The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 27: Complement each other

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Ergouzi has never looked at Confucian students, especially Zhang Zai. When I went out to scout last time, Zhang Zai also urinated his pants during the battle. When he confronted the Khitan Ranger, he couldn't pull out the sword, and it was all his life without death.

This kind of soft persimmons and eggs are not interested in seeing him on the knees to the two male sons from everywhere. However, at that time, the two dogs could not imagine how a weak scholar like Zhang Zai would turn into a killer on the battlefield in a short period of time.

In the past few days, Zhang Zai's injured robes could not be counted with both hands.

How rare and powerful this is for a warrior, how much respect will be received by the brothers and feet, no need to say a word. At least the two dogs no longer look down on Zhang Zai, and they have seen each other as real brothers.

Although he did not know how Zhang Zai became like this.

Dutou's egg is not as fussful as Ergouzi. As Dutou, he also leads soldiers. His knowledge and experience are naturally much higher than Ergouzi.

The new recruits on the battlefield aren't urinary pants. They only know that hacking is normal, but many recruits come this way. Because of this, recruits are always the most casualties on the battlefield. But as long as the second battle can be sustained and the recruits become veterans, their performance will be much calmer.

Whether it is killing or self-protection, there are certain rules, and the chance of survival is much higher.

And if after three or five fierce battles, you can still live, as long as it is not too unbearable, the recruits will become elite soldiers.

This is the case for Zhang Zai.

These days, Zhang Zai has fought harder than five times. This is because of the fierce fighting in Beikou, and Zhang Zai and a group of Confucian students. Every war, they are not afraid of life and death.

So the Confucian students who survive now are all very strong.

It's just that the bull eggs don't quite understand why the gang of sour, ugly, and incompetent Confucians who were originally sour, ugly, and incompetent suddenly became more fearless than the border officers.

This round of Khitan's onslaught against Beikou was no surprise that after paying a heavy price, he was repelled by the guards at Beikou. Both monks and soldiers on both sides have suffered a lot of casualties. Compared to the defenders, the loss on the defending side is still much smaller.

Zhang Zai's injuries were not minor. This was mainly due to his armor, which had been severely damaged after days of fierce fighting, and his protection was greatly reduced. The sun is splattering in the blood and fire, and Zhang Zai is sitting against the female wall in the corpse. His left and right swords are still clenched tightly. His arms are trembling violently due to the force of release.

Smelling the thick **** smell and looking at the visceral debris falling in front of his feet, although he was tense in his heart, he had lost the urge to vomit at the beginning.

The fierce battles continued to numb his senses and slowly harden his heart. The scholar who couldn't bear to kill the chicken before, now sees the same disciple with his eyes wide open and mouth wide open with his stiff and horrified face, and can close his eyes calmly.

"Today the Khitans will not attack, and we can live another day."

He said this by standing next to the wall and breathing heavily, his fellow student Liu Zhonghe—the younger brother of Liu Dahe.

His appearance is even worse than Zhang Zai. Zhang Zai is a very damaged armor, and there are a lot of wounds on his body. However, Liu Zhong and his left shoulder have exposed a large number of flesh and bones. His right hand covering the wound is missing the pinky and ring finger. Look Get up exceptionally stingy.

In stark contrast to Li's wound, Liu Zhonghe's calm expression on his face.

The young and crowned young man has eyes like deep ponds, and can't see the slightest wave. If there is anything to be said, it is indifference, indifference to life and death, indifference to one's own situation, and even indifference to all around.

Zhang Zai is now very skeptical, the other party has become a stone.

As a acquaintance, Zhang Zai remembered that Liu Zhonghe was not like this before. Even in Yangzhou Confucianism, he was also the most spirited person, as if he had blood in his body that would never dry up, and he could get a knife. The mountain got a sea of ​​fire. In order to rule the country's aspirations, you can die without hesitation.

But at the moment, Zhang Zai can no longer see these on Liu Zhonghe. It seems to him that being able to live another day has become the whole of life-no, to be precise, it is not necessary to live another day. He didn't seem to care.

Zhang Zai opened his mouth a few times, and stopped talking, and finally his voice was dry: "We don't just have to live another day, we also have to survive this war. Our talents have not yet been fulfilled, our ambitions have not been reached, we It takes a long time. "

Liu Zhonghe looked at Zhang Zai indifferently, and said in a tone that chilled his back: "How can I live that long. Tomorrow, at most the day after tomorrow, I will fight to death. Like the brothers who died before, like These soldiers died like soldiers at the border. No matter what talents and ambitions, life is nothing more than that. "

When he said the last sentence, his words were full of ridicule for life, as if it was a meaningless existence, and it was not worth it at all.

Zhang Zai didn't know how to answer.

He would like to say that life is precious, ambition and love for the country are even more precious, and the loved ones waiting for you to return home are especially precious, but here thousands of people are killed and injured every day, and their lives are not as good as those of the mustard. What a talent you have, it's just a stab at the left and right.

Those Confucian disciples and General Bianguan who died in battle, who have no family and no story yet, some people can rely on Ma Qianyan, some people have good strategies for governing the country, and some people brave the three armies, but here they They all became a speechless corpse, covering the corpses inside and outside Guancheng.

Seeing too much death can make people ignore life.

When one starts to ignore life, then he ignores everything.

Disregarding everything, Liu Zhonghe, in the **** and fierce battle on the second day, was inspired by the death of his fellow robes and his doormates. He took a burst of soldiers to fight forward, and killed the Khitan several times more than himself. Later, he fell into the blood of the corpses and became part of them.

The Confucian scholars and fighters who cherish life and are particularly afraid of death, die faster than Liu Zhonghe and others.

Zhang Zai witnessed Liu Zhonghe's death with his own eyes, saw the broken knife that he swayed at the Khitan fighters after seeing him fall, heard his fierce but not unwilling roar, and watched the opponent's body chopped by the Khitan fighter Several sections were trampled into rotten meat.

And Zhang Zai himself continues to fight, advancing and retreating based on evidence, not ignoring life, and not cherishing life. During the battle, he had only one idea in his mind, to do everything possible to kill the people in front of him, and to protect his companions.

When the battle in Beikou lasted for nearly a month, Yeluabaoji lost his due patience, and called General Yeludi Rugu, a general in front of the department, to reprimand him.

"King, as long as you give the Admiral three days, the Admiral will surely be able to capture the North Exit!" Half kneeling on the ground, Yeludi Rugu was ashamed and angry, and blushed to assure Yelua Baoji.

Yeluabaoji returned to the spacious throne and sat down. His eyes were like eagles, and he did not speak for a long time, which made Yeludi Rugu's forehead sweat.

Three days ago, Yeludi Rugu had already made such a guarantee, but until sunset today, the North Exit was still firmly in his hands.

For a long time, Yelu Abaoji looked at Yeludi Rugu coldly and said, "Zhu District, a north exit, is closed, and your company has cooperated with a 300,000 army and attacked for almost a month, but it still cannot be captured. I can't help doubting it now In the end, is it that the combat strength of your company is unbearable, or that my Khitan warriors are really inferior to Tang Jun. "

Hearing this, Yeludigu changed his look.

This was a heartfelt remark. He couldn't help grabbing the ground with his head. He begged Yelua Baoji to give him another chance. If he couldn't take the North Exit, he would raise his head to see him.

Yelu Abaoji sighed and said with a serious heart: "Yelut, Rugu, do you think I deliberately spoke bad words to excite you? This is not the case. I have seen how the Tang army in Beikou has fought these days.

"The Datang Tiger Guards are indeed elite. The powerful bows and crossbows equipped by them have indeed given us great casualties. But the narrow terrain of the North Exit, we use monks to open roads, and we can easily get to the top of the city and disrupt the opponent's crossbow formation. .

"The reason why Beikou can't attack for a long time is not because the opponent's crossbow is too powerful, but because of Confucian students who have an inexplicable ability that can always make Tang Jun forget to fight and also have a great increase in combat effectiveness. These people must first charge before each battle. Before he died, he didn't want to take a step back.

"Those soldiers in the Tang army are brave and martial arts. How can we tolerate a group of scholars rushing ahead? So they are all brave and not afraid of death. This is the main reason for our frustration. Yelu Rugu, I said that the Tang army in Beikou Li Zhuo Jue, You Shengsi's department, is not intentionally insulting you, but is telling the truth. "

Yeludi Rugu stunned for a while. After finally confirming that Yeluabaoji was telling the truth, he clenched his teeth and said, "Though yellers who yell and scream can inspire morale and improve the combat effectiveness of generals, they have suffered a lot of casualties. Hundreds have died in these days. When they are all killed, how can we not attack the North Exit? "

"I used to think so too. This will still force you to attack when the army's offensive is unfavorable. But now it seems that there are many such Confucian students who can't kill them cleanly."

Yeluabaoji sighed again and his eyes became distant: "The Central Plains Dynasty, the military and the military have always been different, but the Tang army, Confucian students and soldiers in the north exit can complement each other, which we did not expect. The frustration of the army attack is not unjust. "

When Yelu Di Rugu heard this, he couldn't believe that he looked at Yelu Abaoji, and he couldn't believe that this kind of long-term aspirations would destroy his mighty power would come out of the mouth of the king of the prairie.

What surprised Yeludi Rugu more was Yeluabaoji's next words.

Yelu Abaoji said in a deep voice: "It seems that under the control of Li Zhi, Datang has now formed a national unity. The dispute between Shimen and Daomen has disappeared, and the dispute between culture and military has ceased. How horrible the Tang people are united. I am really I don't want to think more. "

Speaking of which, Yeluabao was fascinated by the opportunity and waved his hand. "Withdraw troops from the North Exit, it is already difficult for us to capture it."

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