The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 61: King (below)

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Li Ye looked at himself and died, but refused to fall down, Yelua Baoji, his face lost his sense of play, and the superiority of the victor, and replaced him with a look of pity.

When Yeluabaoji said that he wanted to see him, Li Xun thought that the other party wanted to find a way to live, and then imitated Yue Wang's gossip, tolerate insults, and tried his best to make a comeback.

For any kind of creature-not just humans, the biggest need is to live; for a heroic man, no matter what the circumstances, how much failure he suffers, and how much he pays, he cannot tolerate himself Lose your status and power.

But Yeluabaoji died very simply.

This conquered the steppe, established the Khitan kingdom, imitated the Tang Dynasty system, studied Han and Tang culture, and governed the arrogant and wise men who improved the country's national strength. After many years, his son-changed the Khitan kingdom to the Liao Dynasty, officially became the emperor, and acquired Yanyun. Yelu Deguang of the Sixteen States—a man respected as the ancestor of Liao Taizu, died in front of his biggest adversary without making a final struggle.

This made Li Huan feel a little bit of a moment.

King Qi also had some emotions, but her emotions were a little different. "Yeluabaoji is also a wonderful person. Regardless of her stand, it is a bit respectable. If you fail in your career, you wo n’t be mad, or you will die. Ji is concerned about the same robes, but it does not deserve the name of his prairie hero.

"However, I can see all this, in the final analysis, because his opponent is you. If you meet someone, Yeluabaoji will not enter the enemy camp alone, even if he is refreshing, Niu drink a meal. His more likely situation is the humiliation or even torture of the winner.

"He is even more impossible. He can also ask you to let those Khitans make a living. Look, your name of benevolence is not only well known in Datang, but even your opponents agree.

"If this is not the case, Yeluabao will let go. Even if the defeat is settled, our soldiers and monks will still suffer a lot of injuries and injuries. By then, the Intermediate High School will not only add countless orphans and widows, but it will also be detrimental to future battles. Personal charm , Sometimes it really works. "

After listening to King Qi's remarks, Li Yan laughed dumbfounded.

He shook his head and said sincerely, "I don't have so many benevolences. I just don't want to kill, and I don't like to use humiliation and trample on the dignity of others to show my strength and merit."

King Qi spread his hands and shrugged with a lack of manners. "Isn't this what you love?"

The two characters are cute, so that Li Yan has two black lines on his forehead.

However, King Qi was so serious that he could hardly say anything.

In theory, she was the first vassal to turn to Li Zhi, and she knew and judged Li Zhi's character very well. If she did not recognize Li Yan, she would not be humiliated after knowing that she would not be humiliated. She would not be willing to give away her foundation.

For aspiring people, dignity is sometimes more important than survival.

At the end, King Qi sighed and looked at the standing Yale Abaoji. "No matter how, Yele Abao's performance before he died, how can it not make people feel disgusted. Since everyone is fighting for work, there is not much Personal grievances, let me see, I'll bury him. "

Li Zheng nodded. "Since it is the king of the steppe, I will use the king's rules to bury him thick."

Rather than drafting a grassy burial of Yelua Baoji, Li Zhi decided to make the funeral arrangements grander.

Not to mention respect for the opponent, the ability is to respect yourself, to devalue the opponent is worthless, and your position is not high. It is only a good way to deal with the hindrance of Yelubao, which is conducive to conquering some Khitan People's hearts, it is also worthy of Li Yan's rashness.

Li Yan did not intend to kill all Khitan people.

The policy of genocide is not only unnecessary but also useless by Li Zhi. The genocide is the only evaluation of this strategy.

The cattle and sheep on the grassland still need to be released by others. Apart from that, how useful wool milk is, Li Zhi, a visitor to the earth, still knows it.

If you want to rule the grassland for a long time, and make it a long lasting place, you must have enough food and clothing for the shepherds. You do n’t have to rob and deprive others of their wealth to live and work.

So developing the commercial trade of cattle and sheep and their derivatives, so that the Central Plains and the grassland can learn from each other's strengths, and everyone can benefit each other is undoubtedly the most appropriate national policy.

Once the huge demand of the Central Plains people is stimulated, it is enough for the prairie people to worry about food and clothing.

After all, what is wrong with ordinary farmers and shepherds? As long as they can live well, most people will not be full enough to twist the knife.

Over time, the unruly grassland people will also develop the idea of ​​the country. Because that is the guarantee of their stability and happiness.

National integration, harmonious coexistence, and living and working in peace are the inevitable inclination of people and historical development.

By then, Datang will only be stronger.

This is a long-term idea.

In terms of short-term situation, after this war, the yellow heads and crickets are bound to resume their power. Under the circumstances that there are not many tribes on the grasslands, they will become the top of the pyramid, leaving the available Khitans, which is beneficial Check and balance them.

For these reasons, Li Yi issued a military order to Yikun Prefecture not to kill. And strictly ordered the grassland tribal army, and the soldiers of the two heads of the yellow head, the eunuchs, immediately sitting in the guard camp, must not go out. Disarmament, recovery, and delivery of monks to the Khitan and the army must and can only be done by Tang Jun.

Compared to the steppe barbarians, the civilized Tang people, after leaving the battlefield, were still more kind and disciplined.

As for the spoils, Li Zhi will still give those grassland tribal troops, which is a promise.

Don't lose faith, this is what Li Zhi must do, otherwise he won't be able to control the grassland smoothly.

At the beginning, the tribal army of the prairie made some criticisms about Li's arrangement. From the chief to the soldiers, after these days of fierce fighting, all of them had red eyes. It was the time when the emotions were violent. It is the Khitan people who killed Kuangzhou and kept all their belongings as their own.

However, in the presence of Li Wei's Long Wei and Tang Jun's deterrence, these grassland tribal troops are not afraid to violate military orders.

After a few days, when they were cooled by the fierceness inspired by the **** battle, and the continuous spoils of war started to be taken into their camp by Tang Junyun, all of them were handed over to them, and these tribal armies were left with elation, There is faith in praising Li Zhi's words.

Tang Jun Na Jiang

The Khitan Army in Yikun Prefecture had no accidents and things went smoothly.

Although the capture of their cattle, sheep, armor, and blades made many soldiers angry and sad, but they had no choice but to go. Moreover, Li Yan also made it very clear that as long as they were obedient and did not make trouble, they would not starve them to death and would allow them to return to their tribe safely.

Several prominent Khitan figures were out of control for a while after hearing the news of Yelu Abao's death.

But no one, including Yeludi Rugu, cried and rushed to Li Yan, trying to fight with him.

These people are so restrained. In order to survive is part of the reason, presumably the explanation of Yeluabaoji before his departure also played a lot of roles-after all, for the brave prairie people, there are several people who are willing to die for Yeluabaoji. Minister, it is not unimaginable.

Li Junhou's decision to bury Yelu Abaoji clearly stabilized the sentiments of Yelu's enemies, such as Lugu.

Seeing Li Yan so benevolent, they no longer feared and started talking to Li Yan about the conditions.

"The king is the king on the grassland, and the funeral etiquette should be governed by the grassland. He also asked His kind benevolent King to allow us to transport the king's body and bury him in the holy place of Khitan!" Yeludi Rugu in front of Li Yan Saluting respectfully.

Everyone said that he was kind, and Li Ye would not harm himself. Besides, this is not a big deal. It is also conducive to reducing the hostility of the Khitans to himself, and he said generously: "Although Yeluabaoji is an lone opponent, it is also a worldly The rare heroes, the fallen leaves return to their roots, should be so, what reason is there to refuse? "

This remark made Yelu Di Rugu extremely touched, thanked Li Ye quickly, and emphasized Li Ye's broad mind again.

His attitude was so positive that he was quite satisfied.

Obviously, letting Yelu Abao's soul return to his hometown is what Yeludi Rugu really wanted to do. As for whether he thought about his future and wanted to make a good impression in front of Li Zhi, he didn't need to elaborate separately.

In short, the battle of Yikunzhou ended smoothly. Although it was a few families rejoicing and some sorrowing, everyone no longer had to risk their lives and fight with a knife, and there was nothing to be concerned about.

The end of the battle of Yikunzhou marks the national war between Datang and Khitan, and it is completely concluded with the victory of Datang.

Since then, the northern border has been stabilized. Even if the new pattern of grasslands is formed, it will take some more effort for Li Zhi, but the situation of attacking the whole world has been declared disintegrated.

Next, the Chang'an Forbidden Army and Monk of the Tang Dynasty who had expedition to the north could at least split up to support Hexi and Shuzhong battlefields.

"The victory of the northern warfare has a great impact on the situation in Hexi, Shuzhong, and the Battle of the Celestial Territory, and its weight is too heavy.

When King Qi entered Yikunzhou, he said to Li Yi, "We have fought so hard in the north for so long, and we finally got the reward we deserve."

Li Ye smiled and smiled. "Thanks to King Qi sitting in the center of the town and leading the overall situation, Qi Wang ’s name of fighting in the future will surely spread all over the world and become a shining star in the sky of my Tang."

With the flattery of King An, King Qi couldn't help raising his hands, raising the tip of his nose, and pretending to make a snorting sound, looking very proud and happy.

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