Huaxia, Beiwan District.

Dark clouds covered the sky, rolling in, almost blocking the sun.

A closer look makes the scalp tingle.

It was not a dark cloud, but countless mosquitoes, turning into a billowing dark cloud that covered the sky and the sun.


This area has completely become a world of mosquitoes. The countless mutated mosquitoes are extremely terrifying, each one the size of a fist, and some are one size smaller.

The mutated mosquitoes are more powerful, more terrifying, and more powerful in attack. Once bitten, you can basically become a mummified corpse.

What is even more terrifying is that after these mosquitoes mutate, their reproductive capacity has skyrocketed, and almost all waters can reproduce, flooding all at once.

boom boom

At this time, a group of fires exploded above the dark clouds, and artillery shells exploded, bombarding swarms of mosquitoes, killing countless people.

In front of the frontier defense, there is a legion stationed, which is struggling to resist these mutated army of mosquitoes, covering the sky and killing them incessantly.

The battle was fierce, covered by various firepower, bombarded with shells, and a thick layer of mosquito corpses fell on the ground, and some were still struggling to fly before they died.

Terrible scene that makes the scalp numb.

Every soldier here is fully armed and wearing thick protective clothing, but it is still very dangerous. Once surrounded, there is basically no escape.

The current mutant mosquitoes only need dozens of them, and a mutant buffalo can be sucked into a mummy in just one minute.

What's more, as a human being, basically all the blood in your whole body is sucked dry in a few seconds.


In the base, a large number of flamethrowers sprayed flames, and the burning mosquitoes fell down, and the air was filled with a burning smell.

However, the mosquitoes were not afraid of death, and rushed towards the base defense circle crazily, turning into rolling clouds and swept in.


"Turn on the grid!"

"with full force!"

The person in charge of the base kept commanding the personnel to fight, and the trains sprayed with flames and killed a large number of mosquitoes.

On the base, layers of power grids are covered, and high-voltage electricity is connected to it. Mosquitoes are constantly using it, hitting the power grid and bursting out splendid electric lights.

The terrifying battle scene, like a sci-fi blockbuster, stimulated the minds of countless soldiers.

This is not child's play, but a war between man and mosquito.

"Too many mosquitoes."

Looking at the endless mutant mosquitoes, everyone's heart was cast a shadow, but they had no way out, and there was no way to retreat.

Not only guarding the frontier, but also the responsibility and mission of a soldier. The back is a bustling town. Once these mosquitoes pass through, countless people will be seriously injured and killed.

"Report, the first tier grid is damaged."

"Report, the second-layer power grid is broken."

A piece of bad news came, which made the person in charge of the base, a middle-aged officer, look more and more solemn.

This battle cannot be won.

In the face of endless mutant mosquitoes, it is completely unstoppable.

Weapons, equipment and ammunition were severely consumed, and the rear supplies had not yet arrived, and support had not arrived.

This situation is very dangerous, and one mistake may wipe out the entire army.

Mosquitoes, endless mutant mosquitoes, kill endlessly.

Before the mutation, this was the worst-hit area for mosquitoes, and hundreds of mosquitoes could be killed with a single slap, not to mention after the mutation.

The situation is now more urgent.


At this moment, the sound of an aircraft engine suddenly came from the sky, and everyone looked up in unison.

I saw two special fighter jets flying over.

They flew low and crashed into the dark clouds.

"It's our fighter jet."

"The reinforcements are here."

At this moment, cheers erupted from the base.

As the two fighter planes arrived first, a large amount of liquid suddenly spewed from the fuselage, instantly covering the dense army of countless mosquitoes.

It was a poison, an insecticide, a powerful insecticide specially developed for mosquitoes. It was sprayed on the plane, and countless mosquitoes fell directly.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's finally here.

However, although the killing effect of insecticides is excellent for a while, these mutated mosquitoes will soon develop resistance.

Because mosquitoes mutate and become more and more terrifying, not only a powerful evolutionary characteristic of their own genes, but also self-evolving powerful drug resistance.

One success does not mean that the second time will be effective.

Therefore, this time, I have used super insecticides to kill a large number of insects, and soon the effect will not be so great, and it will be more difficult to face these mutant mosquitoes that have become drug-resistant in the future.

But the current situation can not be delayed, kill a group of a group, solve the immediate crisis first.

It didn't take long for the fighter planes to arrive. After the special modification, they dropped countless petrol bombs and incendiary bombs, which exploded directly in the air.

Boom, boom, boom!

A large number of incendiary bombs ignited in the sky, turning into a monstrous fire, burning the entire sky red.

The originally black army of mosquitoes was quickly burned to the ground, killing most of them, and the sun was finally able to shine down again.

The jungle outside, the nest of mosquitoes, was burnt to ashes by the countless incendiary bombs dropped.

There are also large areas of water and swampy areas, which were also burned by countless incendiary bombs, killing countless mutant mosquitoes.

After this swarm bombardment, the harm of mosquitoes has finally been temporarily solved, but it will not be long before they will reproduce again.

Everyone knows that this is a protracted battle.

In the swamp jungle burned by countless incendiary bombs, among the charred corpses, some mosquitoes have survived.

And in the water, the eggs of countless mosquitoes have not died.

What is even more frightening is that in a deep hole, millions of mosquitoes have gathered.

Among the countless densely packed mosquitoes, there is an extremely large mosquito that is silently sucking the blood supplied by countless mosquitoes.

This mosquito is extremely huge, with a body of more than ten meters long.

It is absorbing the blood brought back by countless mosquitoes, constantly mutating and transforming, exuding a hazy blood-colored light.

This mosquito seems to be the emperor of mosquitoes. He is aloof and has evolved special abilities, and even has human-like wisdom.

In layman's terms, it is refined.

A king of the mosquito swarm was born.

"Not enough, not enough blood."

Suddenly, the huge bloody mosquito suddenly made bursts of sound waves, and it actually spit out human words.

This thing really turned out to be fine.

"Go, collect more blood, whether human or other species."

It gave an order, and in an instant, an army of millions of mosquitoes buzzed out and set off again.

In the forest, countless mutant creatures wailed and fled in panic.

They are all afraid of these mosquitoes. There are too many, and the number is unmatched. Not a single mutant monster can stop the mosquitoes.

The terrifying army of mosquitoes, wherever they went, mutated creatures fell to the ground and turned into mummified corpses.

Whether it is humans or other animals, all these mosquitoes are not spared.

At this moment, a huge army of mosquitoes gathered, and in the mountains and forests, the infinite mutant mosquitoes were touched again, and they launched an attack on the human society.

But this time, it was even more terrifying. Countless armies of mutant mosquitoes poured out of the boundless swamp, attacking the human gathering area mightily.

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