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When the book was put on the shelves, it had 4700 favorites, with an average rating of 340. Today, three months later, it has 9100 favorites, with an average rating of 865. This is the result of your strong support.

Zuiyue thanks all the bosses who subscribed to this book, and thank you for your genuine subscription.

However, the high subscription of this book is close to 1200, which means that at least nearly 400 book friends went to watch the pirated version when they saw the paid chapters.

Therefore, Zuiyue would like to appeal here, please help me to make the balance reach more than four digits of 1000.

I can't guarantee anything, I can only say that when the order is full of 1,000, Zuiyue Ten will thank you all the big guys.

Finally, I would like to ask Zuiyue for a helping hand, please subscribe to the genuine version, thank you guys, and I also ask you guys.

Especially book lovers who read pirated editions, come back and support them.

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