The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 184 Territory and Neighboring Countries

After two weeks, Peter finally arrived in Thessaloniki. This important port in the Mediterranean finally fell into the hands of Wallachia.

Peter rode into the city and was greeted by people on both sides of the road. They welcomed their Orthodox brothers who had freed them and were ready to fight to defend victory.

"It seems they are ready to join Wallachia.", Peter said.

"Your Highness, these are the general trend. Osman is so unpopular."

Constantine followed Peter, and he told Peter how unpopular Osman was, as if the place where Osman ruled was a field of gunpowder exploding everywhere. Although it was a bit exaggerated, Peter could still feel the tightening of Ottoman pluralism policies. Greeks and other ethnic officials accounted for less than one-tenth of the total, and they were replaced by Turkic officials.

Peter had read in the book that Thessaloniki's economy could recover quickly as long as the politics were stable. Therefore, he dealt with the local area quickly, confiscated the property of the Ottomans and the nobles, lords, and merchants who had defected to the Ottomans, attracted immigrants to enrich the towns, invested in the shipbuilding industry, and the shipping industry, and strived to build this place into the largest port in the Aegean Sea.

Since Thessaloniki was built into a strong fortress, the Ottoman territories in the west had completely lost the possibility of assistance. The army led by Theodore stormed Larissa for a week. After seeing that there was no rescue, the defenders surrendered three days later. Raise the flag and surrender.

At this point, the only remaining Ottoman European territory was the Gallipoli area, Wallachia and Morea were already bordering on land, and the Ottoman hegemony in the Balkans was completely reduced to the epitome of history. Wallachia's Balkan hegemony has been consolidated, which directly scared some small local countries to sell their territories to Wallachia in exchange for manors and an annuity. Except for some island countries, the land is already the land of Wallachia.

Three times, Wallachia seized land from the Ottomans three times in a row. This achievement was enough to impress the Western gentlemen. Adventurers and mercenaries from HRE and France came to Wallachia to try their luck, but most of them failed. The situation in the East and the West are different. If you want to survive in the East, you have to have great perseverance. Just fine.

Wallachia has begun to expand its navy. In addition to the Black Sea Fleet, the Mediterranean Fleet is also on the agenda. There are a lot of pagan pirates in the Aegean Sea. These are equivalent to gaining experience, which is just a good practice for the fleet.

In Naples, soon-to-be brother-in-law Laszlo received news that he had captured the city of Naples. Louis took advantage of the city's destruction to disguise himself and abscond. Seeing this, the surrounding lords surrendered directly to Laszlo. End of the Civil War in Naples.

After the war, Laszlo decided to marry his fiancée immediately. He prepared a large number of betrothal gifts and sent one to Peter in advance, not only to thank him for his help, but also to continue to place orders. He saw the deterrent effect of artillery in battle, and placed another order with the artillery factory in Wallachia. Order for 50 doors. This is the factory’s biggest deal besides receiving orders from the government.

Laszlo did this, of course, to support his greater ambitions. He wanted the Papal States, Florence, Ferrara, Venice, and even Hungary. His Naples is the largest country in Italy, with developed agriculture and the longest coastline. It is the target of various forces to win over. Now he no longer wants to win over people on a small scale, he wants to step onto a higher stage himself and turn Naples into a unified Italian kingdom.

After returning to the throne, the first order he issued was to increase trade with Wallachia and set aside a place in Orontoto for Wallachian merchants to do business. At the same time, obtain a loan from the Bank of Wallachia and obtain funds to free up your hands.

After Laszlo returned to Naples, the Papal State sent envoys to congratulate him. In fact, you also need to find out the other party's attitude. If you are willing to go north, you must quickly recruit an army to resist. Who makes the Papal State the only land neighbor of Naples. If he is not afraid, who is?

Laszlo also knew that the Catholic Church and the nobility in the country were the biggest forces hindering him, so he turned to promote the development of the Orthodox Church to fight against it. And began to drastically reform internal affairs, strengthen centralization, and at the same time appease the obedient nobles and reduce resistance.

As for the Duchy of Milan, another political power in Italy, the Duke felt that marrying Wallachia was a good choice, so he agreed to the other party's request and sent someone to choose a date for the wedding. Mircea's marriage politics achieved good results for the first time.

As for the marriage request of the King of Bohemia, Mircea thought for a long time. He wanted to agree, but would the princes of the HRE and the nobles of Bohemia agree, especially Sigismund? But he won't give up.

But Wenzel gave too much. In order to get the other party to agree, the conditions included not only Bohemia, but also the title of elector of Brandenburg. Although Brandenburg's current rule The person is his relative. But he has no heirs, so this place will naturally be controlled by him after his death.

At the same time, seeing that he could no longer hide it, Wenzel decided to take a preemptive strike. He announced that the Queen of Bohemia had given birth to a daughter for him, and attended the Luxembourg family gathering with mother and daughter. Sigismund met his niece. , smiling on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about how to let her die.

Then, in full public view, Wenzel announced that he had found a suitable match for Anne. He will go to the other side's country on another day, which means there is not much time left for Sigismund.

The HRE adopts the Salic inheritance law. Even if Wenzel has a daughter, he, as the brother of the King of Bohemia, will inherit these titles, but if someone claims it through her Luxembourg ancestry, it is also dangerous. Who made him become the King of Hungary through his wife's bloodline.

Although Sigismund's strength was greatly reduced at this time, he was still a member of the Luxembourg family second only to Wenzel in strength. Moreover, under his governance, Hungary's economy prospered, and a lot of taxes were collected. The treasury was finally full, and he could do more.

Sales in Hungary are in full swing, and Peter's currency workshop is also in full swing. The profit of more than 100% makes them all very motivated. So much so that the prices of copper and tin have increased.

Since Peter did not say how many counterfeit coins were made, they kept making and making them. Now half a year has passed and the entire Hungary is probably full of counterfeit coins.

Hungarian agriculture also suffered great damage. Because of the high profits of other crops and the low-priced grain ordered by Peter to be sold to Hungary, no nobles were willing to grow grain. This left no nobles and farmers except for a very small number of yeoman farmers. Planted by landowners. And this can be fatal.

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