With the guidance of that warm flower all the way forward.

Same as her initial guess.

The direction pointed by the flower of the soul lock is exactly where Haitang Chunyuan is located.

"It seems that the perpetrators and the people in the game have the same purpose, and it is even possible that they are the same group of people."

Bai Lian sighed softly.

The game event is called "Return of Soul", is it Qianxue's soul who returned?

In the game, Tong Yao personally experienced this white incident.

First, Qin Shouzuo, who was regarded as his father, died in the turmoil in Duxianmen.

In just ten years, both biological parents died in the strife in the palace of Hades.

Even the twelfth lunar month's cold winter wind is not so wild and cold, right?

Bai Lian can understand why Tong Yao suddenly became so cold after gaining power.

Still the same-

【You stomp and you are numb! 】

This is rapid growth in exchange for blood and separation.

to be frank.

This growth does not last long!

Bai Lian glanced at the beautiful flowers in his palms.


She shouldn't tell Tong Yao about Qianxue's story, so it would be better for Tong Yao to keep her thoughts forever.

"What do you think?"

Bai Lian said softly.

Her voice was soon drowned out by the north wind and snowflakes.

But to her surprise, her palm was suddenly hot.


Bai Lian was taken aback.

Could it be that Qianxue's consciousness is still sealed in this flower?

But no matter how she tried, she couldn't detect any fluctuations in the flower of the soul lock.


Either way.

Let's talk about it then.

Bai Lian jumped up the cliff gently.

Standing on the bare steep rock, what appeared in front of her was a small basin.

The scenery in the basin was completely different from behind her.

Begonia Spring Garden.

In the midst of ice and snow, enjoy the silky smoothness of the spring scenery in the south of the Yangtze River!

When the big rivers in other places have frozen into ice, here is a scene of gurgling streams and green trees and red flowers.

Anyone who is not blind can see that there is a problem here.

The system didn't give a hint, but Bai Lian hesitated.

If she steps into the "abyss", will she also become like Qianxue, and will never be able to meet her master and sisters from now on?

This is not a game.

As long as she takes one wrong step, she will never have the chance to read the file again.

Sure enough...

Bai Lian looked at the flower of the soul lock, and remembered Tong Yao who was huddled in the corner.


Don't let children lose their parents at a young age!

Things will develop to such a point that it has something to do with her.

She wants to do something.

Finally, Bai Lian took out a fairy stone.

"It stands to reason that my basic skills are much higher than the last time, and it should be enough to hold a low-grade fairy spirit stone in an instant."

she muttered to herself.

this moment.

The wind has stopped, and the snow has stopped.

Warmth erupted in the depths of Bai Lian's body.

Her empty body and mind were filled up in an instant.

"Set off!"

Bai Lian's eyes narrowed.

In the icy north wind, she took both the fairy spirit stone and the flower of the soul lock into her arms, and then jumped off the cliff.

Explore the confusion and fear.

This is the courage that people have had since ancient times!



The rumbling wind seemed to tear the world apart, and it poured into the ghost's soul along with the pain that went deep into the bone marrow.

Am I going to die?

The man in black, sitting cross-legged in chaos, gradually regained a little consciousness.

At first he forgot who he was, where he came from, and where he was going.

But the moment he saw the [Promise] in the depths of his soul, he tore the chains that were blocking his eyes.

Clear the clouds and see the sky!

Ghost remembered.

That was a long, long time ago.

Maybe 14,100 years ago, maybe 14,200 years ago.

In short.

The story was so long that he forgot the weather, the location, whether it was day or night.

He only remembered that when he was trapped in the ice tide and was about to freeze to death, a cheerful girl with clogs on her feet, always smiling on her face, and always holding a piece of grass in her mouth, walked away from him. Bypass.

"Uncle, your body is not very good."

The girl joked.

He scolded: "Shut... it's none of your business, if you don't want to die, get out of here!"

The girl didn't take his words to heart.

She said some inexplicable words.

"If I could really die, that would be a good thing."

At that time, ghosts naturally did not understand.

But he will never forget the girl's smile.

He has seen the fairy grass and snow night flowers in Hanbingtian Pavilion, and he has also seen natural carvings in Beiyuchuan.

ice flower.

But no matter how beautiful a flower is, it is not as good as a girl's smile!

"For you, all for you, if you don't have the ability, don't go to this place next time. If you don't meet me, you will be dead."

The girl shoved the only fire spirit beads and dry food she had into his arms.

"then you……"

The ghost's dry lips parted slightly.

He could not wait to put the food in his mouth immediately, but the kindness of being a human being made him realize that the girl was in trouble.

Maybe he should hand it back?

"Me?" The girl pointed to herself, "Don't worry, I haven't experienced the feeling of being frozen to death for a long time.

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