The Day I Checked In In the City

Chapter 66: previous video

Originally, Li Xu planned to take his parents to play in Bingzhou for a few days, but they both disagreed.

Wang Guixiang was thinking about her newly bought house and was anxious to go back and have a look.

Li Lianbo was actually thinking about driving back to his hometown, euphemistically saying that he would go back to see Li Xu's grandparents.

It's self-evident what the idea was.

So they only visited the scenic spots near Bingzhou for a day and hurried back to Eastern Qi Province.

In fact, Li Xu doesn't want to stay any longer. Signing in at the scenic spot always gets him a sign-in reward to soothe his mood and repair his fatigue. For him who has already received sub-health recovery treatment, it is useless.

Another reason is that his Braised Chicken arrived, and a small cargo compartment full of Delilong Dezhou Braised Chicken.

Li Xu has never even heard of the name, but it looks like it was produced by a small company.

You said it would be inappropriate to throw it on the street. After all, it is something to eat, and it will be struck by lightning.

There is no way but to take the goods.

Gao Qiang was very quick in his work. He found a small warehouse where he had just changed his store, and just put it in it.

He also took two bags and went back to taste them. The taste was good, both salty and sweet.

Li Xu didn't stay long in Yizhou, because he was burdened with the burden of his parents-bring his girlfriend back during Chinese New Year, otherwise he would not enter the house.

Under such a heavy responsibility, he left for Jeju just after lunch.

Familiar Daben, familiar comfort, Li Xu comfortably hummed the new song "Flowers in the Water", which was signed by people singing in the square of Bingzhou University of Technology last night.

"These flying flowers have fallen, and the affection of the past has long been empty. This flowing water is passing by in a hurry, who can keep it for a moment..."

While singing happily, the phone rang, and it was Gao Min who called.

"Brother Li, where have you been recently, it's been a long time since I saw your person." The voice was still numb and numb.

"I sent my sister to school, what's the matter?" Li Xu asked.

"Can't I call you if I have nothing to do?" Gao Minjiao said angrily.

"Yes, why can't you, who doesn't like to hear beautiful women on the phone!" Li Xu laughed.

"Gumbling, Brother Li, what business are you doing now?" Gao Min suddenly changed the subject and asked.

What business are you doing? A picture suddenly flashed in Li Xu's mind, and he said, "Catering! Small business!"

"Are you still short of people?" Gao Min continued to ask.

"Lack of people? What's the matter? Are you going to resign? My little temple can't hold your big Buddha!" ​​Li Xu didn't dare to agree directly, and asked casually.

"No, it's a relative from my hometown. I want to come to the provincial capital to work. I don't have many business friends here, so I have to ask Brother Li!"

"Well, I just set up a booth at the school. It's not a big deal! There's nothing I can do." Li Xu didn't want to get involved in the cafeteria, so he left it to Chen Xiaojie.

"Oh, then forget it!" Gao Min's tone was a little low, and then he smiled: "Come back and find time to eat together!"

"Okay, I'll find you when I have time!" Li Xu replied with a smile.

After he hung up the phone, Gao Min, who was far away in Jeju, put down the phone.

"How is it? What did he say he did?" He Ming looked at Gao Min earnestly.

"He said he set up a booth in the school cafeteria!" Gao Min said lazily: "What's wrong with you? Haven't been slapped enough by him yet?"

"Look at this!" He Ming handed her the phone, and a video was playing on it.

The protagonist of the video is singer Mo Chen.

I only heard him say, "I heard that my good brother Li Xu's sister is getting married..."

"This is?" Gao Min asked in surprise.

"Where else!" He Ming turned up another video, which seemed to be a video of Li Xu's circle of friends sharing the travel scenery and luxury hotels in Nanyun.

"This is the Li Xu I know?" Gao Min's eyes were round, and he pretended to be incredulous.

"I'm surprised too. So your colleague is not easy! Minmin, you must find a way to help me catch him, so Minmin! Please!" He Ming wrapped around Gao Min's arm like a child coquettish.

Gao Min's expression changed slightly, and she smiled reluctantly: "Okay, I see. I will definitely help!"

"That's great, let's go, I'll invite you to eat Mala Tang!" He Ming said happily.

"Okay!" The corners of Gao Min's mouth raised slightly.

When Li Xu arrived in Jeju, it was almost six in the afternoon. He did not stop and drove the car to the gate of Jeju University.

After making a phone call, Chen Xiaojie walked out and said, "Brother Li, why are you here? The cafeteria was not decorated at night!"

"I didn't come to see the cafeteria. You can take care of that place!" Li Xu said with a smile.

"I, I just want to help you share some of the work! You always help me!" Chen Xiaojie said shyly.

"Good job!" Li Xu rubbed her hair and laughed.

Chen Xiaojie was taken aback by his sudden hand out. After feeling that he was rubbing her head, she said with a choked mouth, "I'm going to attend my sister's birthday in a while, and you're all messed up!"

"What senior? Oh, isn't that what you said last time?" Li Xu was taken aback.

Chen Xiaojie nodded.

"Can I go?" Li Xu suddenly asked.

"I don't know, then I'll ask Senior Sister!!" After Chen Xiaojie said that, she actually called Senior to bring someone? OK, yes! "Sister's reply was straightforward.

"Sister said yes!" Chen Xiaojie said seriously.

Yes, Li Xu's eloquent words turned into a "ticket" to attend the birthday banquet!

"It's no fun for me to go to your students' party!" Li Xu retreated.

"But I've already told Senior Sister!" Chen Xiaojie suddenly whispered after speaking, "And I want to go with you too!"

"What did you say?" Li Xu was stunned for a moment, and vaguely heard what Chen Xiaojie said there.

"It's nothing!" Chen Xiaojie smirked, like a child who steals candy and is afraid of being discovered.

"Let's go, go buy a present for your senior!" Li Xu took her by the hand and walked outside the school.

There are many supermarkets and clothing stores outside the school. Li Xu asked about the situation of the senior and bought a bottle of cosmetic sunscreen.

Li Xu bought a lot of things for Chen Xiaojie, but she rejected them all.

If you refuse to be useful, then the world will be peaceful.

Li Xu ignored her and threw it on the back seat.

Outside Jeju University, there is a private room in Wenxuan Restaurant, which is filled with eight or nine students who look like students.

One of the young men in a silk t-shirt smiled and said to a calm-looking young man who was standing above him: "Brother Pan, there is a game tomorrow, will you go?"

The young man known as Brother Pan shook his head and said, "I'm not interested, and I don't have a professional runway. Besides, my old man won't let me mix it up."

The silky sympathetic youth looked at a young girl sitting in the middle and said, "Shi Lei, are your elementary school girls still here?"


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