The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 298 The first to exit

The Roman army was stationed 25 kilometers away from Florence, and John went alone with the peace terms agreed between himself and the Consulate.

He had also heard news about towns such as Bologna and that it had ended badly, but at the rate Rome was going, Florence would soon be pillaged, but they stopped. This shows that there is still a chance to avoid war.

"I am the consul of Florence, and I have come to negotiate with your country."

The term "standard bearer of justice" was too awkward, so it was changed to "archon". The camp defender also passed the news to Peter, who directly invited the consul in. He wants to talk to him properly.

John saw some Venetian women in the military camp. A few days ago, they were still aristocratic ladies and wealthy businessmen's daughters. Now, in order to have a bite to eat, they had to please these big-headed soldiers.

"Hello, Consul of Florence, I regret that I don't know how to celebrate your success."

"Your Highness's ability to withdraw troops from here is the best gift to me. Florence has no intention of going to war with your country. It was the former consul who colluded with Venice and joined the war against your country."

Peter smiled and said to him. "You know, the Genoese envoy also said this in Constantinople. They said this was persecution by Venice, but His Majesty the Emperor still forced them to pay florins as compensation. Since you are asking for peace, do you also want to pay Show some sincerity?"

John handed the peace terms in his hand to Peter, "This was negotiated by the bureaucracy for two days. Please take a look at it."

Florence's peace terms included: a compensation of 400,000 florins to the Roman Empire, and the cession of some land. The country's merchants would abide by Roman laws when trading in Rome, and taxes would also be collected in accordance with the law.

Peter looked at John, then at the conditions, and then threw the paper into the fire and burned it.

"Your Highness, you..."

John was a little angry. This was the most sincerity they could show. Did the other party really want to annex Florence?

"I'm sorry, Archon, that you haven't reacted yet. It's me who gives you a way out, not you who negotiate for me and I have to agree."

"I know your situation, and I won't be embarrassed. As long as you agree to the empire's conditions, you won't have to be troubled by the raging war."

John quickly asked what the other party's conditions were. Peter proposed three conditions: first, the Obici family, the culprits of Florence joining the Venetian League, needed to be handed over to Rome; second, Florence needed to compensate Rome for 900,000 francs. Rollin; Third, Florence must give the Roman army military access.

Such conditions seemed okay, but they would definitely cause a huge commotion in Florence, but Peter didn't care, this was already the minimum condition, and asked him to go back to discuss it quickly, otherwise his army would have to go and ask for it in person.

To be honest, Peter's treatment of Florence was the gentlest diplomacy he ever had. This is still for Mason's sake, otherwise the whole plundering skill will be given. Recently, Milan and Savoy plan to jointly send troops to Rome, and the city of Rome can just grab it.

Peter also wrote a letter to Laszlo in Naples, saying that the main defense at present was Aragon. As long as the opponent did not kill from Sicily, the southern battlefield would be half successful. Then go south and capture Sicily.

----Dividing line----

Constantinople and other cities rejoiced that Venice, its enemy, had finally paid his due.

But the war is not over yet, and the war with Western European countries continues. Aragon and Austria have long been at war with Rome's allies Naples and Hungary. France and the HRE are also eyeing it. It seems that negotiations with the West must be put on the agenda.

News of the fall of Venice reached Crete and Rhodes, and the defenders there immediately withered. The Knights Hospitaller offered to sacrifice Rod as long as their safety was guaranteed, as did Crete, but Mircea turned them back.

It’s a joke. After fighting for more than a year, he finally had to rely on negotiation. He didn’t want to lose face. And he had a premonition that letting them go would cause endless trouble.

Rome spent a lot of money in its confrontation with the Alliance for more than a year. In order to make cannons, they even dismantled the bells of several churches without waiting for the copper ore from the production area to arrive. However, the Orthodox Church did not say anything because they were demolished by Armenia. Church, plus some bronzes from Venetian ships.

The Gypsies also benefited from this. Their copper-making craftsmanship made some people rich, but they still maintained their own living habits. However, they were much more stable than the Jews, so the government just let them go.

Last year, there was also a lot of money and manpower. Not to mention finance, the manpower transported has had a serious impact on the economy of some provinces. It is impossible for the Chamber of Commerce to do this for free forever. Fortunately, Peter was able to plunder local food and materials to reduce manpower losses, and Rome has not yet reached the point of local uprising.

Mircea continued his orders to dig roads through the Carpathians and to erect fortresses to protect Rome's important grain-producing areas in times of need. At the same time, the development effects of the Ukrainian region began to appear. Local pastures and reclaimed farmland provided horses and grain, and shipping on the Don and Dnieper rivers expanded Rome's trade circle. Northern trade routes were growing in importance.

Under the pressure of the behemoth of Rome, the Florentine Parliament had passed the conditions proposed by Peter at an alarming speed. After all, as long as money and dignitaries were needed, although the financial pressure was high, it was still better than Venice.

Although Florence's annual tax revenue is only 350,000 florins, there is a lot of money circulating through local banks. Northern Italy as a whole controls nearly half of the precious metal currency in circulation in Europe, so it is relatively easy to get nearly one million gold coins.

The Florentine government will bear one-third, and the rest will be borne by various banks. In exchange, Florence gave exclusive rights to some local minerals and trade routes as collateral. The larger local Medici Bank exchanged 260,000 florins for some exclusive export agents for minerals and textiles. Other banks were also vying for these high-quality assets. Soon Florence collected 900,000 florins and sent them to Peter together with everyone in the Obici family.

Genoa was also ready to agree. Although the amount of gold coins paid was large, it was better than the current situation. Francisco secretly contacted Peter because Peter promised to help him revive the family. In addition, there were some small noble and small merchant families who had taken refuge after Rome invaded. They were arranged by Peter to help govern the captured lands. Northern Italy will not occupy too much, and creating a buffer like the Rhine League is Peter's goal.

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