The Doctor In the Steampunk World

Chapter 721: Finally got the second

"It turns out that, I understand." Ryan Onassis was not as greedy as those members of Fossa City, Simon was unwilling to hand over the method of cultivating knights, and he stopped mentioning it immediately.

"However, if you only have this purpose, you can go to the capital. With my connections, it is enough for you to obtain a Warcraft business several times larger than Fossa City." Ryan Onassis suggested that he actually wanted to recruit Simon, if through his introduction, Simon will help to train his subordinates in the future, presumably Simon will not refuse.

"I'm afraid I'll betray your good intentions. The Sword of Disintegration is my most important weapon, I can't give it up, and I can control the secret magic armor of the Mechanical Academy, and I will also have it.

When I must leave Fossa City in the future, I will definitely consider your proposal. "Simon said solemnly.

"I see." Ryan nodded, knowing that Simon didn't want to leave and didn't say more.

"I will find a way to help you with this matter. Today our matter should have reached the ears of the mayor and councilors. It is estimated that they should have a headache now. I will add more fire today, which will be good for you." Ryan smiled. .

"Thank you."

"Hey, why be polite."

Simon stayed here for nearly two hours before leaving, and when he left, Ryan personally sent Simon out of the gate of the manor, which was pretending.

And before leaving, Simon quietly saw with his spiritual eyes that there were indeed several knight-level souls nearby, and it should be the knights of the city hall who were sneaking surveillance.

Not long after Simon returned to the ninth inning, Stellan came to the door again.

"Director, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Count Onassis invited you to his manor today?" Strand said.

"Yes, invited me to have a light meal and chat casually. You don't have to try, I'll just say it straight, he was very interested in my method of training knights and invited me to the capital." Simon said lightly.

"Oh, how did you answer him?" Stellan asked sternly.

"I can only tell you that the conditions he offered were very good, very good. I was very moved," Simon said.

Stellan's face sank. This sentence is undoubtedly telling him that Simon has plans to leave, and this time is not the same as last time. This time is an invitation from the earl of the Federation, an invitation from the powerful Duke family of the Federation. If Simon is willing Leave, they can't stop.

"Your home, your friends are all in Fossa City, I hope you think about it."

"I'll figure it out." Simon said solemnly.

Stellan drew a not-so-good conclusion from Simon's expression and tone, and he persuaded Simon a few more words, but Simon's answers were all ambiguous.

After Stellan left, Simon's interest was not high, and Stellan's several persuasion made his sense of Stellan worse.

After all, Stellan was on the mayor's side, and he was in the interests of Fossa City, not Simon's.

After all, Simon and Simon are not the same.

Orisa felt Simon's depressed mood, took the initiative to comfort him, used her plump body to remove Simon's tiredness and depressed mood for a day, and slept comfortably.

While Simon was sleeping, in the councillor's office in the city hall, the mayor and the major councillors, except for Ryan, gathered here.

Their expressions were not very good, because today Ryan made a request to them, wanting to exchange some price for the disintegrating sword.

They thought it was an offer from Simon after Simon had a secret conversation with Ryan.

This means that Simon already has the mind to leave.

At this point these people are discussing the matter.

"That Gust can leave if he wants to, but the Sword of Disintegration must not be let out." Big Hausen spoke first.

"Let him leave? Don't you know what he means?" an old congressman snorted coldly.

"Of course I know, but since he has stated the direction of cultivating knights, can't it be researched with the ability of the magician of Marx?" Big Hausen replied.

"That is the mysterious medicine of the East. It is so easy to study it."

"A young man who has just become a magician can study it, but the magician Max and the others can't study it, so I don't believe it?" Big Hausen said again.

"Do you think Simon Gust is a young man?" The mayor glanced at Big Hausen and said indifferently.

He continued: "You call a person who has reached the level of the strongest knight, can control the Dark Knight's secret magic armor, knows the oriental secret arts, and even has researched the secret method of cultivating knights that the magician Max has not researched. .

Mr. Hausen, this is a major event related to the development of our Fossa City and the interests of Fossa City. Don't bring in your personal feelings. "

Big Hausen's face was gloomy.

The mayor continued: "Even if Simon Gust doesn't have a secret technique for cultivating knights, and even if the magician Max can research it, can he give up Simon Gust?

The Dragon Tooth Knight no longer has the strongest combat power, and the Kai'Sa Knight has not grown up yet. Now who can make up for the vacant position of the strongest knight.

And how old is Simon Gust, his upper limit is almost incomprehensible, if such a genius is given This will be the biggest loss in the history of our Fossa City. "

"Mayor, your words are a bit serious, but it is true. It is indeed a great loss to give up him." A member of the assembly said.

"And Simon Gust said that his method of cultivating knights is still very rough, and it can be further improved. Do you know the weight of this?"

"But this Simon Gust is not easy to control. The case of the disintegrating sword is an example." Big Hausen said, pointing out the most feared topic of these old congressmen. These old congressmen definitely do not want Buddha There are people in Sasha who are beyond their control.

"Control? You want to control Simon Gust? Hehe, you're pushing a terrible genius into someone else's hands.

Not everyone in this world can be controlled, and those top geniuses cannot be controlled if you say they are controlled.

Now that the Earl of Onassis is involved, Simon Gust cannot be controlled by us. "

Members of Congress, you are arguing with me. This time, the former members of the Congress with Big Howson no longer support him, because this time the interests are bigger and the variables are bigger.

"Stellan, you can talk about it." Seeing that the mayor was arguing, he asked Stellan to speak.

The other councilors stayed silent, wanting to hear the opinions of the smartest people in Fossa City.

"First of all, it has been confirmed that the Earl of Onassis and Simon have reached some kind of agreement, if the city hall pushes too much, he will leave.

If Simon really falls into the Onassis family, Earl Ryan Onassis will definitely use the family power to bring the Sword of Disintegration back. The containment of the so-called disintegrating sword is useless at all. "Stland said lightly.

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