The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 257 The Protection of the Chosen Family

Albrecht left with the hope of Lower Austria, and his infant son was the key to whether the Habsburgs could return to being rulers of the HRE.

Some soldiers stayed in Vienna to prevent the Upper Austrians from taking advantage of the opportunity to attack. The remainder went to Hungary to guard against enemies in the Pozzony region.

Peter first went north to force the small lords who were unwilling to surrender to Buda to tidy up, but before he could go, some of them rushed to express their allegiance to the Duke. They were afraid that the duke would raze their manor to the ground. After all, their army was not enough in front of the duke.

The secular aristocrats are quite sensible, but the religious aristocrats are not so good. The Catholic abbots and priests resisted Buda's administrative orders. They turned to Rome and the HRE for help, asking for reinforcements to rescue the suffering Hungarian people.

But no one can save them now. Faced with the pressure of the army, they must either surrender or turn into ashes.

With the Duke's army as the backing, it would be much easier for Mary to issue decrees and allocate resources. Religious land decrees and conscription decrees were able to proceed normally, and central power was more centralized.

Hungarian troops from all directions were put under Peter's command. Within ten days, he led 10,000 troops to Pozzoni and regained Hungarian territory westward.

At Gyor, Peter's army defeated an enemy force of 2,000 men. His cavalry had entered the Austrian area to plunder and harass, but his opponents were in a hurry and even the army had not yet been assembled. It seems that it is difficult not to lose, but we cannot take it lightly.

(Looking to the east)

The Roman Empire continued to advance in Anatolia, and towns such as Ancyra and Sinop were recovered one after another. The monarch sent officials to govern and integrate the local area, confiscated the enemy's land and property and redistributed it to the country's soldiers and nobles. Woike, who was stationed in Ancyra, received a piece of land of more than 6,000 acres and a large amount of money. All the Christian slaves who were originally on the land became yeoman farmers, and many even rushed to convert in order to live a better life in the empire. .

Moreover, the news of Prince Musa's death spread throughout the country. Muhammad quickly sent troops to collect his brother's inheritance, but when he arrived late, it was gone. Karaman also took the opportunity to expand, but the pressure from Rome forced him to negotiate with Venice. One needed Rome's trade, and the other needed to protect itself. The two half-mother countries called themselves brothers.

Another victory made Mircea even more proud, especially the recapture of Ancyra, which marked the return of the situation in Anatolia to the period of Manuel I. However, at this time, there was no Crusader country to help distract the Turks, and Rome had to bear the pressure of the entire Middle East.

How can the enemy attack multiple times? Mircea read the books on the Crusader countries and Western bishops and felt that the kind of fief bishop could be carried out in the new territory.

A fief bishop, also translated as a prince bishop or a prince bishop, refers to a bishop who governs one or more principalities as a church prince and has dual political and religious powers. These secular statuses do not originate from the nobility acquired by the bishop before receiving holy orders, but are attached to these episcopal offices and are inherited as the episcopal office is passed down. When the bishop's jurisdiction is an archdiocese, he is called a fief-archbishop. In addition, a similar priestly status is the fief-abbot. Generally speaking, the duchys governed by these bishops will partially or completely overlap with the dioceses he manages, but this is not always the case. For example, Cologne became a free city independent from the Electorate of Cologne, so the territory of the Archbishop of Cologne does not include Cologne. .

Fiefdoms were very common among the feudal princes of the Holy Roman Empire, some of whom even received the title of Imperial Prince and could send representatives to the Imperial Parliament. In order to resist the powerful dukes among the Germanic tribes, King Henry the Fowler of East Francia and his son Holy Roman Emperor Otto I were bound to find a way to resist the influence of the dukes, so Otto I introduced priests They came to compete with the princes of secular countries, so they enfeoffed territories to influential bishops, and fief bishops came into being; their seats also changed from ordinary dioceses to fief dioceses or fief bishoprics.

Now, Mircea plans to establish fief bishops in the east. The Orthodox Church will definitely support it, but it will also be harmful to the centralization of power implemented by the country.

But when he sought support, not only the cabinet ministers opposed it, but even the Ecumenical Patriarch did not agree with the establishment of fief bishops. Because this means that the Orthodox Church has to face the menacing pagans alone, especially in the East, and it simply cannot do it without the support of secular governments. Therefore, the Ecumenical Patriarch contacted and followed the example of the West in establishing the three major knights, giving them the opportunity to establish an independent country. This would not only ensure the spread of religion, but also ensure that the land would not be taken away. Constantinople, on the other hand, practiced suzerainty and used diplomatic power to control the land.

Mircea has heard of the Knights. Isn't that the Teutonic Knights in the north? They also established an independent political power. This approach is not impossible. Since the bishop's territory is not suitable, then it would be better to use another approach.

The Orthodox Church is still more obedient than the Catholic Church. At least there is no need to worry about such things as conflicts over investiture rights. The knights organized by them must also be very good.

However, during the enfeoffment of the new territory, the church was also allocated a lot of land, which originally belonged to pagan temples, so it could be regarded as using it without changing its functions. The church can only continue to play a role in the spiritual realm, and there is basically no place for them in the secular world. Students from various universities are fresh bureaucrats, and they will take care of local administration for the emperor.

However, with the expansion of territory and the emergence of various affairs, more and more bureaucrats are needed. They are all salaried, and together with military expenditures, they will account for more than half of the total expenditures in a year. But the benefit derived from this is that local control is higher than before. Local officials will serve in different places. They can only rely on the emperor. In order not to be dismissed, they will naturally work twice as hard. Who wants to be independent? Local officials Will be the first to deal with him.

Rome has not been this comfortable for a long time. All this was brought about by the establishment of the Bartlan Dynasty. For this reason, the Grand Privilege Document was not only recognized, but the church also took the initiative to turn the family into a chosen family. It was also recognized by important rulers such as Caesar, Augustus, and Constantine. Of course, these are what the church said. The specifics are If you are recognized by these rulers, you have to ask them personally.

Bartland became a true royal family, and the best proof is that the two ancient families of Rurik and Luxemburg also married into him. Everything has changed.

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