The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 95 Even my own family is cheated (for subscription)

It is the responsibility of public security personnel to fight crime and protect the peace of one side.

Therefore, Team Zhang received the tip of the report without any hesitation or slack.

To be jealous of evil and to contribute to social security and development is a manifestation of a good citizen's high quality.

Therefore, facing the drug-related incident, Lu Dong stood up without hesitation and took the initiative to lead the way.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, just after the meal time, this will be the time when there are few people.

Two cars stopped at the door, and five or six people got out of the car. Team Zhang gave a few simple instructions.

Lu Dong stayed behind as usual.

In the yard behind the butcher's shop, a table was set up under the shade of a tree. Brothers Cheng Lifeng and Cheng Ligang exchanged cups. There were several plates on the table containing cold dishes and braised pork.

"If you ask me, you should have jumped out of Lujia Village." Cheng Ligang picked up his wine glass: "It's a poor village, what do you want, can you have a future?"

Cheng Lifeng lowered his cup and touched him: "Who says it's not, it's not that the money is not in hand. In the past few years, thanks to you, I have been able to earn a living from the public."

Cheng Ligang drank the wine in the glass: "Brother, in this generation of the Cheng family, we are the only ones left, who will I help if I don't help you?"

Cheng Lifeng smiled honestly: "Li Gang, when you have a long vacation, let's go to the old watch in the south. The old watch called me a while ago, and the project in the south is very good. He invited us to go and play for a while."

"I just started working back then, so I couldn't talk." Cheng Ligang recalled the past: "It's a big deal."

Cheng Lifeng said: "The ones who report on my old cousin may be the people from Lu's Village. Those surnamed Lu and those surnamed Li are such bastards. They don't have any good things. Look at us as a single family, just bullying people! Just talk about fighting floods... ..."

He talked on and on for a while.

Cheng Ligang picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of pork head meat, stuffed it into his mouth and savored it carefully: "Brother, did my uncle leave you a secret recipe? There are special seasonings, the meat you marinated is delicious!"

Suddenly, the voice of Cheng Tao from the butcher shop in front came: "What are you doing!"

"Police! Hold still!"

Cheng Lifeng drank a lot of wine, his face was red and his neck was thick, he was holding a bottle to pour wine for Cheng Ligang, when he heard this, he immediately stood up.

Cheng Ligang didn't drink less, hiccupped and stood up, looking towards the exit of the store: "Where did you come from? Which unit? I am Cheng Ligang from the Health Bureau!"

Five strong men came out, Team Zhang led the way. They were all in a small county town. Cheng Li had just met him, so he had an inexplicable feeling that something was wrong.

This is the detective!

Team Zhang also knew Cheng Ligang, but drug-related matters were no small matter, and his responsibilities did not tolerate any affection. He looked at that simple and honest face: "Cheng Lifeng, you are suspected of transporting, hiding, and using contraband. Now you are officially summoned."

"I don't!" Cheng Lifeng's first reaction was to deny it, and dangled a wine bottle: "I don't!"

Which of the criminal policemen has no experience, seeing someone drank and dangling the wine bottle, it's okay, the two young men jumped on it!

Before Cheng Lifeng could react, he was thrown to the ground in the posture of a dog chewing shit.

The whole face comes into contact with Mother Earth in an all-round and seamless manner!

Cheng Ligang sobered up, and hurriedly said: "Captain Zhang, is there a misunderstanding?"

Handcuffed, even Cheng Tao, who was pushed out, was also handcuffed.

"Team Zhang, the relationship between our two units has always been good." Cheng Ligang knew that it was useless to talk about personal relationships at this time, besides, he only knew Team Zhang and had heard that this person was dedicated to his duties: "Our unit usually moves around..."

Taking a look at Cheng Ligang, Team Zhang considered the relationship between the two units, and said vaguely: "Cheng Lifeng uses poppy brine to make food, and a large bag of contraband was found from his workshop."

A few or a dozen words are actually nothing, at most a few words of warning and admonishment, but getting a big bag during the crackdown is not a big deal?

He didn't say any more, turned around and went to Cheng Lifeng's to complete the routine procedures, and led people to search the courtyard of the shop.

Cheng Ligang works in the food sector, so how can he not understand the meaning of Zhang Dui's words, when he heard the number of sacks, he suddenly thought of the welfare provided to the public company to go into the water, and felt like a huge boulder fell in his heart, pressing down.

As soon as his legs went limp, he sat on the ground with a thump, just in time to see the pig's head on the dinner table, his alcohol surged up, and he couldn't suppress his nausea anymore.


Cheng Ligang couldn't help but vomited, vomited so fast and hard that some food residues sprayed out from his nose.

Drug involvement is no small matter, and it is still being cracked down on!

The way he looked at Cheng Lifeng changed, we are brothers, are we just cheating brothers like this?

For money, even brothers have to cheat?

"Cheng Lifeng!" Cheng Ligang knew that the consequences would be serious, and his official career would be ruined. He shouted, "You cheated the people in Lu's Village, you can cheat the customers, but you even cheated your own family!"

This goddamn old scumbag, he was blind!

Cheng Lifeng just got up and shouted: "Li Gang, there is nothing in the public unit! I promise! Absolutely not! Help me!"

These were words from the bottom of his heart, but Cheng Ligang no longer believed them.


Outside the butcher's shop, Lu Dong got out of the car and waited by the side of the road. He could hear howling wolves inside. He couldn't get in, so he could only imagine it out of thin air.

As a whistleblower, he has no thoughts of guilt or regret.

Even if these things have nothing to do with Lujia Village, Lu Dong will still report them.

Anyone with a bit of conscience and brains will understand the serious harm that drug-related items do to people and society.

Not to mention anything else, how many heroes fall on the front line of drug control every year, but they can't even publicize their names.

A bicycle bell rang, and Lu Dong turned his head to see that Li Wenyue was coming from the south.

Li Wenyue got off his bicycle and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Lu Dong didn't answer, but instead asked, "What's the situation with you?"

Li Wenyue picked up the car, came to Lu Dong's side with his head downcast, and said, "I've realized how hard it is to work hard in society, and some things are really fucking bad!" He forced a smile: "Football is kicked around on the field. I have also experienced the helplessness of the people. Everyone received me with a pleasant face, but they all said that they were not in charge of their own units and asked to find other units. When I came here, I was completely confused. Who cares?"

Lu Dong could only vaguely say, "It will be fine in two years."

"What should we do next?" Li Wenyue worried: "You don't want to smash the store, do you? Dongzi, let's take it easy and crack down on it."

Lu Dong said coldly: "I led the way for the police, don't worry about it, Cheng Lifeng is finished."

Li Wenyue asked, "Police? What the hell? What's going on?"

Lu Dong said it quickly and succinctly, and Li Wen became more and more frightened as he listened to it, and finally the veins on his forehead were twitching: "Is this man's heart black?"

Don't talk about the bottom line, it doesn't even care about the law.

Lu Dong had already passed the most angry stage, and said: "We are cracking down hard, Cheng Lifeng will not have good fruit to eat."

Thinking of his father lying on the hospital bed and his other uncles, Li Wenyue nodded silently, knowing that Lu Dong just happened to find out about this today, otherwise he would continue to hide it.

After staying in school all year round, in just half a day, Li Wenyue's understanding of society has undergone tremendous changes and feelings.

In the past, I always felt that life was carefree, and I looked forward to growing up soon.

I think I can be happy like this forever.

Only when I grow up, get in touch with society, and run around in the adult world, do I realize how difficult life is.

Li Wenyue sighed silently. Without Lu Dong, it would have been difficult to express his anger in a reasonable and legal way, right?

Turning his head and looking at Fa Xiao next to him, the wind and rain of society seemed to grow stronger.

Li Wenyue was not discouraged or disappointed, because he had a realistic role model by his side.

Be strong yourself! Without a strong body, he can be armed with knowledge!

There was a sound at the door of the butcher shop. Lu Dong and Li Wenyue went to see it at the same time. They pushed Cheng Tao out first, and then someone pushed Cheng Lifeng out.

Cheng Lifeng's face was no longer simple and honest, it was covered with mud, as if a mask had been torn off, and panic was mixed with ferocity.

Behind, Cheng Ligang came out alone, dejected, with an unpleasant stench on his body.

Team Zhang led people out, carrying some bags with things in them.

Someone shut the door of the butcher's shop and temporarily sealed it.

The people passed by Lu Dong's side.

Li Wenyue's father was still lying on the hospital bed. At this moment, he couldn't help it, and Cheng Lifeng said, "I'll tell you something! I'm cracking down hard now! Do you know what cracking down is?"

Cheng Lifeng raised his head reluctantly, but felt that the words were inexplicably familiar.

Team Zhang came from behind: "What are you doing?"

Lu Dong gave Li Wenyue a hand, and said, "The victim's family."

Team Zhang didn't say anything more. He had seen too much of the victim's family members who reacted fiercely.

Li Wenyue saw that Team Zhang was not young, and said, "Comrade police, thank you for upholding justice."

Team Zhang nodded slightly, and glanced at Lu Dong: "The clues you provided are very important. I won't take you to the team to eradicate a big social cancer. If there is anything else, I will contact you again."

Lu Dong understood the importance of handling the case, and said, "I've been in the university town during the day, and you can find me at any time."

Team Zhang stopped talking and took people back to the team in the car.

This case is not considered a big case in the whole of Quannan, and it is not considered a small case in Qingzhao, a small county.

Looking at the onlookers, Lu Dong pushed on his bicycle and drove Li Wenyue to the county hospital. When he came to the lobby of the outpatient building, he first called the uncle's office on the construction site and informed Qiao Weiguo that he could come back after the matter was settled.

Then I called Fang Yan again, and if she wanted to report again, she would have to use formal channels to deal with the police.

After entering the emergency ward, after half a day, Uncle Qi and the others were in much better condition. Although they were feeling weak from vomiting and diarrhea, they basically had no problem walking down.

Lu Dong simply told what happened.

Everyone in the ward was silent at first, then angry, and then looked at Lu Dong in shock.

It took only half a day, and Lu Dong solved the matter? Cheng Lifeng, who just moved to the county seat, is this over the top?

"He was arrested, and some things have just begun to be dealt with." Lu Dong said again: "If you want him to pay for the medical expenses, you have to go through legal procedures."

Hu Chunlan said: "The rest of the matter, wait for your third grandpa to come back and find a way. It will involve the whole village."

Lu Dong nodded: "I know."

Seventh Aunt said at this time: "It doesn't matter if it's medical expenses or not."

But Lu Dong said: "He should pay, not a single point less."

But it is not easy to recover compensation.

After four o'clock, the doctor came to check again and made sure that there was nothing serious about the person, so they all went back.

They called and hired Hongxing to pick them up. Except for Lu Dong who was driving Li Wenyue on a motorcycle, everyone else got into the truck.

"Red Star, walk from Zhanqian Street." Li Shan wanted to go and see again.

Everyone else agrees.

The small truck walked along Zhanqian Street and stopped for a while when passing Lifeng Butcher's.

The brand new signboard of the butcher shop hangs at the door, and there is a banner saying happy opening below it.

Below, two men in uniform were putting a seal on the door.

Seeing this, the stone that was pressing on my heart this morning was completely loosened.

Li Shan is a responsible person, so he couldn't help but say: "This wolf-hearted bastard!"

Lu Jianshe suddenly laughed, and said, "The four of us can be regarded as giving our village a thunderstorm. If there is no such thing, Dongzi will not run into Cheng Lifeng's dirty things!"

Li Guang looked at Lu Jianren: "Old Seven, I think the name of your mountain sculpture should be given to Dongzi."

Lu Jianren snorted twice, and said, "Dongzi is the famous Lu Kuisheng, is he a mountain sculpture?"

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