The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 429: Poison of Faith

"Evil god like pig and dog, your statue will collapse, and your soul will surely fall..."

Under the indifferent supervision of thousands of armored soldiers around, the residents of the small town reluctantly lined up and walked up to the statue with expressions of panic, excitement, hatred and scolding, etc., and spit thick saliva on the statue. , uttering the most vicious curses aloud.

Meticulous, strictly follow the procedures, deflecting the saliva is not acceptable, and changing a single word or syllable with the curse is not acceptable.

Any deviation will be severely ordered by the supervisors who draw their swords, and to refuse is to commit the same crime as the believers of evil gods, and there is no such thing as tightness.

"Devil! The God of Twilight will destroy you, everyone kills them together!"

A nervous bearded man at the front of the statue of the team looked at the approaching team and the armored soldiers who had been maintaining the highest vigilance nearby, and suddenly rushed out of the team and roared loudly at the crowd in the square.

"We are warriors of the Lord, if we die for the Lord, we can go to heaven, kill!"

But most of the people ignored him, showing indifference. No matter how good the Twilight God was, he didn't give them land and let them live like pigs and dogs.

It’s fine if you have no choice, you can only believe in it, and hope that there will be less suffering. Now the church is having trouble making them fight for the God of Twilight. How is this possible?

A few people showed fear and a little hesitation, not because of their beliefs, but because of the brainwashing work of the church for thousands of years, which made them worry about the destination of their souls after they lost them.

But in the end, this small number of people did not move.

The big man Zhaxu was very angry when he saw this, and said sharply: "You are also heretics, you will also go to hell in the future, and you will also..."


Three arrows shot at him, tearing his flesh and internal organs, and interrupting his words.

The big man's body fell to the ground, a large pool of blood flowed out, and his mouth was buzzing.

"Believers of evil gods, death penalty."

A company commander of a foundation-building legion put down the big bow in his hand, and said indifferently:


Its appearance is not the player's black hair and black eyes, but the general blond and blue eyes of the world.

It is considered a good talent to be able to cultivate to the foundation establishment level within ten years, but it is still a long way to become an extraordinary knight or mage.

A player near him, who was only at the peak of the body training state, took a look at the corpse, silently saved the video, and wrote down the marching log:

The chief officer killed a believer of the Twilight Church, the evidence is conclusive, and there are video files. ——Judge Red Flea, Judge Red Flea, 1st Battalion, 28th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 9th Army, 56th Division, 3rd Company, 3rd Army.

The people around felt a chill, and the order of the queue became more orderly, and a small number of people who hesitated and feared going to hell no longer looked this way.

They don't know whether they will go to hell if they die, but there is really no doubt that they will go to hell now if they dare to move.

Besides, the common people are not fools. These days, the evening stars are rising in the sky, and they can all see the scene of the blood moon and its fierce confrontation.

No one said it clearly, but everyone believed that it was a battle between two different gods in the sky, one named Dusk and the other named Blood.

If the blood god wins in the end, it will be fine for them to become believers of the blood god, and the soul after death will still be managed by someone, that god will do.

"Devil! You..."

"Go to hell..."

Among the tens of thousands of people, there are still some special cases, not for material things, not for family members, not for a better life, and there are people who just want a belief.

In the subsequent investigation of the curse, two or three devout believers of the former God of Light and the God of Dusk appeared. The kind who can die for the gods at any time may change in the future, but it is the case at this moment.

People's hearts are very complicated. It doesn't mean that a pious believer will be a pious believer for a lifetime, and the same is true for the fanatics at the level above him, but the probability of change will be very small.

Only the saints will never change. They are not foolish. Wisdom, knowledge, qualifications and even experience are among the dragons and phoenixes among human beings.

They were not tricked,

But after gaining a rich understanding of the world and life, I still firmly agree with the path of the gods, and I am willing to dedicate everything to it.

This kind of saint, the former Bright Church, and the current Twilight Church don't have any, and the future birth will also depend on luck, and it will take tens of thousands of years to grind.

It is an incredible miracle that the Church of the Blood God, a church of false gods, can have nearly ten believers who have reached the level of saints.

It can only be said that its teachings are too suitable for the needs of ordinary people, and it is fair enough for the players to act on behalf of the religion in essence.

Although this was not Zhao Shi's original intention, it was impossible for him to agree 100% with the teachings of the Church of the Blood God and dedicate all he had to it.

Don't underestimate the pious believers.

Don't look at the place where the religious atmosphere is strong, everyone is the most loyal believer, but more than 90% of the people in the sphere of influence of the Church of the True God are only shallow believers in words.

There are very few pious people who can die for the gods at any time. Most people just want to survive. I will provide you with the power of faith, and you will give me some benefits.

It is not bad that there are four devout believers who can die for the gods in a town of tens of thousands of people. This should be the work of the Twilight Goddess who is well versed in the way of faith.

"Everyone get ready!"

After everyone spat and cursed in front of the statue of the Goddess of Twilight, members of the Blood Sea Guild took out a long hemp rope and looped it with ease.

Then they put the rope loop on the head of the statue of the Goddess of Twilight, stretched the rope slightly and spread the rope into the square little by little, ensuring that everyone from the old man down to the baby in the swaddle can touch the hemp rope .

"One two one! Pull!"

The hemp rope was taut, and from a distance, it looked like a very long rope strangled the neck of the statue of the Twilight Goddess.

"Pull! Push hard!"


Standing for at least a thousand years, the white marble statue that was still as clean as new collapsed amidst enthusiastic and orderly shouts, falling to the ground in several pieces.

A trace of black and gray lines appeared on its body, and the large marble statue turned into powder, which dissipated in the wind.

Only a head with a blurred face was left and fell to the ground, and all the holiness and majesty were gone.

In the sky that ordinary people and low-level cultivators can't see, thick and ominous, hair-raising black-gray clouds of smoke rise up, rushing towards the evening stars in the sky.

One place is nothing, if you can stand in the sky, you will find that there are countless places like the small town of Guise at the same time, covering half of the original territory of the Church of Light and one-third of the original territory of the empire.

I provide you with faith to become your strength and the cornerstone of your throne. You must provide protection to accommodate my soul after death.

None of these Twilight Goddesses did, and that brought forth a dreadful rancor and curse.

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