The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 429 The Dead

Athens, the capital of Greece, used its geographical location to restore its economy after it became a Roman city again. At the same time, the numerous ancient Greek ruins also gave the place a strong cultural atmosphere. Today's Greece has become an important cotton and wine production area. Of course, all of this is inseparable from the autocratic Theodore.

Today, Theodore is terminally ill, and at nearly 60 years old, he is on his deathbed. Sophia rushed to Athens from Constantinople with her children to let her father see her grandson again.

"Sofia, my daughter, what my father has done his whole life is to find you a good husband."

Theodore told his daughter his emotions over the years. He spent the first half of his life carefully surviving under the pressure of Achaia, Venice and the Ottomans, relying on pitiful agricultural taxes every year to survive. Even if Constantinople was in trouble nothing could be done.

But the most correct thing he did was to marry Sophia to Peter, thus gaining access to the powerful power of Wallachia. Although Mircea forced his nephew to abdicate, he deserved it. As for the fate of his sister-in-law and nephew, I don't care. Anyway, the male line is cut off, and the bloodline of Barrio Leo can only be passed on to women.

Alexander has the blood of both Bartland and Valleolo, and this bonus will make it easier for him to act in the future.

"I am very satisfied to be able to do this now. I think that when my ancestor Michael forced Emperor John to abdicate, it is now considered reincarnation. God really loves everyone equally."

"Sofia, you must let the blood and story of Valleolo be passed down. Even if the whole world criticizes our family, you must let people remember the name of the family forever."

After saying this, Theodore used his last strength to touch Alexander's head and fell into his arms. The Greek despot passed away after nearly ten years of good life. Although there were two nephews, the mainstream view of later generations was that Theodore's death marked the severance of the male lineage of the Palaeolian dynasty.

Peter was very sad to hear that the Despot had passed away. If it had not been for being too busy, he would have gone with his wife. The emperor also remembered the loyalty and bravery of his old relatives and made an exception to let Sophia inherit Theodore's title. However, she was demoted from despot to duchess, and she had no political rights except half of the tax revenue.

The Greek autocratic state was divided by the emperor into two provinces, Morea and Thessaly. More officials had a place to go, which also allowed the emperor to continue to increase his control over the region.

Listerine discussed financial issues with Baptiste again, and this pair of ministers, who were recognized by the two co-emperors, worked harmoniously.

"The fiscal revenue in the past few years has been around 1.5 million lei, which is a bit too little."

"There is no way. The low tax rate was specially formulated to support the people, and there are a lot of tax exemptions for conquering new places. It is not easy to have these."

Although there is still money in the treasury, the current taxes and expenditures generated by large-scale construction have become irreconcilable contradictions. Baptiste has been committed to formulating a good and healthy fiscal system, and the current low tax rate situation must be changed.

"Starting next year, revenue can increase to more than 1.8 million, which is an unprecedented leap. Revenue from the canal has exceeded expectations, and tax revenue in places such as Ancyra has also increased significantly."

The investment in Anatolia finally paid off, with the local poll tax becoming the largest source of revenue. In addition, salt, spices and other specialty sales also generate a large amount of income.

"It's really not easy now. The east wants money and the west wants money. His Highness still wants to support Wells. If someone hadn't persuaded him, he would have gone."

The prime minister complained about Peter's whimsical ideas. Now Rome just wants to attack the whole world. You must know that there is a potential anti-Romanian alliance. If more countries join, Rome will die without a burial place. But fortunately, all major countries have sons of emperors, and they are currently acting in the interests of Rome. In return, Rome will support them to gain a foothold in the country.

"Currently, His Highness Stefan is ready to attack England. After all, the Duke of Normandy without Normandy is still a joke."

"Indeed, it would be better if His Highness could in the future be crowned King of France."

Baptiste talked endlessly about the benefits, such as the addition of many fine ports, and the wines in France were also very good (although most of them were produced in Burgundy and Aquitaine, which was controlled by England).

"Your ideas are crazier than His Highness"

Now His Majesty's three sons have taken root in Moscow, HRE and France. Michael has obtained the position of consul of Novgrod. The current Grand Duke has no heirs. If nothing happens, he will most likely become the Grand Duke of Moscow. Ladd is one of the electors. If he works hard, he might be able to get a German king. Not to mention that His Majesty also has a son-in-law of the King of Naples and an in-law of the Duke of Romagna. If the King of France could get hold of this family, how powerful it would be, and other countries in Europe would not be able to kill them.

"His Royal Highness Stefan still needs to support us, but only if His Majesty comes forward. It can also be considered as a guarantee for our country."

Baptiste also knew that his idea was too good and he quickly put out the fire. Listerine went on to discuss financial expenditures with him.

Under the rigorous work of the two, a brand new financial statement was completed. It can be implemented as long as the emperor approves it. The treasury is also the emperor's private treasury, but it will not be touched unless necessary.

Now that there are more places, naturally more money is spent. Infrastructure and cultural facilities in various places need to be built, and there are a lot of them. Governments in various places are trying to find ways to raise funds. Naturally, the central government must also be responsible and spend money for construction.

Mircea recently wanted to renovate Hagia Sophia, and it still had to be built according to the standards of Justinian's time. At that time, 320,000 pounds of gold were spent. Now that it is being rebuilt, the emperor will only need more than this. This is also a headache project.

However, two-thirds of the roads in Anatolia have been built. The main roads have been built, and other small roads connecting rural towns are still being built. The speed depends on the financial situation of each place.

This was a decision that was praised by the people. Their travel became more convenient. Farmers and craftsmen could sell their goods to farther places. Most areas were unimpeded and trade was greatly increased.

The army's advance time has also been greatly shortened. It only takes one month to advance from Nicaea to Yerevan. Since the construction of roads consumes a lot of stone, quarries cannot produce enough stone and import a large amount of it. Some foreign quarries export directly to Rome and make more money than before. I haven't seen so much demand for purchases in a long time. .

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