The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 191 Discussion

The Grand Council of Venice, where the policies of the most powerful commercial republic in the Mediterranean were decided. The Assembly, composed of hereditary nobles, met in the Doge's Palace in Venice. The Grand Council did not directly decide the candidates, but drew lots to determine their nominees and then held a vote. This system was unique at the time.

There are 326 people in the entire Venetian Parliament, all of whom are famous local nobles. They gathered here to discuss ways to deal with Wallachia.

"Wallachia has seriously affected the republic's trade, and many merchants no longer use our goods."

"That's right, a customer of mine canceled the order a few days ago. When I inquired about it, it turned out that it was a merchant in Wallachia whose price was one-tenth lower than mine."

"This cannot continue like this. Venice's status has been threatened. We must let them know who is the boss in the Eastern Mediterranean."

Most of the members were in favor of sanctioning Wallachia, but a small number of members disagreed. Tommaso Mosenigo stood directly on the podium and began his speech.

"Members of Congress, we have to think carefully. The current situation in the East is no longer dominated by the Ottomans. Do we really want to give up our gains in Wallachia?"

The Mosenigo family had extensive trading relationships in Wallachia, and could purchase oriental luxuries through the northern steppe road. Goods from their workshop can also be sold to Wallachia, so he will naturally speak to Wallachia.

"But they have violated our trade in the East China Sea 190 years ago. We have sent special envoys to warn them, but they have turned a deaf ear and we have to fight back."

The dominant position of Venetian merchants in the Eastern Mediterranean is being eroded by Wallachia. They rely on government policies and geographical location to develop and grow, and now have a monopoly on Constantinople's grain transportation business.

"But think about it, will they continue to beg us in the future? Our fleet spans the world and we control the trade in the East. So what if they temporarily gain the upper hand? We will win in the end."

His words appeased many congressmen. Yes, Venice also has the world's largest navy. 90% of Eastern trade is controlled by them. The rulers of the East treat them as guests. Even if Wallachia talks hard, How hard can it be? When they send someone to negotiate, they can just raise the price to make up for all the losses.

In the end, the discussion on the bill against Wallachia came to no result, so it was temporarily shelved. In fact, many nobles benefited from the trade in Wallachia, because through Wallachia, trade routes could be opened to Moscow and Novgorod, and the goods they produced gained a larger market. So why offend Wallachia.

Moreover, Wallachia also opened a bank in Venice. Although each loan requires a commission of 8% to 10%, the amount can be guaranteed and can be repaid with a little turnover.

To be honest, this is the first time that I have taken a commission. If I hadn't heard that there was someone behind the bank, I would have raised it long ago. The only consolation was that the banks in Hungary also went bankrupt, which made them quite happy about their misfortune.

The first group of mercenaries has already set off. They are heading north along the Danube River and have entered Hungary. Sigismund was short of money and people at this time. When he heard that the bank was bringing people armed to collect debts, he fainted in anger.

I thought they were just angry words, but now I see there are really people behind them. What to do? He had to solve the salary problem of the mercenaries first, otherwise these soldiers would not work for him.

He could get an income of 10,000 gold coins from the Shinra every year, but the money was completely insufficient. In order to obtain funds, he took loans, collected bribes, and confiscated Jewish property. Lajia Bank is really the best partner.

Sigismund had to make a choice, and in the end, he chose the faster option.

He wrote directly to the bank, saying that he was willing to repay the loan, but because he had no funds on hand, he hoped to use the city as collateral.

Baker, the head of the Hungarian Bank, personally went to Buda to meet with Sigismund to discuss specific matters. As soon as we met, Sigismund called me my friend affectionately. This attitude is really incredible.

"My friend, everything before was just a misunderstanding. Now, I hope to put aside the past and join forces to deal with those enemies of Hungary."

Baker couldn't tell that this was a request from him, but he had to obey the orders of the person behind him. If he could get Pozzoni from him, then the basic task would be completed.

"Your Majesty the King, you previously proposed to use the city as a mortgage. After our discussion, the loan can only be offset if you use Pozzoni as a mortgage. If you add in the surrounding areas, we can also provide you with 60,000 ducats."

Pozzoni, Sigismund thought for a moment. This price is quite reasonable, because he still owes the bank 160,000 ducats, and it is okay to mortgage the power of Pozzoni and some nearby areas to the bank.

Moreover, the nobles in that place were very powerful. Even if Sigismund gave it to him, the local nobles would not agree, so let them just let the dog eat the dog.

"No problem, I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."

A crisis was resolved in this way, which was somewhat unexpected. However, both parties got what they wanted. Sigismund mortgaged the tax revenue of the northern Hungarian region centered on Pozzoni for the next twelve years for 220,000 gold coins. Gave it to the bank. At the same time the town of Pozzoni was mortgaged to the bank.

This was the first loan treaty signed by Sigismund, and in Hungary's case there would be more to come.

The mercenaries turned around and headed for Pozzoni, but they also plundered some people on the way. They were mercenaries, not regular troops. You can't expect their morals to be as high as you.

Of course, banks not only loaned money to Sigismund, but some nobles also came to them when they were short of money. They used their own manor and real estate as collateral, and after the counterfeit currency broke out, all these collaterals belonged to the banks. Some bankrupt nobles who were unwilling to hand over moved out under the intimidation of mercenaries. It doesn't matter what kind of honor or chivalry, as long as you have money, God and others will receive you.

Massive bankruptcies and economic recession have made people increasingly seek spiritual comfort. The Orthodox Church took this opportunity to send a large number of missionaries to preach, and achieved considerable results. But the Catholic Church was not to be outdone, relying on the aristocracy to still dominate. And it seems that this internal turmoil caused by the economic crisis will not stop for a long time.

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