang Chunsui.

Mo Bei wanted to call people back, but he didn't have time.

Wait until she is drowsy and opens her eyes again.

Yun Shen has come back, holding a porcelain bowl in his hand, but his eyes are a little confused: "Did you cook the porridge in the kitchen? How long has it been cooking? It seems to be edible." x :/

Mo Bei paused briefly and said in a light voice, "It's not me."

"It's not you?" Yun Shen raised his eyebrows: "Is it that Young Master Feng? Get up, why was he so close to you just now?"

Mo Bei lowered his eyes slightly: "It should be because of the residue in the bathroom, but now that you are here, everything can be explained."

After hearing this, Yun Shen was not relieved: "You mean, this Young Master Feng has always suspected you?"

"Not in this regard, but he seems to be very familiar with my playing style. He has already talked about this topic. The rest..." Mo Bei paused here: "He probably won't make deep associations."

Yun Shen looked at her: "Not even after this time?"

Mo Bei didn't give her an answer, he only looked at Junjun's face, and his light eyes became darker a little bit...

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