The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 110 Cooperation

Mary fainted for a whole day and didn't wake up until midnight. She began to reflect on whether she was too good to her husband. If it weren't for his father's matchmaking, he would not have become the King of Hungary.

"Zigmund, I want you to be buried with my child." (Zigmund is pronounced in Hungarian, often translated as Sigismund)

Although Mary wants Sigismund to die, this request is too difficult to achieve. Most of the nobles in Hungary were loyal to him, and a large number of resources were also operated in his hands. Apart from the daughter of Emperor Lajos, the only people Mary could command were the guards in the palace. But it was here that Sigismund also penetrated.

What should she do, was the question on Mary's mind. But her political ability can only be said to be unqualified, and she needs foreign help.

Mary summoned her most trusted maid and asked where Count Ceausescu was.

"Your Majesty, he is in the next room."

Mary was shocked, was he dying here? But at this time, he was Mary's only life-saving straw. After all, he saved her because he wanted to make a deal.

Mary sent for the count while Peter tasted the wine.

Peter waited for a long time in the forest. When Mary was overturned by the horse, he felt that the child could not be saved. It was not until he saw blood flowing from her lower body that he officially knew for sure.

Peter took her into the prepared carriage as quickly as possible, dodging the guards wandering around, and arrived at Mary's court. And use money to clear the way and block the news.

Originally, miscarriage was a terrible thing in the Middle Ages, but because Mary was so young in her pregnancy and there was a royal doctor from Constantinople in the palace, her life was saved.

Historically, Mary was six months pregnant and had a miscarriage after falling off a horse in the forest. Now she was three months younger, so the harm was much less.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty invites you, Your Majesty."

Peter put down his glass and went to Mary's room. Mary was also fully dressed and sitting on a chair, which made Peter feel a little incredible. After all, she had just had a miscarriage and could she sit up?

Peter stepped forward and kissed Mary's hand. Mary drove all the maids out, and then she asked all the questions. Fortunately, Peter had learned Hungarian, otherwise he would have had to have an interpreter.

"How did you know Zigmund wanted to harm me?"

"Whether at home or abroad, everyone knows that the two kings of Hungary have lived apart for a long time. Now that you are pregnant, it is difficult for people to believe that your child is Zigmund's, let alone him."

Mary couldn't refute this reason because it was the truth. But she still wanted to ask how the other party knew she was in trouble today, but Peter said it was all a secret.

"Does Your Majesty want revenge? Do you want to drive him away?"

Peter's question successfully aroused Mary's hatred for Sigismund. She hated him and wanted him to die a miserable death.

"Yes, of course I do. But you also want something, right?"

Peter laughed and said, "Your Majesty is indeed smart. Hungary has oppressed and excluded the Vlach people in Transylvania over the years, and the locals are very resentful."

When it came to Transylvania, Mary was instantly nervous, because even if she wanted revenge, the Hungarian nobles who divided this place would eat her.

"You, who is it?" Mary asked the question in her heart.

Yes, this Count Ceausescu was very different from the nobles she had met. Although he was young, his vision and knowledge exceeded those of the nobles. If he was really a count, then he could not have known that she would have an accident.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" Peter asked.

Mary looked at his face, feeling as if she had seen him somewhere before, and then she remembered the portrait sent by the Wallachian envoy a few days ago.

"You..." Mary was about to say, but Peter spoke.

"It's good for Your Majesty to know, but don't say it explicitly."

Peter took a few steps forward, and Mary carefully observed his appearance. There is a certain maturity on the childish face, and you can never tell what the other person is thinking.

"What do you think, Your Majesty? Do you want to swallow your anger, or do you want revenge?"

Peter's words made Mary determined. She would not let Zigmund monopolize power. She would let him die without a burial.

"Okay, I promise you, but you also have to help me."

"That's natural"

Mary promised Peter that if she could kick Sigismund out of office, everything would be negotiable.

"I hope your Majesty will not break your promise, otherwise I don't know what will happen next?"

Mary knew that this was a threat to her not to reveal today's content, and she also knew the consequences, so she would naturally keep it secret.

But I was still shocked today. I didn't expect that the person in the previous portrait would appear in front of me. And it saved her life, which is incredible.

But now she had no time to marvel, she needed to accumulate strength and break with Sigismund when the time came.

Peter's goal has been achieved. It is the best choice to bring up the unknown Queen of Hungary and weaken or eliminate Sigismund's strength. As for developing other things, that depends on the future.

He exchanged a lot of Hungarian silver coins from his private money, and was not stingy in purchasing land, donating to the Orthodox Church, and bribing small nobles. The Wallachian Church is also very powerful. Following the Transylvanian Diocese, a church has also appeared in Belgrade.

Members of the Andrei Order continued to preach from their bases in Belgrade and Cluj. At this time, the Catholic Church has been deceived by gold coins and beautiful women, and the early missionary spirit has retreated. As long as you pay more, you can be a bishop.

The Catholic Church has formulated a large number of complicated religious rituals, such as Holy Communion, Penance, Good Works, etc., which have become an important way for those theological forces to continuously exploit and oppress the majority of Catholic believers.

The Holy Communion and confession are generally fine, because after all, these are rituals that Catholic believers must perform in daily life. In the end, they do not require too much financial expenditure, so the majority of Catholic believers can choose to accept them. However, rituals such as good deeds that continued to emerge and were performed with increasing frequency in the Middle Ages troubled believers at that time.

Moreover, they openly and blatantly sell "indulgence coupons" in some areas, which means that when people throw coins into the money box, they can find relief and salvation for their souls by virtue of their sincerity. This is robbery in broad daylight. .

The Orthodox Church takes a popular line, using anti-corruption and self-cultivation as propaganda, and using music, literature, medical treatment, etc. as means. In order to highlight the poor treatment of Catholicism and the good treatment of farmers, some residents in the interior of Hungary began to convert. These are the two most important steps to change Hungary.

In fact, I had an idea at the beginning and got it from looking up information.

In fact, this mainly depends on personal quality. For example, you have Ba Laoer and Yueer who adhere to traditional morals, while you also have Man Dadi and An Yi who completely let themselves go in their private lives. Sex drugs and large-scale events with dozens of people were also things you could do at that time.

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