The Director of Music Department

One hundred and fifty-four. The Peerless Good Dog

"Mask" is finally on the 26th day of its release, and its box office has exceeded 500 million. It has truly become a big director of 500 million. Don't look at the domestic box office limit of a single movie that has been increasing every year, but in fact, hundreds of movies are released every year. , but how many films can exceed 100 million at the box office? Not even 10!

So this further proves that Wu Han's 500 million box office is awesome. Although 600 million seems to be a long way off, and the extension key cannot be obtained, the final box office of "Mask" is very sad, but such a figure has already Enough for The Mask to dominate in May.

The box office of "Mask" exceeded 500 million news, and it naturally made headlines.

However, Wu Han was particularly depressed today, because the movie "Mask", which was originally a thriving film, broke the headlines at the box office of 500 million, but in the end, it was not the one that attracted the most attention.

The news that attracted the most attention today is the news about Wang Yifan, that guy has messed up again.

Times Light and Shadow, Wang Yifan's Star Dream Entertainment, and Oriental TV Station jointly held a press conference.

A talent show was launched. These days, almost every TV station has a talent show, and it has become a standard feature of the TV station. There are so many tricks such as singer talent show, host competition, street dance competition, etc.

It stands to reason that a talent show should not be so grand, nor would it be favored by the media.

But after learning about the content of the draft, let alone ordinary people or the media, even Wu Han was stunned, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

The press conference jointly held by Times Light \u0026 Shadow, Xingmeng Entertainment, and Dongfang TV this time is indeed an audition, and it is for Wang Yifan's new movie "The Story of Hachiko"!

It's actually not a new thing to choose actors for movie casting. Some people have done it before, but why did it ignite the topic when it came out this time? Direct airborne headlines?

Because of the special meow, although the actor is also selected, but this time, people are not selected, but dogs, and several dogs are selected at a time, and dogs of all ages are selected.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the dog's salary!

The highest salary of one million yuan, this is the dog's salary, it is precisely because of this salary reward that it directly ignited the topic.

You know, at this stage, to be able to earn millions of dollars as an actor, you must be at least a second-tier actor, right? Many small third-tier actors, acting in a movie, can earn hundreds of thousands at most, which is considered rich for the crew, let alone those literary films.

But this time, although he knew that Wang Yifan offered such a high salary for the promotion of the movie, he couldn't bear it. The salary of a million yuan is really attractive, and it is conceivable that after the selected dog actor acts in the movie, That's a pet star too.

Therefore, for pet lovers across the country, this is simply something that cannot be refused.

In fact, Wang Yifan really wanted to cast roles at first, but later found that if he really chose according to the requirements of the movie, then the program would probably be much less interesting, so in the end, this talent show had to be divided into several categories for selection. .

There are not too many people who keep pets these days, and dogs are the most popular animals for pet owners. After all, dogs are man's best friend.

Then Wang Yifan posted his dog "eight treasure porridge" in his personal circle of friends.

As a result, pet lovers on the Internet have posted their dogs.

Netizens complained one after another.

"Fuck, people are really inferior to dogs these days."

"Whoever pays me a million dollars, I really want to be a dog!"

"Upstairs, you can't get a million even if you are a dog!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? By the way, my family also has a mangy dog."

"It is said that the dog is in the power of the man, but now it is really the man who is in the power of the dog."

The topic of a dog actor's million-dollar salary immediately became hot all over the Internet.

Of course, the title of the "Peerless Good Dog" talent show was also complained about.

However, it still cannot resist the enthusiasm of the majority of pet lovers.

The talent show of "Peerless Good Dog" immediately caught people's novelty-seeking mentality, and immediately became popular all over the Internet.

And soon "Peerless Good Dog" announced the rules of the audition.

The threshold for the audition can be said to be zero, and the rules are very simple.

It will be held on Dongfang Weishi, an app owned by Huaguo Dongfang TV. All dog owners who want to participate in the competition can shoot a short video and upload it to Dongfang Weishi's "Peerless Good Dog" audition channel.

The top thirty-two contestants will be determined by online voting by the majority of users, and the knockout stage will be broadcast live by Oriental TV.

The owner of Chen Lan's pet shop, she opened this pet shop because she really loves small animals. Usually, she often sends some short videos of her pet love to Dongfang Weishi, and many clicks are quite good.

Chen Lan is a person with a story. She had an unlucky marriage in her early years. She met a gambler, lost all her family property, and even set fire to her house. It was Chen Lan's dog who saved her life. Unfortunately, the dog went back to save the male owner. When I was there, I never came out again.

For this reason, for the rest of Chen Lan's life after the catastrophe, she was not sad at the death of her gambler husband, but cried for a long time holding the dead body of her pet dog.

After that, she opened the "Wangbao Pet Shop", and the dog was named Wangbao back then.

Living alone with these pets, Chen Lan felt that it was enough.

Of course, Chen Lan knew about the "Peerless Good Dog" audition. Speaking of which, he was also grateful for this audition. The sales of pet dogs in the store surged in the past two days.

It's not that everyone wants to get the million dollars, but this event has sparked a dog-raising craze, especially on the Internet, many people have posted their own precious pet dogs, all kinds of cute pet dogs, which can turn people's cuteness up.

Chen Lan is actually not that interested in participating in the competition, but she likes this event. It is a good event to see so many cute little guys and make more people fall in love with dogs.

However, despite this, she still carefully shot a group of dog-loving videos, and after some processing, she plans to upload them for a try.

What if it really stood out?

But after she opened it, she was surprised to find that the "Peerless Good Dog" channel had more than 10 million clicks. You must know that the "Peerless Good Dog" campaign has only been launched for 3 days. .

There is actually a video with more than 10 million likes.

The video automatically buffers and plays.

Then, Chen Lan's eyes widened, because she saw a dog wearing a princess dress and a little princess crystal crown, and it was standing.

The key is that it actually holds a microphone in its claws.

Standing in the middle of the stage, under the spotlight, it looks so handsome, well, this is undoubtedly a beautiful dog.

Then it bowed to the camera like a human being, then turned its head and gestured a big dog thumb to the band beside it, and then snapped its fingers, of course it was dubbed, i!

It can be said that Chen Lan's three views have been refreshed. Is Wang Xingren so awesome?

Then, the melody of music sounded! It's a very cheerful rhythm, and the handsome dog singer actually beats the rhythm of the music!

These are nothing, when the handsome dog opened his voice, Chen Lan almost threw the phone out!

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