The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 189 Union and Division

Mircea also opened an appeal office, through which any citizen could submit a petition, and the Grand Duke would basically read it.

Today, he received a petition jointly submitted by more than a dozen people, hoping that Wallachia can protect the study of ancient Greek and Roman culture and encourage the development of academic freedom.

"Who submitted this? It doesn't look like a native of the country?"

"Grand Duke, it was submitted by a few young people from Athens."

When Mircea heard that he was from a foreign country, he was suddenly curious as to why he found him instead of seeking help from the government of his own country.

Now Moria is busy cultivating and recuperating, and Theodore is preparing to come here to meet his daughter. Mircea is also prepared to discuss the possible merger of the two countries with him.

The marriage of Peter and Sophia is the first step in the union, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the merger of the two countries is irreversible. Basilius of Constantinople had summoned the despot of Morea. If Wallachia hadn't been between them, Theodore would have gone up to Luo with his sword to argue his case with Manuel.

His first child, John, is already six years old. If the dynasty can continue, he will be the Roman Emperor John VIII. But now, the crisis of dynastic change is imminent, and Wallachia can attack the king from Adrian at any time. fort.

The news of the recent annexation of Serbia by neighboring countries has made the Roman court panic, fearing that the castle will be his next target. After the fall of Serbia, Bosnia took up the banner of the anti-Variety alliance. Manuel secretly sent a special envoy to use the passage. The two sides were a little unhappy when they first met, but they did not close the exchange out of common needs. The door, but such news was soon known to Mircea.

This made him dumbfounded. He wondered if some nobles in the Roman court had secretly pledged allegiance to him. As soon as the special envoy left, he got the news that they were ready to give in.

"Are you an alliance? I'm just taking back the land that belongs to us. Why can't we unite as one? In that case, then you can become landlords. This is your final destination."

Mircea had already made up his mind to become Basilius and the master of Constantinople. However, this plan needs to be considered in the long term. If you want to ascend the throne with peace of mind, you must first deal with Osman. Bayezid is having a great time fighting in West Asia. If he sends troops while he is entangled with his opponents in the east, he should be able to land in Anatolia and stabilize the front, and then defeat them one by one.

After controlling western Anatolia, you can lead troops into the castle. First, let the emperor grant him the position of co-ruling emperor, then slowly work on it, reduce his wings, and finally let him abdicate, and the new dynasty will be established.

In order for the plan to be implemented smoothly, Mircea had to make Morea surrender to Wallachia first. His biggest helper was cut off, and Constantinople was left crying.

Moreover, Morea now needs Wallachia as well. Theodore needed Wallachia's military alliance, and the economy also needed Wallachia's trade to resume. The two countries can only survive in this world if they unite more closely.

----Dividing line----

Returning to Hungary, Sigismund immediately fought back to Buda after receiving aid and defeated the Transylvanian troops who were besieging the city. Mary had to withdraw her army back to the Theiss River.

The mercenaries recruited from the Shinra were very powerful in combat. Not only did they eliminate the enemies in the west, but the political power and rebel forces in the east were also in danger. The King of Croatia even sent a special envoy to express his surrender.

However, Sigismund hesitated as to whether to cross the Theiss. He knows very well who is behind Transylvania. If he crosses the line, it is impossible for the one in Balkan to ignore it. But if he doesn't pursue him, the nobles in the country will have to swallow him up.

However, Wallachia quickly made his choice for him. To be precise, the Wallachian Chamber of Commerce did it for him at the Hungarian bank.

The bank "inadvertently" threw a Hungarian currency into the fire when making a loan. When it was extinguished, there was no coin, only a pool of silver water.

The fact that Hungarian currency was fake shocked the entire bank. They used fire screening and concluded that 99.9% of Hungarian currency was counterfeit.

The bank's discovery made depositors and lenders extremely nervous. They looked at these exquisite currencies and did not believe that they were fake. But the facts are facts. Even if they didn't believe it, under the operation of the bank, other merchants also found that the silver content inside was 0, so they refused to accept this exquisite currency. The once prosperous capital Buda returned to the era of barter overnight.

Not only Hungary, but also Venice, Austria, Bohemia and other countries with which Hungary trades are not immune. Even if it is real currency, businessmen are not willing to believe it. Hungary's international reputation is completely bankrupt, and its import and export trade has plummeted. The big landowners and nobles who originally survived the crisis can no longer hold on, so they can only sell off their properties and continue to The oppression of farmers resulted in the situation in the western region that had calmed down becoming unstable again.

People at home began to trade in other countries' currencies, ducats, florins, and leus. The country's currency is gradually being ignored, and the prosperity of Hungary created by Emperor Lajos has completely disappeared. Later generations can only imagine the original prosperity in books praising him.

Sigismund had to continue looking for funds, but his previous loan also expired, so our Hungarian king planned to simply default on the loan. But how could the forces behind the bank let him go, so they issued a warning that if he didn't repay the money within a month, they would use force to collect the debt.

Sigismund sneered at the bank's warning. He felt that the bank was just scaring him. First, the bank did not have such a strong force. Second, he owed the bank a total of 160,000 ducats. For such a large debt, they had to pay Provide yourself, otherwise how could they, the common people, be able to fight against the king.

Soon, the bank got the news that Sigismund planned to default on the loan, and the news quickly reached their eldest brother. Upon seeing this, Peter couldn't wait to form a group of mercenaries and Cossacks, planning to make a debut in Hungary. It is natural to pay back debts. I am not the one who was wronged. Why should I give him money?

"Hey, Habsburg father-in-law, you forced me to do this. Who is willing to suffer this loss?"

He loaned money to Sigismund just for this day, otherwise how could he cut a piece of flesh from him. And he doesn't have to pay most of the fees. The people of Hungary, if you feel aggrieved, just pay it for him.

A legion of approximately 12,000 mercenary troops and 6,000 Cossacks are gathering, and when the time comes, they will officially join the civil war.

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