Feng Nai didn't move and didn't care: "What does this have to do with you dragging me to the bathroom? I'm in trouble."

Nailin saw his brother's nonchalant look, gritted his teeth, and tiptoed, as if he was whispering something in his brother's ear.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Nai's eyes changed, and the color became darker and darker, so dark that the blue in his hand was mixed with the chopping board. He didn't even look at it, but turned his eyes over, maintaining the action just now, and moved. Neither of them touched: "Blood?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Nailin nodded heavily and said worriedly: "Is my brother seriously ill? He was afraid that we would worry so he didn't tell us. Those people on TV who were seriously ill would vomit blood. .”

Feng Nai didn't listen carefully to what his brother said, and his thoughts were a little confused.

Bathroom, blood?

Feng Nai slapped his fingers again, shaking his back.

Nailin was still tilting his head, not understanding what happened to his brother suddenly. He was still popularizing science. He had seen on TV the reactions of those who had terminal diseases.

The more he gets, the sadder he gets, fearing that his brother will be like that too.

But when Feng Nai's eyes fell over, he only gave his brother one sentence: "Watch less costume dramas in the future."

Vomiting blood?

Qi Linkengkeng figured it out.

But... Feng Nai's eyes darkened, he simply put down the ingredients in his hands and strode to the bathroom.

After seeing some papers on the ground, his light-colored pupils paused heavily.

Then, there seemed to be no hesitation at all.

He turned around and strode into the bedroom, his eyes intricately falling on the figure on the bed.

Mo Bei finally fell into a light sleep. x:/

When the abdominal pain is at its worst, I can't resist it at all, and my whole body feels uncomfortable alternately with hot and cold.

Sleep can reduce pain to some extent.

But that handsome face was still pale without a trace of blood.

Broken black hair just hit the pillow.

The moonlight filtered in from the window and shone on Qingjun's eyebrows.

The shirt is high collared and pure white.

Mo Bei lay there like an iceberg prince.

Feng Nai moved his eyes upward and landed on Mo Bei's chest.

The hand that originally wanted to turn on the light slowly changed its direction and started to fall.

With his slender fingers, he first unbuttoned the first button of the white shirt.

His eyes darkened as he was about to untie the second one.

There was a click.

The door outside seemed to be open.

After hearing the noise.

Mo Bei opened his eyes, and his eyes met the evil and handsome face.

Nailin happened to run over: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Feng Nai said nothing and made no move to move his fingertips.

Mo Bei's hand on his side slowly tightened, and he was about to separate it. x

The sound of high heels came closer and closer.

There was a click.

Even the bedroom door was pushed aside by that person.

It was Yun Shen. She was still wearing the blue and white porcelain cheongsam she wore during the filming, with a shawl wrapped around it. The sunglasses were taken away from her hand, along with a bunch of keys. x PC:/

When his eyes fell over, his fingers paused.

What's happening here.

Why can bey's face look so ugly?

Moreover, where did Feng Nai place his hand? ?

Mo Bei endured the pain in his abdomen and said nothing. He only raised his eyes to look at Yun Shen. His lower eyes were darker than usual. The meaning was obvious, and he needed her to cooperate with him in a play. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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