The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 198 Wealth from heaven

The transformation of nomads was a long process. Under Peter's policies, some pastures were returned to agriculture, farmers were protected, and water conservancy facilities were built. He established agricultural officers in various places to oversee local agricultural production.

In business, Peter abolished some exorbitant taxes and exempted them from taxes for two years. Roads and city walls began to be repaired, dilapidated cities such as Kizikus began to revive, and household registration censuses began. These tasks were not something he could do alone. A group of officials came to Anatolia from the Balkans and initially established Administrative system.

Mircea returned to Bukul Yesti, where he received the adoration and cheers of the people. Wallachia has never looked so beautiful.

In the capital, there are still some people waiting to see the Grand Duke who brought victory. They came from Constantinople and were nobles in the capital and nearby places.

As mentioned before, the domestic power of the Roman Empire was divided into three parts. The pro-Ottoman faction, the pro-Western European faction and the Orthodox sect. The pro-Ottoman faction lost their market after Timur's Western Expedition. The pro-Western European faction and the Orthodox sect were equally divided. The rise of Wallachia gave the Orthodox sect hope, so they sent noble representatives. Go and negotiate with Mircea.

Because Western Europeans still have great power in the Balkans, Greece, and some islands in the Aegean Sea, many people in the Roman Empire are indeed most worried about the comeback of the Latin Empire. They regarded the restoration of the Latin Empire as more dangerous than the Turkic invasion. Wallachia, which belongs to the same religion, is undoubtedly the best hope.

At the same time, they also received support from the Orthodox Church. The convening of the Ecumenical Council proved Wallachia's loyalty to the Orthodox Church, and the Patriarch therefore sent a bishop as a deputy to discuss Mircea's entry into the castle.

Mircea received them, and he also knew that if he wanted to take over Constantinople, he must have a good relationship with them, especially the recognition of the Patriarch. Moreover, most of the Orthodox nobles belong to the small and medium-sized nobles, which is very important to break the influence of the big nobles in the castle.

In addition to this matter, Mircea's family affairs also had some fluctuations. Lady Maria had a big quarrel with the Archduke because the Archduke transferred Peter to Anatolia as governor without consulting her. If you are unfamiliar with the place, what should you do if something happens?

But Mircea will not worry. The experience of these few years has allowed Peter to complete his transformation. For Anatolia, it is just a new test.

But Maria would not think so much. In her opinion, Anatolia was a land full of pagans and dangers. If her son went here, wouldn't it be very dangerous?

The two people have different ideas and can only have a cold war. Mary went to church every day to pray for her son's safe return, and the Archduke was in the capital to provide support for Peter's actions in Anatolia.

In order to take root in Anatolia, Peter spent one-third of his private money, which was barely enough. The commercial tax revenue will still have to wait for a few months, but we still have to figure out how to spend these days.

In addition, money has to be spent on various constructions and military expansion, although aid has been requested from the capital. But allocation takes time, and Peter needs to cash it in immediately.

"Your Highness, good news."

Peter was worrying in his office when suddenly his official came in to report good news.

"What, you found a gold mine?"

"Your Highness, it's better than a gold mine. Look at what this is."

The official opened the cloth bag in his hand. Inside were several transparent solid pieces, as clear as crystal agate.

"Did you find the crystal mine?"

Peter asked and the official shook his head and smiled. "Your Highness, this is alum. We found a particularly large alum mine with a lot of it."

Peter was a little disappointed when he heard that it was alum. This was not gold or silver. How could he turn it into cash? But his wife Sofia, who was bringing him food, heard about the alum and quickly asked if it was true.

The official looked confused, but Peter said not to worry, she was his wife. The official immediately changed his expression and quickly assured that it was true.

"Oh, my husband, a huge fortune is before your eyes, and you don't even know it."

Peter was baffled by these words. After Sofia's introduction, he realized that the thing in front of him had such a great effect.

Beginning in the 14th and 15th centuries, alum was widely used in the European glass manufacturing industry, tanning industry, and textile industry. It was used as a purifier to remove grease and impurities from wool, or as a mordant to fix dyes on fabrics. Before the emergence of synthetic substitutes for chemical raw materials in later generations, alum was an industrial raw material that was in short supply.

The finest quality potassium alunite is found near the town of Karaisal in Asia Minor, not far from Trabzon, but the production is small, making this commodity very rare. The apparently richest deposits of alum are found at Phocia on the coast of Asia Minor, immediately adjacent to Smyrna. The quality of this alum is sub-optimal.

From 1275, the alum mines of Phocia were under Genoese control until they were driven out by the Turks. All other varieties of alum, whether from the Barbary Coast or elsewhere, are of inferior quality, and their use is therefore often prohibited by guild regulations.

Now that such a large alum mine is discovered in a place controlled by Wallachia, it means a steady flow of wealth. The more Sophia talked, the happier Peter became.

"In that case, what are you waiting for?"

Peter sent people to protect the place and let the Chamber of Commerce take over it. At the same time, news of the discovery of alum mine was released. After hearing this, some wealthy businessmen came to buy it non-stop.

The most fearful person should be Genoa. Once alum from Wallachia flows into the market, the price will definitely drop. No, they must be stopped.

Francisco was given another mission to go to Anatolia and obtain the alum monopoly in Wallachia.

Doesn't this pose a problem for him? Although the trade volume between Genoa and Wallachia has exceeded 1 million lei in recent years, coupled with the unique local official selection system, many Genoese have settled in Constanta and Bukur Yesti. The relationship between the two countries has made Genoa Seeing the hope of revitalization, on the one hand, he accepted the protection of the French suzerain, and on the other hand, he established good relations with Wallachia.

Francisco didn't have much confidence in negotiating the alum mine. He only knows that if there is not enough money, the alum belongs to others. To this end, he asked the Genoese merchants in Wallachia for help, and at the same time wrote to the Genoese Parliament asking them to send an official envoy to negotiate and not let Venice take it away.

In addition, he also found Italian cities such as Pisa and roped them in to stop Venice, but he didn't know how effective it would be.

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