The Era of Gods

Chapter 511 Heavy Loss and Building a Fortress

Lin Xiao quickly stretched out his finger, and the miraculous purification light fell to expel the evil energy that had invaded Bingfa's body.

But the enemy's spellcasting is still going on, hundreds of wizards cast spells together, the corruption speed is very fast, and his miraculous purification takes 15 minutes of CD.

He quickly ordered the astral mage to counterattack, but the adjutant of the other legion was unexpectedly a demon wizard, who also countered the countermeasure of the astral mage, and still had the energy to summon a thick green beam of light to blast towards the astral world mage.

"Star-by-Star Warlord!"

The lord archer pulled out an arrow full of holy light, put it on the bow and shot it. The warlord did not move his feet, but moved his upper body to avoid the vital point and took the arrow. The sacred fire burning on the arrow made the demon warlord roar endlessly. The ferocious face twisted with a ferocious smile:


As soon as the words fell, the controlled leader Bingfa suddenly opened his eyes and a burst of rich green light spewed out. He stretched out his hand and made a blizzard from the sky.

He has fallen!

In Lin Xiao's eyes, the name of this ice spell changed from the green dark blue to the red and fallen dark blue representing the enemy. This wave of blizzards attacked the former teammates.

The blizzard lasted only two seconds before being interrupted by another mage's counterattack, but he immediately sent a large-scale frost nova to freeze everyone in Taniguchi in place, and the current skill was interrupted.

"Fuck! Kill him."

Lin Xiao's heart was bleeding, and he decisively ordered to abandon this subordinate.

It's too late to wait fifteen minutes before purifying. If they don't kill them, their overall strength will be greatly weakened under his interference.

With one order, tens of thousands of people gathered, and several lord-level fighters pounced on a round of siege, and killed the ice magic in a few strokes.

Protoss is talented, but its blood volume and defense are far inferior to that of the Great Naga.

Fortunately, this spell of the demon wizards is a big move, and the cooling time is very long. After forcibly corrupting a leader, the corruption will not continue, otherwise he must consider running away.


The elite demons rushed to the entrance of the fortress with spells all over the sky, and fought with the soldiers guarding the entrance in a scuffle.


Rain of Fire.


Arcane rain of arrows.

Evil energy fire rain.


In just a short moment, countless large-scale spells from the defenders and demon wizards or demon warlocks covered the area regardless of enemy or friend, and the war entered a white-hot state in an instant.

Lin Xiao was sitting on a flying mount overlooking the battlefield in the air. Whenever his eyelids twitched, it meant that a subordinate died in battle. Whenever he clenched his fists or his eyelids twitched repeatedly, it meant that a leader-level subordinate died in battle.

After many years of fighting, the sum of all losses is not as great as it is today.

The leader's men, who had never been killed in battle for several years, continued to be killed today, and his heart ached terribly.

But these are all necessary losses. Facing a demonic regular division half commanded by the lieutenant of the legion, it is impossible to have no losses.

More than ten minutes later, two demon warlords joined the battlefield, and two lord-level fighters quickly rushed up to intercept. The war officially entered the most intense stage, and subordinates and demons died almost every moment.

Fortunately, most of his subordinates are high-level elites, and the leaders and fighters are thick-skinned and can handle it, but other players would not be able to withstand it.

Lin Xiao quickly sent a message to his girlfriend, and then controlled the flying mount to raise his head and look into the distance, with a happy face:

"finally come."

Send a message to your girlfriend:

"Now, attack!"

A few minutes later, more than a dozen two-headed Chimeras, led by the leader of the three-headed Chimera, appeared across the mountain range above the battlefield. From far away, nine thick strong acid, flames and frost breath sprayed into the group of demons, and the Chimera followed. Up, exhale one after another.

The appearance of these chimeras made the demons a little confused, and the devil's adjutant had to call out some demons to deal with it.

More than ten minutes later, a large group of centaur and ogre coalition forces, led by two powerful centaur leaders and an ogre leader more than ten meters tall, launched an attack from behind the demons.

The left and right sides were flanked by the air, and the demon was attacked from the back. The lieutenant of the demon army decisively ordered his subordinates to assemble, and a huge green teleportation circle was formed.

Several mages immediately cast spells to interfere, but none of them had any effect.

Seeing that the magic circle quickly took shape and wanted to teleport away, the astral chain chanted by the astral mage for a few seconds flew out and trapped the deputy of the demon army, and immediately interrupted the teleportation circle.

The adjutant roared and broke the astral chain, but missed the chance to escape.

The ensuing battle was more intense than before, but at this time Lin Xiao had already gained the advantage, and the loss was not as great as before.

An hour later, the lieutenant of the Demon Legion, whose level was as high as the eighty-seventh lord template, died in battle.

Counting after the war, Lin Xiao was heartbroken by the loss.

Eleven of the twenty-three leaders died, nearly half of them, three of the strengthened elites, more than half of the elites, all the cannon fodder, most of the furbolgs, and the most heartrending death was a lord-level warrior.

In other words, he now has less than one hundred subordinates left.

But the fortress was successfully established, and there will be no monsters attacking the city if it is upgraded in the future.

Regardless of the heartache and loss, he quickly counted the battlefield and harvest, and rebuilt the defense.

Fortunately, the fortress has been upgraded to the first level and can be exchanged for NPC subordinates. He exchanged the demon marks accumulated before for a group of subordinates, and expanded the personnel to the previous level, but the strength was still weakened a lot compared to before.

After all, so many leaders and so many high-level elites died.

The one just redeemed is only level 55, which is far worse than the demons with an average level of around 70. Next, I have to level up slowly.

The first-level fortress is considered an official fortress, and Lin Xiao appointed his girlfriend as the deputy commander of the fortress, with authority second only to him, so that she can continue to control the fortress when he is out and she is at home.

After being busy for several days, he was finally able to free up his hands to check the loot. What he was most looking forward to was the loot of the demon army adjutant. A lord-level boss with a level as high as 87 was besieged and killed. This is probably killed by the human camp now. The highest level BOSS.

Fortunately, all of his leader fighters have meat shields with millions of blood, and their talents are abnormal. If they are replaced by normal leader human fighters, they may not be able to block the attack of such a high-level boss.

But even so, three soldiers were killed when besieging this guy. When this guy broke out, he cast several powerful demonic spells in succession. Among them, the big move Death Finger directly killed the warrior of the lord template. The outrageous damage directly caused millions of blood, a terrifying horse.

But after using the ultimate move, the BOSS was gone, until he was killed, he didn't have the strength to start the second round of outbreaks.

However, only one round is scary. If you change to other players, you can kill all the main players in one round. In Lin Xiao's hands, there are five bosses in the light lord template, and there are more than twenty bosses. Finish.

The adjutant exploded a total of five purple items, including two pieces of T5-level legal equipment, all of which were given to his girlfriend.

The remaining one is the epic demon mark, one is the head of the adjutant, and the other is a key that can open a five-person book in the Purgatory Fortress.

Epic Demon Mark replaced with an Elven Archer.

The head of an adjutant can be exchanged for any T5-level accessory from the Star Consortium.

Although the key can be used now, it is not yet able to enter the Purgatory Fortress.

In addition, many powerful demons exploded a bunch of blue demon marks and green devil marks. This time, the strengthened elites among Lin Xiao's subordinates finally caught up with the leader. There are a total of 14 new strengthened elites and 84 elite subordinates. More than a hundred, only about two hundred were exchanged, and the rest was saved first.

In addition, there are hundreds of various levels of equipment and various materials, which can be converted into NPC-usable equipment or military supplies in proportion.

This military material is a special currency for the fortress, and it is calculated on a unit-by-unit basis. Whether it is upgrading the fortress or the materials sold by functional NPCs, they are all converted with this. Otherwise, how do players buy so many things from NPCs? It can't just happen out of thin air.

There are two types of military supplies, one is ordinary military supplies, which can transform almost all commonly used things.

One is high-level military supplies, which can be converted into equipment above epic, and will be used for future upgrades of fortresses above level three.

All the things that were not used in this battle were converted, and a total of 1,800 units of ordinary military supplies and 110 units of high-grade military supplies were accumulated.

Now that there are no players in this area, the NPC store does not need to distribute supplies. For the time being, first convert a batch of NPC-specific equipment to the subordinates just summoned.

At the same time, there are two portals in the first-level fortress. The core of the copy that was saved before was taken out and placed inside, and 100 units of high-level military supplies were consumed to activate the copy.

Reaching out and pressing on the light door of the copy, Lin Xiao began to edit the copy.

The dungeon core didn't determine what kind of dungeon it was at the beginning, and he needed to edit it himself, but because the dungeon core came from the demon army camp, it was certain that the dungeon was related to the demon army camp.

As he expected, after entering, he found that the basic framework of the dungeon was the demon barracks he attacked at the beginning. It basically copied the terrain of the barracks, but there were no demons in it, so he needed to set it up himself.

The number of demons and bosses, as well as their level, are determined by the hundred units of high-grade military supplies.

Constructing a dungeon is easy to say, but quite difficult to say.

It is not difficult to simply open a copy, just follow the guide to build.

But such a copy is definitely at a loss.

Building a dungeon in the fortress must not lose money, so you have to build it well.

Simply maintaining the dungeon does not require additional materials. It is just the gold coins, equipment or materials that explode when the player brushes the dungeon. This needs to consume certain materials stored in the dungeon.

In addition to consuming various medicines in the dungeon, players will definitely gain something, and the fortress owner who created the dungeon is at a loss.

And for the master of the fortress to spend so much effort creating a dungeon, he must not be losing money all the time.

Instances cannot be directly profitable, so they have to make profits from other sources, the most common ones are purchasing potions and repairing equipment, especially the maintenance fee for equipment damage caused by player death in the instance is the main profit.

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