The Era of Gods

Chapter 532 Final Victory

A black hole traverses the twisted and broken void, exuding infinite attraction, sucking the surrounding violent void energy into the black hole.

As time goes by, the gravitational influence of the black hole becomes larger and larger, gradually extending to billions or even tens of billions of kilometers away, forming a super large whirlpool of tens of billions of kilometers in length and width in the void, forming a rare spectacle.

In this world, no celestial body like a black hole has ever existed. I don't know how many powerful aliens came here to watch it.

And the rumors that the two titans fought here and died together also spread. The rumors have always been more and more outrageous, and later it became a group of titans fighting here, and finally all fell.

I don't even think about how many Titan-level existences have been born in this young world.

The sun rises and the moon sets, time passes.

More and more human and Nightmare Sons players have come to the broken floating land group of the Twisting Nether, and they have been diverted to various strongholds established here earlier. Among them, the most populated ones are located in the broken floating land group. In a large floating land in the center of the continent, there is a main human city called Dulonger.

It is said that since the first update of the system to enable more functions, dozens of powerful legion players joined forces with a group of survivors named Dulong to establish the Dulong Fortress in the center of the now renamed Dulong Land. The rich resources in the hands of these self-proclaimed Duron survivors quickly attracted a large number of players and player guilds to settle in. After the second system update, the Duron fortress was recognized by the system and became the main city of humans.

Human beings' first main city in the outer domain, and probably the only main city, naturally attracted the envy and covetousness of countless player forces.

Since its establishment, various small actions have continued.

But these thirty or so players are all top players with elite templates, including hero players like Wu Zhonglin who can transform into giant dragons, but the most important thing is the close relationship between the survivors of Dulonger and them.

Having experienced the shattering of the world of Dulong as living and dying together, they not only have prestige, but also a real personal friendship, which greatly affects their dominance over Dulong Fortress.

Today, fifty years later, countless intrigues and intrigues have taken place in Fortress Dulong. Many of the original founders have been eliminated or their weight has changed, but the core owner has not changed.

Up to now, Dulong Fortress has a total of 17 major shareholders with a weight of more than 1%, and hundreds of small shareholders with a weight of less than 1%.

For better appellation, all large shareholders are called big lords, and small shareholders are called small lords.

Half of the seventeen great lords are the original founders, among which Shen Yuexin, who represents Lin Xiao, owns 31% of the highest Fort Duron, and completely occupies two of the eight areas in the Fortress of Duron , which are the magic area and the temple area respectively. Any exchange of elite advancement and top-level props related to mages, priests, paladins, etc. requires her consent.

However, the most valuable things in her hands are not limited to these two main cities, there are also more than a dozen five-player dungeons with different difficulties, and three large raids.

Among them, the most valuable ones are of course the five-player dungeons and two large group dungeons in the central demon fortress of Purgatory Floating Land. These are all high-difficulty dungeons above level 70, and several of them have heroic difficulty in addition to normal difficulty. , the most difficult one is also epic difficulty. Every time you clear the level, at least one T5-level purple outfit and two T4-level purple outfits will be revealed. There is a small chance that T6-level purple outfits will be revealed, which is very valuable.

Not to mention two raids, a large raid of 25 people can continuously burst out T6 level equipment.

The other is a large group of 40 players, which not only can effectively release T6-level equipment, but the tail king can also release a piece of T7-level top-level epic equipment each time, and there is a very small probability of releasing orange equipment.

In addition, there is also a ten-player dungeon, which is the copy of the Tower of the Guardian that Lin Xiao obtained by defeating the guardian in Dulong World. Although it is only a ten-player copy, it is more difficult than the forty-player dungeon. The output is also high, and there is also a very small probability of orange equipment.

Mastering two raids with a probability of bursting into orange outfits has attracted a large number of top players to join and stay in Purgatory Floating Land.

With the resource support of Dulong Fortress, the fortress Lin Xiao built on the Purgatory Floating Land has now been upgraded to level five, and the power has radiated to the entire Purgatory Floating Land, reaching the limit of the fortress. The next step is to become the main city, but Purgatory The geographical conditions of the floating land cannot support the promotion of the fortress to the main city.

The second largest shareholder in the main city of Dulonger is Wu Zhonglin, who still owns 14% of the ownership after decades of changes, completely occupying the war zone.

The elite advancement of any melee physics-related profession, the exchange of rare powerful skills and top-level props requires his permission, and the war zone also involves foreign expeditions, including the exchange of fortress prestige conventional military supplies.

The exchange of any rare or above military supplies, including orange equipment and T6 or above suits, requires the nod of several of the seventeen great lords. The more valuable the more major shareholders require consent, this does not mean that you can exchange if you meet the conditions.

The great lords have monopolized most of the top resources of Dulong Fortress, and trained a large number of elite subordinates, each of whom has very strong strength.

Even Shen Yuexin later had to contact Hui Yao's acquaintances to set up a guild to accept some masters who were willing to come, or Hui Yao's elites.

After all, you don’t want to put these masters into other people’s hands. In addition, there are many things that NPC subordinates can’t do without the help of players. At the same time, some elite templates accumulated in her hands are promoted, and no one uses top-level equipment. Establish a player guild to gather some Experts are still necessary.

At this time, Shen Yuexin's combined power cannot be said to be ranked first among human players, but it is definitely ranked among the top three.

Decades have passed, and Lin Xiao is still unclear about the many changes in humans and the Son of Nightmare. At this time, he has entered the most critical stage.

After decades of uninterrupted tempering day and night, the dark titan Duronl's titan body was finally exhausted and began to fuse its origin.

There is no accident, after decades of passing by, he has scolded what should be scolded tens of thousands of times, and Du Longer seems to have resigned himself to his fate, and he didn't make a sound until he finally refined his origin.

The two sides have the same origin, there is no obstacle in refining, and they are integrated into one naturally.

At the moment of refining, Lin Xiao felt that his original source rapidly expanded several times, but his strength increased by more than ten times, and the gravitational force emanating from the black hole instantly increased by more than a hundred times. Inhaled into the black hole.

"Do not!"

Atisha forcibly tore open a space door in this terrifying attraction, but before she could get in, she was torn apart by the terrifying gravitational force. The effect, only persisted for a second, his body was torn apart, the soul was torn into countless tiny particles and disappeared, and he lost consciousness.

After what he felt seemed to be a short moment, Atisha felt her own existence again, but soon found that she was not reliving, but

A huge body made of pure twisted void energy, Atisha found herself becoming the consciousness of this twisted void spirit with more powerful power than herself, and there are many such twisted void spirits standing quietly not far away. In this dark space.

In an unknown far away place, he sensed a terrifying existence that made his soul tremble every time he breathed. The message from the depths of his soul told him that it was the creator of all the twisted ethereals in this space.

Lin Xiao didn't know that the life consciousness swallowed by his avatar black hole would be transformed into this kind of twisted ethereal under the influence of his own power. At this time, he was still excitedly observing his attribute table after becoming a real titan.

Name: Become a Taoist overnight, level 124.

Race: Titan.

Powers: Fel, Conquer, Gravity, Twist, Devour.

Talents: Star Soul, Titan, Black Hole.

Skills: Abomination, Twisting Aether, Zeroing, Black Hole, slightly.


Stamina: 1454874.

Strength: 1474478.

Agility: 1324478.

Intelligence: 1684454.

Spirit: 1457846.

Secondary attribute: Omit.

There is no need to explain too much, just the millions of full attributes are enough to know how terrifying it is, compared to the power of the Titan Sword.

Well, the Sword of the Titans was only made when Dulonger was the star soul. When Lin Xiao became a real Titan, the power of this sword was strengthened. Although the full attributes were only doubled, the power was doubled several times. times, enough to be worthy of the name Titan Sword.

After all, whether the power of this divine sword is strong or not depends on the user. With Lin Xiao's current strength urging this sword, the explosive lethality is terrifying.

If he faced Dulong again now, he could easily kill him.

The terrifying gravitational force of the black hole slowly shrunk until a super titan with a height of more than 100,000 kilometers was revealed. The terrifying attraction merged into the black hole behind the titan's head. Lin Xiao slowly opened his eyes, and the whole world lit up, overwhelming The twisted ethereal slowly floated in the void.

"Well, is this my derivative existence?"

He could feel that he could easily control the life and death of these twisted ethereals.

With just a glance, Lin Xiao understood the nature of these twisted spirits. These are all intelligent life forms that died because of him. Their soul essences were devoured by him and derived from them. As many as he killed, they would be derived.

"Isn't this the ethereal version of the Burning Legion?"

He squeezed his chin, looked up into the distance, and walked towards the distance with heavy steps.

What is the experience of incarnating a Titan whose body is bigger than the planet?

The stars are under my feet, and the void storm of hundreds of millions of kilometers across is like a breeze blowing on my face. I stretch out my hand and caress, and a planet is slowly rotating in his palm, and he can blow out all the living things on the entire planet with a light breath.

In ancient China, there were myths and legends about catching the stars, taking the moon, and messing with the universe. This is the case for him at this time.

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