The Demon King Against the Sky

Chapter 482 Hongjun Proving the Way (fourth more)

The Daoist of Destiny who has not yet joined the Dao, after uniting with Hongjun, Hongjun at this time can display the law control and the mighty power of heaven and earth at the level of a saint.

Therefore, it was extremely easy for Hongjun to open up the world to prove the way of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and with the assistance of the three great treasures of Kaitian, Hongjun was even more relaxed.

After the Twelve Dao's complete opening of the Dao of Heaven, one world was formed, and the spirit of law merged into the small world, and then gave back to Hongjun, making Hongjun prove the Dao in body, and then the primordial spirit became the "consciousness of the Dao of Heaven" of one world.

Afterwards, the golden wheel of law emerges, the three essences are close to the four,

Hongjun's proving of the Dao has just begun, and the top three levels of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal only need to retreat and comprehend the fourth-level realm, and then he can enter the middle stage of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

The three components of the Heaven-Opening Merit were given to the three most precious treasures, just like before Yangmei, and the rest were distributed in the newly opened world and Hongjun's body.

After that, Hongjun needed to retreat to consolidate the small world, and also needed to consolidate his own cultivation, so fate left Hongjun and Taichu.

For the two who returned, Destiny Hongjun invited Taichu to preach with him on Honghuang.

But it was rejected at the beginning, it was unnecessary.

Besides, Destiny Hongjun needs to gather the prehistoric luck to join the Dao, and coming by himself will only share his luck, which is not good for him.

And it's useless to show off the limelight by yourself, you should know it, you don't know that you don't need to show your strength to them.

However, for Zhen Yuanzi, Taichu gave a notice, asking Zhen Yuanzi to come and listen to the sermon, so as to prepare for the sage status after obtaining the Primordial Purple Qi in the future.


In the early days, he inquired about Destiny Hongjun's method of proving the Tao with the three corpses, and found that it was the same as he thought, and it was not a complete method of proving the Tao with the three corpses.

It is very precious to the beings who hear the sermon, but it is not the perfect kind.

Because it is useless to be consummated, the power of listening to the Tao is almost sanctified with the help of merit, and it is impossible to realize the realm of Hunyuan by yourself after endless years of accumulation.

What's more, the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is even more difficult to comprehend after the consummation of the heavenly way.

Even Hongjun has realized nearly a calamity, let alone them.

Saint? You only need to rely on merit and the primordial purple energy to become a saint, and you don't need to comprehend the profound realm.

If you realize the realm by yourself, then you don't need the so-called Primordial Purple Qi?

The way of heaven is about to be complete, and there will not be too many such detached existences.

There are already Sihai, Wangshu, Luya, Yangmei and others who are difficult to control, and it will be difficult to handle a few more.

Not to mention Zu Lin, Zu Feng, and Zu Long who have already comprehended the law by themselves in the later stage, they are much more difficult to control than the saints.

The saint entrusts the three corpses with the innate spirit treasure, and the innate spirit treasure is a corner of the heavenly way, which can just merge with the heavenly way. The heavenly way controls the saint and the quasi-sage who beheaded the corpse by entrusting the three corpses.

The masters in the future will all be under the control of Tiandao, which will help suppress the ambitions of this group of people.

Tiandao is afraid that there is no way to check and balance, and it will be bad for them to destroy the world and destroy the earth.

What Honghuang needs most is growth and enhancement, not the consumption of self-infighting.

From the appearance of the Dao Wheel of Heaven, and the inheritance of the Dao of Heaven to the great gods, these great powers who have experienced the Dao Wheel of Heaven and accepted the inheritance have already owed the karma of the Dao of Heaven under the layout of the Dao of Heaven.

The way of heaven is for today's situation, to control everyone's situation.

As long as you follow the plan of the Heavenly Dao, you can slowly restore the origin of the prehistoric world. When the Heavenly Dao grows to a certain level, you can completely lift this suppression. At that time, these great powers will still have a certain degree of freedom.


Will such a situation happen? Don't you think so at first?

There are plenty of smart people, and there are not one or two people who calculate the way of heaven. Even those who have made the layout in advance have completed the layout, and the way of heaven can only continue.

What's more, Destiny Hongjun has calculations and wisdom at the moment, but after joining the Dao, he is almost the same as the Dao of Heaven, and he can only follow the rules.

Although this rule is supreme, it does not mean that it is necessarily correct, nor does it mean that no one can figure out the calculations behind the rules.

It may also be because of this reason that fate is extraordinarily friendly to Taichu. He has many rules to check and balance, but Taichu does not.

It is entirely possible to plan better by cooperating with Taichu.

In the beginning, he was considered an 'accomplice'.

The two have a common purpose, and this purpose is to strengthen Honghuang and make Honghuang last forever.

For this goal, the two can join forces, or sacrifice one's interests to achieve the future.

As for the creatures who will be controlled, Taichu can only say sorry, who made your existence hinder the growth of the prehistoric, who made you not strong?

Weakness is the original sin, and it can be sacrificed for the prehistoric.

Therefore, in the early days, he discussed with Taoist Fate.

"The catastrophe of the Lich is inevitable, and it belongs to the supreme rule that must be experienced to complete the prehistoric world, but you can plan for it after that." The Taoist of Destiny said.

"Hey!" Taichu sighed, "Fate, don't think too much about it. We can control other people's destiny, but who controls our destiny? After all, it's all a struggle under the 'origin of Tao' Many are difficult to change, what we can change is always a small part, and maximizing this small part is the best situation."

Taichu said again: "Besides, you only represent a part of the Dao of Heaven. Don't forget about Luo Hu. As long as the living beings have desires, you can't control everything. All we can do is guide it. Don't let the worst happen. .”

In the beginning, I don't believe that everything can be predicted.

Even if it is the Dao of Heaven, Hongjun Destiny can only represent part of it, otherwise what would happen to Luo Hu?

It seems that the supreme rules restrict destiny, but why are these supreme rules laying down an unshakable foundation?

"Fellow Daoist in the early days said that, after all, I have received few inheritances at this time. Maybe I will really understand after I really get along with the Dao. I take it for granted at this moment." Fate Hongjun agreed.

"Destiny, after you really get along with the Dao, after you really understand the supreme rule, you won't plan like this at this moment, because the plan is useless, it is better to evolve with the evolution, not to mention, you and I work together, I feel that nothing can stop us , may not be the best situation, but definitely not the worst situation." Tai Chu said.

At this time, the fate is not in harmony, so I still want to plan with emotion.

However, Taichu poured cold water on him and told him that he was thinking too much. Under the highest rules, he could arrange whatever he wanted, which was impossible.

Why do we need rules when everything can be arranged?

Why do you need Rahu to represent negative?

Why even need balance?

Seeking the truth because of the unknown, and the way of heaven wants to grow, isn't it a kind of truth-seeking and exploration?

The way of heaven needs to be explored, how can his little spokesperson be detached?

The original source, the most original source of Tao, is too mysterious, and it is absolutely impossible to predict...

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