The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 754 Withdrawal

The torrent of steel from the proud sheep and sheep poured into the city wall without any hindrance, and those who stood in the way were crushed into powder.

"Kill the thief!"

The county lieutenant laughed miserably, and regardless of the fugitive yamen servants behind him, he drew his sword and rushed towards the proud sheep, with a tragic smell of life and death.

As the head of a county's army, the county lieutenant shares the responsibility with the county magistrate. Losing the city is a serious crime of ransacking a home. Only death in battle can make up for it, so that the family members in the rear can live.

He was chopped into two pieces by the proud sheep and sheep with a knife.

Sizhong County, where there were no soldiers stationed in the first place, was conquered quickly. Compared with attacking the city, it took more time to clear up the gangsters who looted when the war was in chaos and order collapsed.

The county magistrate committed suicide with poison the moment the county government office was broken, and the household registration information in the county government office was completely taken over.

"Let Zhou Bihu's Ministry of the Interior quickly take over Sizhong County, and focus on maintaining stability when there is no military suppression, and don't rush to launch land reform."


After clearing all the resistance in the county, Zhao Shi did not stay, and left after leaving a company of troops.

Sizhong County will be taken over by the subsequent militia and new administrative officials, and the remaining company will keep up with the large forces after a little stability, and will not disperse its forces.

It is said that they are militiamen, but they have actually received basic recruit education, but because the time is very short, and there are no players serving as squad leaders and company commanders, their overall quality is quite poor.

With the bonus of faith and enough knowledge, they should not be inferior to ordinary county soldiers in the battle of defending the city. This is the minimum estimate.

After Sizhong County is Nanping County, which is several times larger than Sizhong County, with a population of more than 200,000. It is called Shangxian County within Hefeng County.

There are one thousand county soldiers and more than five thousand civilian husbands, and more regular county soldiers have been transferred to participate in the decisive battle.

These strengths, coupled with the fact that the city wall was higher than Siping County, still did not bring any change to them. Half an hour later, the city was broken and all internal resistance forces were wiped out.

Without stopping, within a day, Zhao Shi's pro-army broke through five cities one after another, shaking the prefectures and counties.

On the second day, in the midday sun, the steel torrent of the black armor and blood flag boarded Tongren City, where five thousand state soldiers were stationed even now, and broke through the last obstacle leading to Sanyang City, the state city. The troops were unstoppable.

This news was transmitted to Zhoucheng and the battlefield of the Poshan Sword King as quickly as possible, causing great panic.

This place, called Wild Dog Ridge by the locals, is now full of corpses, and the smell of blood spreads for ten miles. Carrion crows are circling in the sky, and ominous black clouds are shrouded.

After two consecutive days of attacking, the Dagan army still failed to swallow 40,000 rebels, but they themselves had lost nearly 20,000 soldiers, and their morale inevitably declined.


In the center of the army tent, Huang Yuan with a haggard face couldn't help being startled when he heard that Tongren City was broken, and the enemy army was killing King Chu in Sanyang City.

Wang Ming, the Commander-in-Chief of Habayashi Guards who has always been the guard of the King of Chu, reacted even more. He stood up immediately: "No, I am going to guard His Highness the King of Chu."

Not an inquiry, but an informative tone.

As the personal guard of King Chu, protecting the Lord is his first duty. If this first duty is not done well, no matter how great the contribution is in other areas, he will surely die.

"This is to encircle Wei and save Zhao."

The bitterness on Huang Yuan's face became stronger: "General Wang, if you go, I can guarantee that you will be surrounded by anti-king troops on the way.

Over the past few days, haven't you noticed that their marching speed is far faster than ours, and they have been trying to mobilize our army to form a situation of fighting more and fighting less. "

He regretted it. The combat power of the rebel army was much higher than that of the state soldiers. Two hundred thousand against one hundred thousand was not a sure win. The decisive conclusion made before His Royal Highness Chu now seems like a joke.

But who would know when the reckless and brave barbarians became so fearless and orderly after only one year in the army?

What kind of spell did these rebels cast on these barbarians to make them undergo such a huge change.

"I know."

Wang Ming said indifferently: "So I will not only take away the 5,000 Feather Forest Guards from the headquarters, but also take away 50,000 soldiers and horses including Yang Zhongguo Xiangzhu."

Yang Zhongguo, who had always been submissive in front of Huang Yuan, waited for the owner to bow his head and did not look at Huang Yuan, obviously acquiescing that he would obey the king's orders.

They are loyal to the royal family.

"Wang Ming'er, don't be ashamed of your face!"

Huang Yuan suddenly raised his voice and said sharply: "Sanyang City is the most important city in Lingzhou. It is high and deep, and there are 50,000 troops stationed inside. It is absolutely impossible for the 60,000 people against the king to break through.

If you dare to evacuate without authorization and cause the court to lose Lingzhou, you have to think about how much trust your royal family has to consume from His Majesty! "

He used to be gentle and gentle, but now he suddenly broke out, like an angry lion, which made Wang Ming, who had a firm attitude, feel a chill in his heart and hesitated.

If Lingzhou is lost, and it is due to the reason he claimed without authorization, he will die, and his family will be affected.

In the face of such a dilemma and the horror of the abyss, he did not react because of the loss of face. After thinking for a while, he calmly said: "Ordinary soldiers are indeed not like this, but anti-kings, with flying swords, command their own troops. Can the anti-king really not be able to break through Sanyang City?"

The hearts of all the generals around trembled.

Wang Ming said coldly: "Huang Yuan, then I will ask you the same question, how much favor does the Huang family have from the Lord, and is it as important as the life of King Chu?"

Huang Degong, who had fled, looked terrified.

Wang Ming looked at the generals around him: "Our army has lost more than 20,000 troops during the siege these days, while the enemy's army has lost less than 10,000 troops, and their morale is stronger than ours. If the siege continues, will we really win? No. Crash from within?"

Huang Yuan's body shook like a lion, as if his soul had been sucked out, all the vitality of his body was sucked out.

Wang Ming's merciless words exposed the luck in his heart.

The military tent became silent in an instant, only the sound of breathing was heard, Wang Ming also closed his eyes, and said no more.

He was waiting, and he didn't want to make a claim until the last moment.

"The order..."

Huang Yuan spoke slowly, his voice sounded like an old man on the verge of death, the pride of his life turned into a joke.

"Immediately, return to aid Sanyang City, destroy the king's army of thieves under the city, repay His Majesty's favor, and relieve the worries of all people."

"Yes, handsome!"

Wang Ming clasped his fists slightly, turned around and left with the surrounding generals, leaving the Huang family father and son behind.

Huang Yuan took all the responsibilities on his body and did not leave any trace of Wang Ming.

This time the battle situation is unfavorable, someone must be questioned, as the commander of the army, Huang Yuan will undoubtedly die, as long as there are many crimes and few crimes.

At this time, we must not offend the courtiers of the King of Chu again. The Huang family, whose family status is bound to plummet, cannot afford this price.

The Mountain-Breaking Sword King and other troops, who had been besieged for many days, were suddenly emptied, and the large group of soldiers retreated slowly, alternately covering and evacuating, and the army formation remained intact.

All Blood Sea knew instantly that he had won.

"Blood sea wins!"

"The people are victorious!"

Ecstatic cheers resounded through the sky, and the huge pressure that had shrouded the barracks for many days dissipated.

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