Lin Xin sighed, she couldn't understand the key to the case. These two cases seem uncomplicated, but very tricky, because they have no way to guess the identity of the murderer, and there is no good clue to find the whereabouts of the suspect who killed the two dead women.

In fact, the most frustrating thing is that the two cases may be different. Therefore, it is necessary to spend more energy to find the identities of two completely unrelated murderers.

"Officer Lin, why don't we eat first?" Officer Tang drove the car to the door of the Public Security Bureau and said to her, turning his head.

"Okay, I haven't eaten for a day. We'll be full in a while, and we have to have a meeting. I have something to discuss with you." Lin Xin said quickly.

She got out of the car and hurried to the canteen of the Public Security Bureau following Officer Tang.

Several people hurriedly finished their dinner in the cafeteria, and then walked again in the direction of the meeting hall with Officer Tang.

As soon as Lin Xin stepped into the conference hall, she walked to a white board in the conference hall. She bent down and took a red marker, and then quickly wrote a few large characters on the whiteboard.

"The model's standard figure, height, and high heels."

After Lin Xin finished writing, she put the pen aside and turned to face the other three people. She glanced at the crowd with a pair of eyes, and asked: "Based on our survey and the simple views that Yang Cong gave, all I can think of are these three points. After you read what I wrote, what do you have? Any other ideas?"

The three people looked at the words written by Lin Xin, thinking about them separately, but they couldn't connect them together anyway.

Seeing everyone's lips pressed tightly, Lin Xin was obviously confused by the few big characters she wrote on the whiteboard, and her eyes showed blank glances. So, she sighed deeply and said: "Actually, I am the same as you. There is no way to connect these three ideas together."

She paused, then said: "However, I think we can make some assumptions about these ideas."

Lin Xin set her eyes on Mei Hua's body and asked, "Mei Hua, why don't you tell me your opinion on these two cases?"

Mei Hua thought about it and said, "Sister Lin, I think the murderer may really prefer tall women because he wants to get the other's high heels. He likes high heels, so he wants to wear them. There are many murderers. The high probability is a man, so he must find a woman who is the same height as him, or a woman who is taller, so that he can find shoes of the same size as him, so that he can wear them easily."

Lin Xin nodded and said, "Very good. He wants to wear high heels. He likes high heels, so he must find a woman whose height is similar to him, so that he can wear these beautiful high heels for himself. Then, problem. Here, why does he want to put on high heels?"

After asking this question, she turned her head and asked Yang Cong: "Why do you think?"

Seeing Lin Xin suddenly throwing the problem to herself, Yang Cong immediately showed an awkward look and said, "Sister Lin... I... I don't know. I'm a boy, so I don't understand this kind of thing... This kind of strange idea."

Lin Xin saw that his appearance was a little funny, so she smiled, and said, "Yang Cong, whoever said that being a male can't have such an idea. You should boldly guess it, I think if it is from a male's point of view Looking at this issue, maybe we can get more reliable information and clues from it."

Yang Cong opened her mouth wide when she heard it. How could he think of this as a straight man, but since his boss has asked this question, he must give her an answer anyway.

Seeing him sitting there stupidly, Lin Xin raised her eyebrows and asked, "Yang Cong, when you were little, did you see your mother painting makeup?"

"Look... I've seen it." Yang Cong said hesitatingly.

"Then what kind of thoughts do you have in your mind after seeing it? Is there any urge you also want to try?" Lin Xin continued to ask.

Yang Cong glanced at Lin Xin, then turned his head to glance at Officer Mei Hua and Tang again, she was a little embarrassed.

"Yang Cong, let's go, no one here will laugh at you. We also did an experiment because of the case, just to hear some of your men's thoughts." Lin Xin said to Yang Cong in a tone of encouragement.

Seeing that Yang Cong was still hesitating, Officer Tang said, "Oh, Officer Yang, what's so embarrassing! I used to want to learn when I saw my mother cook when I was a kid. But, that's also true. Doesn’t it mean that I have to be a housewife? Although I am not a housewife now, I can still cook good dishes! Especially when I don’t have a case in my hands, I will go home early and cook for my wife and children. Seeing them eating with relish, I am also very satisfied! Hahaha!"

When Police Officer Tang said this, he couldn't help but think of his wife and child who was still at home waiting for his return, with a gentle smile on his face.

After listening to Yang Cong, when he saw that Officer Tang still maintained his heroic character and behavior, he also began to feel no embarrassment for what he had done when he was a child. So he raised his head to look at Lin Xin, and began to look at Lin Xin's questions in a positive light.

He only heard him say: "When I was a child, I was very curious when I saw my mother put on makeup. Especially when I saw her apply lipstick to my lips, it felt very fresh. I took hers later. Lipstick, I looked at it carefully for a long time, and then one morning I gave my mother a suggestion that I should put makeup on her face and put on lipstick or something."

"Then, what response did your mother give you?" Lin Xin asked.

Yang Cong scratched her head and smiled embarrassedly: "My mother agreed. Then, I carefully put makeup and lipstick on her face. Although it was ugly, I was very satisfied with myself. A masterpiece, because I feel that I finally accomplished something that an adult can accomplish. I remember that on that day, I was happy for a long time, and my mother also said that I have grown up and know how to apply makeup to women."

Lin Xin smiled and nodded. She suddenly changed the subject and asked, "So, did you also give your girlfriend something to do?"

Yang Cong showed a hint of surprise after hearing this. He couldn't help asking: "Lin... Sister Lin, are you a ghost? How do you know everything?"

His question drew great laughs from Officer Mei Hua and Officer Tang.

"What are you laughing at?" Yang Cong asked blushing.

"Oh, our Yang Cong turned out to be such a gentle and considerate man." Mei Hua smiled and reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Plum, you are enough, don't let my business go to the Federal Bureau indiscriminately!" Yang Cong warned her and said.

"Don't worry, I won't spread it indiscriminately. When I was a kid, I also liked playing boy stuff, but after playing it, I didn't necessarily become a boy, so what is your embarrassment about you. Moreover, Sister Lin asked Your questions must have her intentions too, don't you think Sister Lin?" Mei Hua turned her head to look at Lin Xin and asked.

Lin Xin nodded with satisfaction. It seems that the boring meeting just now couldn't make everyone speak out the thoughts in their heads, but now because of one of their own problems, everyone started to talk about fun things in their childhood, and at the same time they stimulated their thoughts on the case.

Then, the whole conference hall became a lot easier because of everyone's little troubles.

After Yang Cong and Police Officer Tang talked about their childhood deeds, some ideas came to their minds unanimously.

Yang Cong suddenly realized that at this time, he asked, "Sister Lin, you mean the murderer who killed Peng Jingchun likes to wear high heels?"

Officer Tang asked: "Officer Lin, do you mean that the murderer who killed Chen Yanling likes to wear her underwear?"

Lin Xin walked to the whiteboard again, pointed at the big characters she had written, and said: "I don't know if the murderers really like wearing high heels, let alone if they like wearing women's underwear. But From your little story, I got a message, that is satisfaction."

After a pause, she pointed to a few large characters on the whiteboard, and said again: "The female models have a more standard figure than ordinary women, and their figures can support the designer's clothes. However, when they wear After putting on high heels, the whole figure becomes more slender and can perfectly hold up the clothes worn on the body, which gives designers a great sense of satisfaction. However, their satisfaction lies in their profession, yes I have very strong self-confidence in the clothes I designed. But what about rapists? What do you think their satisfaction depends on?"

When Lin Xin said this, she was able to know an answer from the faces of Yang Cong and others.

So she immediately said again: "Now, let's make an assumption. If the murderers of the two murders are different criminals, then after the first murderer killed Peng Jingchun, he is likely to try to wear her. High heels.” Lin Xin paused, looked at the crowd, and said again: “Then, the second female deceased, she has no underwear and underwear, so we can assume that the other murderer who killed Chen Yanling also had a lot of Probably want to try to put on her underwear, etc. But why do these two murderers want to kill? If they like women's high heels and underwear so much, why don't they buy them themselves? Now that online shopping is so convenient, if they are embarrassed personally If they go to buy, then they can buy these feminine products anonymously online, don't you think?"

So, in the end, the murderer selectively invaded and then killed two women. What was it for?

At this moment, Officer Tang said in a calm voice: "They are looking for the satisfaction of sexual stimulation."

Lin Xin turned to look at Officer Tang, nodded and said, "Yes. Just looking at the things they are obsessed with, they can't get any sexual stimulation at all. However, when the thing they are obsessed with is put on by a certain woman, that This feeling may be different again... It's like the designer doesn't feel anything at all when looking at the clothes in his hand, but when the clothes he designed are worn on the female model, the feeling is different..."

Although Lin Xin's words were plain, when these thoughts passed through everyone's minds, they immediately felt a burst of horror. . .

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